Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


36 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL James M. Macdonald, T& L~e and Writings o~flt.~ohn (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1877). Frederick Denisen Maurice, Le?ctures on the Apoca@e, 2nd ed. (London: Macmillan, 1885). John David Michaelis, Introduction to tk New Testament, vol. 4; and Saaed Books ~th New lhtamnt. [1] Charles Pettit M’Ilvaine, l% Evidemes of ChrLtiani~ (Philadelphia: Smith, English & Co., 1861). A. D. Momigliano, Cambridge Azzient Histoy ( 1934). [5] Theodor Mommsen, Roman Histoy, vol. 5. [7] Charles Herbert Morgan, et. al., Studies in the A#ostolic Church (New York: Eaton and Mains, 1902), pp. 210ff. C. F. D. Moule, The Birth of th New Testament, 3rd ed. (New York: Harper & Row, 1982), p. 174.56 John Augustus Wilhelm Neander, The Histoty of th Planting and Training of tlu Christian Church by the Apostles, trans. J. E. Ryland (Philadelphia: James M. Campbell, 1844), pp. 223ff. [3, 6,8] Sir Isaac Newton, Obsewatiom Upon the Proph.aies of Daniel, and the Apoca@pse ofSt. John (London: 1732). [2] Bishop Thomas Newton, Dissertation on th Prophecies (London: 1832). [2] A. Niermeyer, Over de echteid derJohanneisch.e Schrjj2en (Haag: 1852). [3) Alfred Plummer (1891). [1] Edward Hayes Plumtree, A Popular Exposition of th Epistles to the Seven Churches ofAsia, 2nd ed. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1879). T. Randell, “Revelation” in H. D. M. Spence &Joseph S. Exell, eds., The Pulpit Cornmenta~, vol. 22 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, rep. 1950). James J. L. Ratton, The Apoca@pse of St. John (London: R. & T. Washbourne, 1912). Ernest Renan, L’A%echrist (Paris: 1871). [6] 56. Moule’s position seems to reflect a cautious subscription to the early dating of Revelation while he is – under the influence of Robinson’s analysis – moving away from a late date advocacy: “. . neither can any part of the Apocalypse be securely given a Domitianic date” (p. 153). “The Apocalypse maybe before A.D. 70” (p. 174).

Tie Approach to the Quextion of Dating 37 Eduard Wilhelm Eugen Reuss, Histo~ of the Sacred Scrip@res of the New I%stament (Edinburgh: T. &T. Clark, 1884). [3,4,6] Jean Reville, Reu. d. d. Mondes (Oct., 1863 and Dec., 1873). [3] 57 J. W. Roberts, Th Revelation to John (Austin, TX: Sweet, 1974). Edward Robinson, Bibliotheca Smra, vol. 3 (1843), pp. 532ff. John A. T. Robinson, Redating the New I%tament (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1976). J. Stuart Russell, The Parou.sia (Grand Rapids: Baker, [1887] 1983). W. Sanday (1908).58 Philip Schaff, H&toy of the Christian Church, 3rd cd., vol. 1: Apostolic Christian@ (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, [1910] 1950), p. 834. Johann Friedrich Schleusner.59 J. H. Scholten, de ApostelJohannti in Klein Azie (Leiden: 1871). [1] Albert Schwegler, Da Nachapostol Zeitalter (1846). [3] J. J. Scott, The Apoca~pse, or Revelation of S. John the Divim (London: John Murray, 1909). Edward Condon Selwyn, Th Christian Prophets and the Apoca~pse (Cambridge: 1900); and The Authorship of the Apoca@pse (1900). Henry C. Sheldon, The Ear@ Church, vol. 1 of Histoy of the Christian Church (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1894), pp. 112ff. William Henry Simcox, The Revelation of St. John Divine. The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1893). D. Moody Smith, “A Review of John A. T. Robinson’s Redating tk New Estament,” Duke Divinip School Review 42 (1977): 193-205. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, SermorLS and Essays on the Apostolic Age (3rd ed: Oxford and London: 1874), pp. 234ff. [6] Rudolf Ewald Stier ( 1869). [3] Augustus H. Strong, Systematic 77wologY (Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, [1907] 1970, p. 1010). 57. For source documentation see Milligan, Apoca~@e, p. 142. 58. Cited in Hort, Apoca~pse, p. iv. 59. Cited in P. S. Desprez, The ApocaJ@se Ful@lled, 2nd ed. (London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, 1855), p. 2.

Tie Approach to the Quextion of Dating 37<br />

Eduard Wilhelm Eugen Reuss, Histo~ of the Sacred Scrip@res of the New<br />

I%stament (Edinburgh: T. &T. Clark, 1884). [3,4,6]<br />

Jean Reville, Reu. d. d. Mondes (Oct., 1863 and Dec., 1873). [3] 57<br />

J. W. Roberts, Th Revelation to John (Austin, TX: Sweet, 1974).<br />

Edward Robinson, Bibliotheca Smra, vol. 3 (1843), pp. 532ff.<br />

John A. T. Robinson, Redating the New I%tament (Philadelphia: Westminster,<br />

1976).<br />

J. Stuart Russell, The Parou.sia (Grand Rapids: Baker, [1887] 1983).<br />

W. Sanday (1908).58<br />

Philip Schaff, H&toy of the Christian Church, 3rd cd., vol. 1: Apostolic<br />

Christian@ (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, [1910] 1950), p. 834.<br />

Johann Friedrich Schleusner.59<br />

J. H. Scholten, de ApostelJohannti in Klein Azie (Leiden: 1871). [1]<br />

Albert Schwegler, Da Nachapostol Zeitalter (1846). [3]<br />

J. J. Scott, The Apoca~pse, or Revelation of S. John the Divim (London:<br />

John Murray, 1909).<br />

Edward Condon Selwyn, Th Christian Prophets and the Apoca~pse<br />

(Cambridge: 1900); and The Authorship of the Apoca@pse (1900).<br />

Henry C. Sheldon, The Ear@ Church, vol. 1 of Histoy of the Christian<br />

Church (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1894), pp. 112ff.<br />

William Henry Simcox, The Revelation of St. John Divine. The Cambridge<br />

Bible for Schools and Colleges (Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

University, 1893).<br />

D. Moody Smith, “A Review of John A. T. Robinson’s Redating tk<br />

New Estament,” Duke Divinip School Review 42 (1977): 193-205.<br />

Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, SermorLS and Essays on the Apostolic Age (3rd<br />

ed: Oxford and London: 1874), pp. 234ff. [6]<br />

Rudolf Ewald Stier ( 1869). [3]<br />

Augustus H. Strong, Systematic 77wologY (Old Tappan, NJ: Revell,<br />

[1907] 1970, p. 1010).<br />

57. For source documentation see Milligan, Apoca~@e, p. 142.<br />

58. Cited in Hort, Apoca~pse, p. iv.<br />

59. Cited in P. S. Desprez, The ApocaJ@se Ful@lled, 2nd ed. (London: Longman,<br />

Brown, Green, Longmans, 1855), p. 2.

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