Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


Select Bibliography I: Modern Writings 371 Sheldon, Henry C. Histo~ of the Chtitian Church. Vol. 1: Th Ear~ Church. New York Thomas Y. Crowell, 1894. Simpson, W. An Epitome of the HistoV of the Christian Church During the First Three Centuries and of the Reformation in England. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Macmillan, 1857. Smallwood, Mary. Th Jws Under Roman Rule. Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity 20. Leiden: E. J. Bnll, 1976. Smith, George Adam. Jerusalem: Th Topography, Economics, and HistoV jiom the Earlz2st Times to A.D. 70. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1907. Smith, William. Dictionmy of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, 1870. Sommervell, David Churchill. A Short Histoy of Our Religion. New York: Macmillan, 1922. Stauffer, Ethelbert. Chtit and th Caesars: Historical Sketches. 3rd ed. Translated by K. and R. Gregor Smith. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1955. Stevens, Ed. What Happemd in 70 A.D.? Ashtabula, OH: North East Ohio Bible Institute, 1981. Stonehouse, Ned B. Origins of the S’optic Gospels. London: Tyndale, 1963. Streeter, Burnett Hillman. Th Imperial Peace, A.D. 70-192. Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 11. London: Cambridge University Press, 1936. Tb Four Gospels: A Study of Origins. New York: Macmillan, 1924. Sutherland, C. H. V. Coinage in Roman Imperial Poltiy, 31 B. C.-A.D. 68. New York: Putnam’s, 1950. Swain, Joseph Ward. The Harper Histimy of Civilization. Vol. 1. New York: Harper & Bros., 1958. Tasker, R. V. G., cd., Th Greek Nm Testament, Being tiu Text Translated in the New English Bible 1961. Oxford: Ofiord University Press, 1964. Taylor, Lily Ros. The Divini~ of the Roman Emperor. Middletown, CT: American Philological Association, 1931. Taylor, Vincent. The Gospel According to St. Mark. Macmillan New Testament Commentaries. London: Macmillan, 1953. Tenney, Merrill C. Nao Testament Times. Chicago: Moody, 1965.

372 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL Terry, Milton S. Biblical Apoca~ptics. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1898. Biblical Hermeneutics. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, (1883) 1974. “ Thackeray, St. John. Josephus: The Man and tb Historian. London: 1924. Thayer, Joseph Henry, cd., Greek-English Lexicon of tiw New Testammt. New York: American Book, 1889. Thiessen, Henry C. Introduction to tb New Testammt. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1943. Theobald, Robert. Bgond Despair. Washington: New Republic Book Co., 1976. Tofller, Alvin. Future Shock. Toronto: Bantam, 1970. Torrey, Charles Cutler. Documents of ttk Primitive Church. New York: Harper, 1941. . 1% Four Gospels. 2nd ed. New York: Harper, 1947. Uhlhom, Gerhard. Th Con@2t of Christiuni~ with Heath-w.ism. 2nd ed. Edited and translated by Egbert C. Smyth and C. J. H. Ropes. New York: Scribners, 1912. Unger, Merrill F. Introducto~ Guide to the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1951. Van Antwerp, David D. Church Htito~. 5th ed. Vol. 1. New York: James Pott, 1884. . Th Principles of Church Htitoy. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. Baltimore: George Lycett, n.d. Vanderwaal, Cornelis. Hal Lina3y and Biblical Pro@gv. St. Catharine’s, Ontario: Paideia, 1978. Vincent, Marvin R. Word Studies in th N2w Testament. Vol. 2: 7%e Wtiting.s cfJohn. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, (1887) 1985. Von Rad, Gerhard. Tibology of the Old Tatazwnt. Vol. 2. English translation. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1965. Wace, Henry, and William Smith, eds. Dictionay of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects, and Docttirux. Boston: Little, Brown, 1877-88. Walker, Williston. A Histqv of th Chri.sttin Church. 3rd ed. New York: Scribners, 1970. Webber, Timothy P. Tb Future Explored. Wheaton: Victory, 1978. Weigall, Arthur. Nero: Emperor of Rome. London: Butterworth, 1933. Weiss, Bernhard. A Manual of Introduction to the Nw Testanumt. Trans-

Select Bibliography I: Modern Writings 371<br />

Sheldon, Henry C. Histo~ of the Chtitian Church. Vol. 1: Th Ear~<br />

Church. New York Thomas Y. Crowell, 1894.<br />

Simpson, W. An Epitome of the HistoV of the Christian Church During the<br />

First Three Centuries and of the Reformation in England. 3rd ed. Cambridge:<br />

Macmillan, 1857.<br />

Smallwood, Mary. Th Jws Under Roman Rule. Studies in Judaism in<br />

Late Antiquity 20. Leiden: E. J. Bnll, 1976.<br />

Smith, George Adam. <strong>Jerusalem</strong>: Th Topography, Economics, and HistoV<br />

jiom the Earlz2st Times to A.D. 70. London: Hodder & Stoughton,<br />

1907.<br />

Smith, William. Dictionmy of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols. Boston:<br />

Little, Brown, 1870.<br />

Sommervell, David Churchill. A Short Histoy of Our Religion. New<br />

York: Macmillan, 1922.<br />

Stauffer, Ethelbert. Chtit and th Caesars: Historical Sketches. 3rd ed.<br />

Translated by K. and R. Gregor Smith. Philadelphia: Westminster,<br />

1955.<br />

Stevens, Ed. What Happemd in 70 A.D.? Ashtabula, OH: North East<br />

Ohio Bible Institute, 1981.<br />

Stonehouse, Ned B. Origins of the S’optic Gospels. London: Tyndale,<br />

1963.<br />

Streeter, Burnett Hillman. Th Imperial Peace, A.D. 70-192. Cambridge<br />

Ancient History, vol. 11. London: Cambridge University<br />

Press, 1936.<br />

Tb Four Gospels: A Study of Origins. New York:<br />

Macmillan, 1924.<br />

Sutherland, C. H. V. Coinage in Roman Imperial Poltiy, 31 B. C.-A.D.<br />

68. New York: Putnam’s, 1950.<br />

Swain, Joseph Ward. The Harper Histimy of Civilization. Vol. 1. New<br />

York: Harper & Bros., 1958.<br />

Tasker, R. V. G., cd., Th Greek Nm Testament, Being tiu Text Translated<br />

in the New English Bible 1961. Oxford: Ofiord University Press,<br />

1964.<br />

Taylor, Lily Ros. The Divini~ of the Roman Emperor. Middletown, CT:<br />

American Philological Association, 1931.<br />

Taylor, Vincent. The Gospel According to St. Mark. Macmillan New<br />

Testament Commentaries. London: Macmillan, 1953.<br />

Tenney, Merrill C. Nao Testament Times. Chicago: Moody, 1965.

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