Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


400 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL Rome – emperors). Emperor worship (Sa also: Jesus Christ – emperor worship and), 75, 159, 207, 261-284,348. origin of, 262-266, 267, 270. political purpose o~ 264-265, 267, 311. priesthood, 267,268,269. principle argument for late-date, 259, 261-284. Endurance (SeC Perseverance). Ephesus (See alsa Seven – churches), 54n, 103, 265,272,324, 325,326. church in, 326-329. John in, 57,68,83,96,100,103, 106. late-date evidence regarding. Episcopate (See alm Bishop), 89, 178. Eschatology (See ulso World – end of), 5, 6, 7,21, 74, 336, 341. optimistic, 336-337, 341. pessimistic, 5n, 6n, 336-337. Essenes, 221. Euthanas, 206. Evangelical (S’eZ Orthodoxy). Exegesis, x, 12, 108, 109, 196, 239n. Exile (..% John the Apostle – banishment). Eye-witness, 62,64, 102, 119, 236. Fable, 42. Faith, 5, 10,82,97, 218, 230, 254,277, 285,291,298, 299. declining, 326-329. Famine, 243, 249. Fate, 273. Fire/fiery, 74, 76,96, 117, 180, 188, 189, 234,236,241,280,292, 296,326. Five months, 247-250. Flavian family/emperors, 72, 161. Florus, Gessius, 250. Form criticism (Sea Higher Criticism). Forty-two months, 165, 174, 176,250- 255,276,277. Fortune, 252, 273. Fragment hypothesis (See: Higher Criticism). Future (See alsm Eschatology; Prophecy), 5, 6n, 8, 19, 21,25, 119, 135, 175, 218n, 236,268,298,312,336, 348, 349. futurology, 7. Futurist (school of interpretation), 135, 139, 150, 153, 173, 201n, 207, 287n, 340,348. Gaius Cd@a (emperor), 70, 73, 77, 155, 158, 160,271,277. worship of, 269-270, 273, 283n. Galba (emperor), 144, 153, 157, 158, 160, 161, 191, 254,306,308, 312,313,351, 352. Gallus, Cestius, 250-252. Garnaliel II, 226. Gematria (cryptogram) (See aka Alphabet; Numbers), 193-212,254. Genius, 267, 281, 293n. Gentile(s), 68,83, 157n, 165, 167, 176, 204,209,226, 227n. Geography, 153, 162, 170, 211,253. God, 3,5, 6n, 7, 10, 14,21,23,62, 74, 78,80,90,99, 101, 123, 124, 125, 134, 144, 162, 163, 173, 186, 195,232, 241n, 244, 253,291, 293n, 322, 334. His time perspective, 136-137, 140. God(s) (false) (See ULXX individual names), 206-207, 262,265-284, 292, 293n, 312. Gold (See also: Wealth), 186,326. Golden House, 272. Gospel (a message), 52, 106, 324. Gospel (a NT book), 12,22,23,63, 104, 114, 115, 117, 124, 130, 176, 182,209, 242n, 327, 343,350. Grammatim-historical (Sea Hermeneutics). Great Commission, 221. Great Revolt (Sea Jewish War). Great Tribulation (Sea Day of the Lord; Tribulation). Greece, 274-275. Greek (language), 46,49,52,53,55,56, 58,59,68, 115, 117, 118, 128, 138, 194, 195, 197, 198,204,209-212,215, 222n, 241,268,315-316, 322n, 3291-1,346.

Hail(stones), 245-246. Hadrian (emperor), 77. Harlot (See also: Woman), 8, 147, 240n, 241n. harlot’s garments, 217. Heads (See: Beast – heads). Heaven (ly), 5n, 72,254, 276. heaven and earth, 80, 162. Hebrews (.%-a Jews). Hebrew (language), 182, 194, 198, 199, 200, 203, 209-212, 224-225, 329n. Helios, 273. Herod, 99, 169,233, 235,236, 237. Hercules, 272. Heresy/Heretics, 84, 115. Hermeneutics (See aZso: Revelation – interpretation), 10, 15, 16, 19-20, 29,51, 117, 119, 121, 133, 145, 146- 149, 162-163, 164, 174, 196, 311, 323- 324, 352n. High priest (See: Priest –Jewish). Higher criticism (See also Critic), 151, 167-169, 210, 238, 300. Historicist (school of interpretation), 15. History, 5n, 6, 19,52,60, 123, 144, 153, 162, 163, 170, 180, 245, 335. Christian view of 6-8, 336-337. Church, 4,6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16,21, 55, 59-60,65,67,88,97, 101, 127, 136, 138, 181-191, 209>285, 288, 326, 333, 335,347. Rome/Roman Empire, x, 56, 75,96- 97, 102, 157n, 160-161, 171, 180, 265,267,270,280,311-316, 333. Holocaust, 174, 234. Holy Land (Sea Land, the). Holy City (,.$e~ Jerusalem – Holy City). Holy Spirit, 23n, 68,83, 130, 146, 178, 221,351. Homosexual, 70, 213. Horns (Sea Beast – horns). Horse(men), 10,83, 103,241,243. Human race (Sea Man/mankind). Hypothesis, 109. Idealist (view of prophecy), 25. Subject Index 401 Idolatry, 270, 273,277, 281,302, 309. Images (See Idolatry; Beast – image). Imminence (,%x Revelation – expectation). India, 70. Inerrancy, 5,22. Inspiration (See Bible – orthodox view) 5, 14, 61, 88, 136n, 221. Interregnum (See also: Year of Four Emperors), 153, 160-162, 180, 314-315. Irenaeus (See alsa Ancient Writers Index), 3n, 26, 28,43,45, 67,85,89, 94,97,98. ambiguity in, 47-48, 55, 67, 334, 345-346. authority, 45, 59-63, 65, 67. Christ’s age and, 63-64, 334, 347. errors/contradictions, 56, 58-59, 61, 63-64,334. John the Apostle and, 57,67, 102, 206,334. life of, 45,60-62. Polycar-p and (See also: Polycarp), 45-46,60-62. premillennialist, 207-208. re-interpretation, 47-57, 61, 94, 108, 334,345-346. Revelation and, 45-47,60, 118n, 197, 206,334,343-347. six hundred, sixty-six (See: Six hundred, sixty-six). style, 49, 52, 55, 209-212. text, 46-47, 55. time reference, 57-58. tradition and, 41, 43-44, 46, 64-66, 88, 101, 102. works, 45-46, 49, 57, 62, 101. Israel (See alxx Palestine; Judea; Land), 16, 124, 127, 128, 174, 175, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187, 228, 232,240,248, 250, 314,322. Church as Israel (Seti New Israel; Temple – spiritual). civil war in, 242, 243. league with Israel, (Sea Rome - Israel and).

Hail(stones), 245-246.<br />

Hadrian (emperor), 77.<br />

Harlot (See also: Woman), 8, 147, 240n,<br />

241n.<br />

harlot’s garments, 217.<br />

Heads (See: Beast – heads).<br />

Heaven (ly), 5n, 72,254, 276.<br />

heaven and earth, 80, 162.<br />

Hebrews (.%-a Jews).<br />

Hebrew (language), 182, 194, 198, 199,<br />

200, 203, 209-212, 224-225, 329n.<br />

Helios, 273.<br />

Herod, 99, 169,233, 235,236, 237.<br />

Hercules, 272.<br />

Heresy/Heretics, 84, 115.<br />

Hermeneutics (See aZso: Revelation<br />

– interpretation), 10, 15, 16, 19-20,<br />

29,51, 117, 119, 121, 133, 145, 146-<br />

149, 162-163, 164, 174, 196, 311, 323-<br />

324, 352n.<br />

High priest (See: Priest –Jewish).<br />

Higher criticism (See also Critic), 151,<br />

167-169, 210, 238, 300.<br />

Historicist (school of interpretation), 15.<br />

History, 5n, 6, 19,52,60, 123, 144, 153,<br />

162, 163, 170, 180, 245, 335.<br />

Christian view of 6-8, 336-337.<br />

Church, 4,6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16,21, 55,<br />

59-60,65,67,88,97, 101, 127, 136,<br />

138, 181-191, 209>285, 288, 326, 333,<br />

335,347.<br />

Rome/Roman Empire, x, 56, 75,96-<br />

97, 102, 157n, 160-161, 171, 180,<br />

265,267,270,280,311-316, 333.<br />

Holocaust, 174, 234.<br />

Holy Land (Sea Land, the).<br />

Holy City (,.$e~ <strong>Jerusalem</strong> – Holy City).<br />

Holy Spirit, 23n, 68,83, 130, 146, 178,<br />

221,351.<br />

Homosexual, 70, 213.<br />

Horns (Sea Beast – horns).<br />

Horse(men), 10,83, 103,241,243.<br />

Human race (Sea Man/mankind).<br />

Hypothesis, 109.<br />

Idealist (view of prophecy), 25.<br />

Subject Index 401<br />

Idolatry, 270, 273,277, 281,302, 309.<br />

Images (See Idolatry; Beast – image).<br />

Imminence (,%x Revelation –<br />

expectation).<br />

India, 70.<br />

Inerrancy, 5,22.<br />

Inspiration (See Bible – orthodox<br />

view) 5, 14, 61, 88, 136n, 221.<br />

Interregnum (See also: Year of Four<br />

Emperors), 153, 160-162, 180,<br />

314-315.<br />

Irenaeus (See alsa Ancient Writers<br />

Index), 3n, 26, 28,43,45, 67,85,89,<br />

94,97,98.<br />

ambiguity in, 47-48, 55, 67, 334,<br />

345-346.<br />

authority, 45, 59-63, 65, 67.<br />

Christ’s age and, 63-64, 334, 347.<br />

errors/contradictions, 56, 58-59, 61,<br />

63-64,334.<br />

John the Apostle and, 57,67, 102,<br />

206,334.<br />

life of, 45,60-62.<br />

Polycar-p and (See also: Polycarp),<br />

45-46,60-62.<br />

premillennialist, 207-208.<br />

re-interpretation, 47-57, 61, 94, 108,<br />

334,345-346.<br />

Revelation and, 45-47,60, 118n, 197,<br />

206,334,343-347.<br />

six hundred, sixty-six (See: Six<br />

hundred, sixty-six).<br />

style, 49, 52, 55, 209-212.<br />

text, 46-47, 55.<br />

time reference, 57-58.<br />

tradition and, 41, 43-44, 46, 64-66, 88,<br />

101, 102.<br />

works, 45-46, 49, 57, 62, 101.<br />

Israel (See alxx Palestine; Judea; Land),<br />

16, 124, 127, 128, 174, 175, 181, 183,<br />

185, 186, 187, 228, 232,240,248, 250,<br />

314,322.<br />

Church as Israel (Seti New Israel;<br />

Temple – spiritual).<br />

civil war in, 242, 243.<br />

league with Israel, (Sea Rome - Israel and).

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