Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


Select Bibliography I: Modern Writings 363 Coneybeare, W. J. An Ana@ical Examination into the Charader, Value, and Jut Application of the Wtiting.s of the Christian Fathers During th Ante-Nicene Period. Oxford: John H. Parker, 1889. and J. S. Howson. The Lt~e and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 vols. New Yo~k: Scribners, 1894. Cowan, Henry. Landmarks of Church Histo~ to the Reformation. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1904. Crampton, W. Gary. Biblical Hermeneutics. Greenville, SC: by the author, 1986. Dalman, G. Jesu –Je.shua. Translated by P. P. LevertoK London: 1922. Dametz, Maurice Gordon. The Focal Points of Christian Histo~. New York: Carlton, n.d. Daniel-Reps, Henri. The Church of Apostles and Mar~rs. Translated by Audrey Butler. London: Dent, 1963. Davies, J. G. The Ear@ Christian Church. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965. Deissmann, Adolf. Light J-em the Ancient East. New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1910. Dix, Dom Gregory, Jew and Greek: A Stu@ in the Primitive Church. Westminster: Dacre Press, n.d. Dodgson, C., trans. Apologetic and Practical Treatises. Vol. 1 in A Libra~ of Fathm of the Ho~ Catholic Church, edited by E. B. Pusey, John Keble, J. H. Newman, and C. Marriott. Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1842. Dowley, Tim, ed. Eerdmans Handbook to the History of Christiani~. England: Lion, 1977. Driver, G. The Judean Scrolls. Oxford: Blackwell, 1965. Duncan, George Simpson St. Paul’s Ephesian MinistT. New York: Scribners, 1930. Durell, J. C. V. The Historic Church. Cambridge: University Press, (1906) 1969. Edersheim, Alfred. Sketches of Jmtih Social L@2. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, (1876) 1976. Edmundson, George. X% Church in Rome in the First Centwy. London: Longman’s, Green, 1913. Ehrlich, Paul R. Th Populatwn Bomb. New York: Ballantine, 1968. Eisler, R. Th Messiah Jesus and John th Baptist. Translated by A. H. Drappe. London: 1931.

364 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL Farrar, Frederic W. The Ear@ Days of Christiani~. New York: Cassell, 1884. Ferkiss, Victor. The Future of Technological Civilization. New York: George Brasiller, 1974. Fisher, George P. The Beginnings of Christiani~ witha View to th State of the Roman World at the Birth of Christ. New York: Scribners, 1916. Fitzmeyer, Joseph A. Essays on the Semitic Background of the New Testament. London: Chapman, 1971. Frend, W. H. C. The Ear@ Church. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982. . The R&e of Chri.stiani@ Philadelphia: Fortress, 1984. Fuller, Reginald H. A Critical Introduction to the New Testarmmt. Letchworth: Duckworth, 1971. Funk, Franz Xavier. A Manual of C/zurch Hi$toU. 5th ed. Vol. 1. Translated by Luigi Cappadelta. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1904. Gaffin, Richard. Perspectives on Pentecost. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1979. Gentry, Jr., Kenneth L. Crucial Issues Regarding Tongues. Mauldin, SC: GoodBirth, 1982. Gieseler, J. C. I. Textbook of Ecclesimtical Hi.stov. Translated by Francis Cunningham. Vol. 1. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, and Blanchard, 1836. Goguel, Maurice. The Birth of Christian@. Translated by H. C. Snape. London: George Allen, 1953. Gonzalez, Justo L. The Stop of Christiani~. Vol. 1: The Ear~ Church to the Dawn of the Rejmrnation. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984. Goodspeed, EdgarJ. The Apostolic Fathers. New York: Harper, 1950. . A HistoT of Ear@ Chrzstian Literature. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1942. Goppelt, Leonhard. Apostilic and Post-Apostolic Times. Translated by Robert A. Guelich. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1970. Grant, Michael. Roman Histay jiom Coim: Some Uses of the Imperial Coinage to the Historian. London: Cambridge, 1958. . Roman Imperial Momy. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1954. Green, Samuel G. A Handbook of Church Hi.sto~ ji-om tb Apostolic Era to the Dawn of the Reformation. London: Religious Tract Society, 1904. Greenlee, J. Harold. Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964.

Select Bibliography I: Modern Writings 363<br />

Coneybeare, W. J. An Ana@ical Examination into the Charader, Value,<br />

and Jut Application of the Wtiting.s of the Christian Fathers During th<br />

Ante-Nicene Period. Oxford: John H. Parker, 1889.<br />

and J. S. Howson. The Lt~e and Epistles of St. Paul. 2<br />

vols. New Yo~k: Scribners, 1894.<br />

Cowan, Henry. Landmarks of Church Histo~ to the Reformation. 2nd ed.<br />

Philadelphia: Westminster, 1904.<br />

Crampton, W. Gary. Biblical Hermeneutics. Greenville, SC: by the<br />

author, 1986.<br />

Dalman, G. Jesu –Je.shua. Translated by P. P. LevertoK London:<br />

1922.<br />

Dametz, Maurice Gordon. The Focal Points of Christian Histo~. New<br />

York: Carlton, n.d.<br />

Daniel-Reps, Henri. The Church of Apostles and Mar~rs. Translated by<br />

Audrey Butler. London: Dent, 1963.<br />

Davies, J. G. The Ear@ Christian Church. London: Weidenfeld and<br />

Nicolson, 1965.<br />

Deissmann, Adolf. Light J-em the Ancient East. New York: Hodder &<br />

Stoughton, 1910.<br />

Dix, Dom Gregory, Jew and Greek: A Stu@ in the Primitive Church.<br />

Westminster: Dacre Press, n.d.<br />

Dodgson, C., trans. Apologetic and Practical Treatises. Vol. 1 in A Libra~<br />

of Fathm of the Ho~ Catholic Church, edited by E. B. Pusey, John<br />

Keble, J. H. Newman, and C. Marriott. Oxford: John Henry<br />

Parker, 1842.<br />

Dowley, Tim, ed. Eerdmans Handbook to the History of Christiani~.<br />

England: Lion, 1977.<br />

Driver, G. The Judean Scrolls. Oxford: Blackwell, 1965.<br />

Duncan, George Simpson St. Paul’s Ephesian MinistT. New York:<br />

Scribners, 1930.<br />

Durell, J. C. V. The Historic Church. Cambridge: University Press,<br />

(1906) 1969.<br />

Edersheim, Alfred. Sketches of Jmtih Social L@2. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,<br />

(1876) 1976.<br />

Edmundson, George. X% Church in Rome in the First Centwy. London:<br />

Longman’s, Green, 1913.<br />

Ehrlich, Paul R. Th Populatwn Bomb. New York: Ballantine, 1968.<br />

Eisler, R. Th Messiah Jesus and John th Baptist. Translated by A. H.<br />

Drappe. London: 1931.

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