Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


Select Bibliography Z: Modem Writings 367 New York: Anson D. F. Randolph, 1883. King, Max R. Th Spirit of Prophqv. Warren, OH: by the author, 1971. Kirban, Salem. Countdown to Rapture. Irvine, CA: Harvest House, 1977. Klassen, William, ed. Current Issues in New Testament Znt+@retation: Essays in Honor of Otto A. Piper. New York: Harper, 1962. Klausner, Joseph. Jesus of Nazareth. London: Allen and Unwin, 1925. Klostermann, E. DaJ Markusevangelium. 2nd ed. 1926. Knowles, Louis E. “The Interpretation of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel in the Early Fathers.” Westminster Theological Journal (7:2), PP. 137-138. Kruger, Gustav. HiJto~ of Ear~ Christian Literature in the First Three Centwzks. Translated by C. R. Gillett. London: Macmillan, 1897. Kummel, Werner Georg. Introduction to the NtzLJ Testament. 17th ed. Translated by Howard C. Kee. Nashville: Abingdon, 1973. Kurtz, Johann Heinrich. Church Histoy. 9th ed. Translated by John McPherson. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1888. de Labroille, P. Hfitoy and Literature of Christiani~. London: 1924. Ladd, George Eldon. A T/uolo~ of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974. Langer, William L., ed. An. Emyclopaedia of World History. 5th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972. Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A Histoy of Christiuni~. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: Harper & Row. Lawson, John. A Theological and Htitorical Introduction to the Apostolic Fathers. New York: Macmillan, 1961. Learsi, Rufus. Israel: A Histoy of the Jmish People. New York: World, 1949. Lebreton, Jules, and Jacques Zeiller. Histo~ of th Primitiue Church. Translated by Ernest C. Messenger. New York: Macmillan, 1949. Lechler, Gotthard Victor. i%e Apostolic and Post-Apostolic Tinws; Thir Diuersip and Unity in L@ and Doctrine. 3rd ed. Translated by A. J. K. Davidson. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1886. Lewis, Greville P. An Appro@h to th New Testamznt. London: Epworth, 1954. Lightfoot, Joseph B. Th Apostolic Fat/urs. 2 vols. Macmillan, 1889. St. Paul% Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. Grand Rapid;: Zondervan, (1875) 1959. . St. Paul% Epistle to the Philippians. Grand Rapids:

368 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL Baker, (1868) 1953. and J. R. Harmer. T/w Apostolic Fatlvxs. Grand Rapids: Bake;, (1891 ) 1984. Lindsey, Hal, Th Lati Great Plarwt Earth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970. . Z7ure?s a Niw World Coming. Santa Ana, CA: Vision House, 1973. Lohse, Eduard. Th New Testament Environnumt. Translated by John E. Steely. Nashville: Abingdon, 1976. Luther, Martin. Luther’s Woks. Edited by Jaroslav Pelikan. St. Louis: Concordia, 1957. Macdonald, James M. T/w Lzji and W’titings of St. Jo/m. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1877. Mahan, Mile. A Church Hi.sto~ of the First Sewn Centuries to the Close of the Sixth Genaal Coum”l. 3rd ed. New York: E. and J. B. Young, 1892. Marshall, Alfred. The hzterlimar Greek-English New Testument. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Zondeman, 1959. McHale, John. Tb Future of tkx Future. New York: George Braziller, 1969. McNeile, A. H. An Introduction to the Stub of the New Testament. Revised by C. S. C. Williams. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1953. McSorley, Joseph. An Outlirw of the Hi.stmy of tk Church@ Centuries. 9th ed. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1954. Meinardus, Otto F. A. St. Paul in Ephsus and the Cities of Galatia and Cyprus. New Rochelle, NY: Caratzas Bros., 1979. Metzger, Bruce Manning. A Textual Comrndq on the Greek New Testament. London: United Bible Societies, 1971. . % Text of the New Testament. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Mickelsen, A. Berkeley. h%r-reting the Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1963. Milik, J. T., and R. De Vaux. Di.scoueries in the Judean Desert ofJordan. Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961. Miller, Andrew. Church HMoT j%m the First to th Twentieth Centuries. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, (1873) 1964. Milman, Henry Hart. Hi.stzny of the Jms. Vol. 2. New York: E. P. Dutton, (1909) 1943. Moffatt, James. An Introduction to the Literature of the Nw Testament. 3


Baker, (1868) 1953.<br />

and J. R. Harmer. T/w Apostolic Fatlvxs. Grand<br />

Rapids: Bake;, (1891 ) 1984.<br />

Lindsey, Hal, Th Lati Great Plarwt Earth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,<br />

1970.<br />

. Z7ure?s a Niw World Coming. Santa Ana, CA: Vision<br />

House, 1973.<br />

Lohse, Eduard. Th New Testament Environnumt. Translated by John<br />

E. Steely. Nashville: Abingdon, 1976.<br />

Luther, Martin. Luther’s Woks. Edited by Jaroslav Pelikan. St. Louis:<br />

Concordia, 1957.<br />

Macdonald, James M. T/w Lzji and W’titings of St. Jo/m. London:<br />

Hodder & Stoughton, 1877.<br />

Mahan, Mile. A Church Hi.sto~ of the First Sewn Centuries to the Close of<br />

the Sixth Genaal Coum”l. 3rd ed. New York: E. and J. B. Young,<br />

1892.<br />

Marshall, Alfred. The hzterlimar Greek-English New Testument. 2nd ed.<br />

Grand Rapids: Zondeman, 1959.<br />

McHale, John. Tb Future of tkx Future. New York: George Braziller,<br />

1969.<br />

McNeile, A. H. An Introduction to the Stub of the New Testament. Revised<br />

by C. S. C. Williams. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1953.<br />

McSorley, Joseph. An Outlirw of the Hi.stmy of tk Church@ Centuries. 9th<br />

ed. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1954.<br />

Meinardus, Otto F. A. St. Paul in Ephsus and the Cities of Galatia and<br />

Cyprus. New Rochelle, NY: Caratzas Bros., 1979.<br />

Metzger, Bruce Manning. A Textual Comrndq on the Greek New<br />

Testament. London: United Bible Societies, 1971.<br />

. % Text of the New Testament. 2nd ed. New York:<br />

Oxford University Press, 1968.<br />

Mickelsen, A. Berkeley. h%r-reting the Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,<br />

1963.<br />

Milik, J. T., and R. De Vaux. Di.scoueries in the Judean Desert ofJordan.<br />

Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961.<br />

Miller, Andrew. Church HMoT j%m the First to th Twentieth Centuries.<br />

2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, (1873) 1964.<br />

Milman, Henry Hart. Hi.stzny of the Jms. Vol. 2. New York: E. P.<br />

Dutton, (1909) 1943.<br />

Moffatt, James. An Introduction to the Literature of the Nw Testament. 3

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