Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


34 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL Hermann Gebhardt, i% Docttim o~the Apocalypse, trans. John Jefferson (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1878). James Glasgow, % Apoca~pse Eanslated and Expounded (Edinburgh: 1872). Robert McQueen Grant, A Historical Introduction to th New Testarmmt (New York: Harper & Row, 1963), p. 237. James Comper Gray, in Gray and Aaizms’ Bible Comnwnta~, vol. V (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, [1903] rep. n.d.). Samuel G. Green, A Handbook of Church HtitoU _jom tb Apostolic Era to the Dawn of the Reformation (London: Religious Tract Society, 1904), p. 64. Hugo Grotius, Annotations in Apoca~pse (Paris: 1644). [2, 6] Heinrich Ernst Ferdinand Guenke, Introduction to tb New Testament (1843); and Manual of Church Histo~, trans. W. G. T. Shedd (Boston: Halliday, 1874), p. 68. [1,3] Henry Melville Gwatkin, Ear@ Church Histou to A.D. 313, vol. 1 (London: Macmillan), p. 81. Henry Hammond, Paraphrase and Annotation upon the N. T (London: 1653). [2] Harbuig (1780). [6] Harduin. [2] Harenberg, Erkianmg ( 1759). [1] H. G. Hartwig, A@ologie Der Apoca~pse Wider Fa.lsc/wn Tadel find Falscha (Frieberg: 1783). [1] Karl August von Hase, A Histi-ny of the Christian Church, 7th cd., trans. Charles E. Blumenthal and Conway P. Wing (New York: Appleston, 1878), p. 33. 54 Hausrath. [1] Bernard W. Henderson, Th Lz~e and Prim-pate of the Emperor Nero (London: Methuen, 1903). Hentenius. [2] 54. Cited in D. A. Hayes, John and Hi.r Writing (New York Methodist Book Concern, 1917), p. 246.

The Approach to the Question of Dating 35 Johann Gotti+ied von Herder, Map&v L&i: Das Buch uon der ZukunJi des Herrn, des Neuen Testaments Siegal (Rigs: 1779). [1, 6] J. S. Herrenschneider, Tmtamen Apoca~pseos ihstrandae (Strassburg: 1786). [1] Adolf Hilgenfeld, Einleitung in da.s Newm Z?staments ( 1875). [6, 7, 8] David Hill, New Testament Prophe~ (Atlanta: John Knox, 1979), pp. 218-219. Hitzig. [4] Heinrich Julius Holtzmann, Die Offenbamng des Johannis, in Bunsen’s Bibekoerk (Freiburg: 1891). [6] F. J. A. Hort, The Apoca@pse of St. John: 1-111, (London: Macmillan, 1908); and Judaistic Christiani~ (London: Macmillan, 1894). John Leonhard Hug, Introdmtion to the New i%tament, trans. David Fosdick, Jr. (Andover: Gould and Newman, 1836). William Hurte, A Catechetical Commentay on the New Testament (St. Louis: John Burns, 1889), pp. 502ff. 55 A. Immer, Hermeneutics of the New Testament, trans. A. H. Newman (Andover: Draper, 1890). Theodor Keim, Rom und da-s Christenthum. [1] Theodor Koppe, Histo~ of Jesus of Nazareth, 2nd cd., trans. Arthur Ransom (London: William and Norgate, 1883). [9] Max Krenkel, Der ApostelJohanrws (Leipzig: 1871 ). [ 1, 3] Johann Heinrich Kurtz, Church Histoy, 9th cd., trans. John McPherson (3 vols. in 1) (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1888), pp. 41ff. Victor Lechler, The Apostalic and Post-Apostolic Times: Their Diuersip and Uni~ in Ltfe and Doctrine, 3rd cd., vol. 2, trans. A. J. K. Davidson, (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1886), pp. 166ff. Francis Nigel Lee, Revelation and Jerwalem (Brisbane, Australia, 1985). Joseph B. Lightfoot, Biblical Essays (London: Macmillan, 1893). Gottfried C. F. Lucke, V2rsuh eirwr vollstiindigen Einleitung in die Ofienbarung Johannis, 2nd ed. (Bonn: 1852). [3,6, 8] Chnstoph Ernst Luthardt, Die OfjnbamngJohanni.s (Leipzig: 1861). 55. Cited in Foy E. Wallace, Jr., Zbe Book of Revelation (Nashville: by the author, 1966), p. 23.

The Approach to the Question of Dating 35<br />

Johann Gotti+ied von Herder, Map&v L&i: Das Buch uon der ZukunJi<br />

des Herrn, des Neuen Testaments Siegal (Rigs: 1779). [1, 6]<br />

J. S. Herrenschneider, Tmtamen Apoca~pseos ihstrandae (Strassburg:<br />

1786). [1]<br />

Adolf Hilgenfeld, Einleitung in da.s Newm Z?staments ( 1875). [6, 7, 8]<br />

David Hill, New Testament Prophe~ (Atlanta: John Knox, 1979), pp.<br />

218-219.<br />

Hitzig. [4]<br />

Heinrich Julius Holtzmann, Die Offenbamng des Johannis, in Bunsen’s<br />

Bibekoerk (Freiburg: 1891). [6]<br />

F. J. A. Hort, The Apoca@pse of St. John: 1-111, (London: Macmillan,<br />

1908); and Judaistic Christiani~ (London: Macmillan, 1894).<br />

John Leonhard Hug, Introdmtion to the New i%tament, trans. David<br />

Fosdick, Jr. (Andover: Gould and Newman, 1836).<br />

William Hurte, A Catechetical Commentay on the New Testament (St.<br />

Louis: John Burns, 1889), pp. 502ff. 55<br />

A. Immer, Hermeneutics of the New Testament, trans. A. H. Newman<br />

(Andover: Draper, 1890).<br />

Theodor Keim, Rom und da-s Christenthum. [1]<br />

Theodor Koppe, Histo~ of Jesus of Nazareth, 2nd cd., trans. Arthur<br />

Ransom (London: William and Norgate, 1883). [9]<br />

Max Krenkel, Der ApostelJohanrws (Leipzig: 1871 ). [ 1, 3]<br />

Johann Heinrich Kurtz, Church Histoy, 9th cd., trans. John McPherson<br />

(3 vols. in 1) (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1888), pp. 41ff.<br />

Victor Lechler, The Apostalic and Post-Apostolic Times: Their Diuersip<br />

and Uni~ in Ltfe and Doctrine, 3rd cd., vol. 2, trans. A. J. K.<br />

Davidson, (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1886), pp. 166ff.<br />

Francis Nigel Lee, Revelation and Jerwalem (Brisbane, Australia, 1985).<br />

Joseph B. Lightfoot, Biblical Essays (London: Macmillan, 1893).<br />

Gottfried C. F. Lucke, V2rsuh eirwr vollstiindigen Einleitung in die Ofienbarung<br />

Johannis, 2nd ed. (Bonn: 1852). [3,6, 8]<br />

Chnstoph Ernst Luthardt, Die OfjnbamngJohanni.s (Leipzig: 1861).<br />

55. Cited in Foy E. Wallace, Jr., Zbe Book of Revelation (Nashville: by the author,<br />

1966), p. 23.

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