Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyn.s 49 (i.e., John) or “the Apocalypse”? Which of these two antecedents “was seen” “almost” in Irenaeus’s time and near “the end of the reign of Domitian”? Swete records for us a significant observation from master expositor F. J. A. Hort: “Dr. Hort, it appears, in his lectures on the Apocalypse referred to an article by M. J. Bovan in the Revue de Theologie et de Philosophti (Lausanne, 1887), in which it was suggested that the subject of&opa@ in Iren. v. 30.3 is not rj &IoKcLhxpzc but d njv &ioKciJvyw $opaK6ro

50 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL S. H. Chase, the writer of one of the most persuasive and comprehensive articles on this matter, heard Hort’s May, 1889, lecture and recorded some of that very lecture: My note is as follows . . . : – ‘The passage of Irenaeus is urged against dating the Apocalypse shortly after Nero’s death. A suggestion, however, has been made in a French periodical: it is a question of the interpretation of Irenaeus. The writer raised the question whether Irenaeus means to say that the Apocalypse itself belongs to Domitian’s reign. What is the subject of .40pa0q? He or it? For the latter note the phrase just used [i.e. T05 Kaz’ rr)v ChTOK&@JW ~opcrK6zo

Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyn.s 49<br />

(i.e., John) or “the Apocalypse”? Which of these two antecedents<br />

“was seen” “almost” in Irenaeus’s time and near “the end of the reign<br />

of Domitian”? Swete records for us a significant observation from<br />

master expositor F. J. A. Hort: “Dr. Hort, it appears, in his lectures<br />

on the Apocalypse referred to an article by M. J. Bovan in the Revue<br />

de Theologie et de Philosophti (Lausanne, 1887), in which it was suggested<br />

that the subject of&opa@ in Iren. v. 30.3 is not rj &IoKcLhxpzc<br />

but d njv &ioKciJvyw $opaK6ro

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