Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


352 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL As a matter of fact, several of the early fathers held a distinctly preteristic interpretation of Daniel 9!W In Cyprian we have clear reference to Matthew 24 as referring to Jerusalem’s A.D. 70 fall.G5 In the entirety of Treatise 12 he is dealing with testimonies against the Jews, including Christ’s prophecies. Surely it may not be stated, as do House and Ice: “Why is it that all of the early fathers, when referring to Revelation and Matthew 24, see these as future events?”GG Nero and Revelation House and Ice write: “If Chilton could show that Nero is the ruler spoken of in Revelation, then he would have a major victory for his view. But he cannot. “67 As I have shown in great detail many lines of evidence converge upon Nero‘8: (1) His place as the sixth among the Roman emperors, (2) his being followed by a seventh, brief reigning emperor (Galba), (3) his name’s numerical value of 666, (4) his living while the temple still stood, (5) the prominence of his persecution in first century Christianity, and more. There is an old adage: If the shoe fits, wear it. Nero’s footprints are all over Revelation. 64. For a discussion of early interpretive approaches to Daniel 9, see Louis E. Knowles j “The Interpretation of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel in the Early Fathers,” Westmimter Theologtial JouraQl 7:2 (May, 1945), 137-138. Actual references include: Ttw Epistle of Barnabas 16:6; Tertullian, AgawA t/u Jews 8 (despite being a Montanist and therefore premillennial!); Ongen, Matthew 24:15; Julius Africanus, Chronography (relevant portions preserved in Eusebius, Preparation fw tb Gospel 10:10 and Demonstratwm of the Gospel 8); Eusebius (Dermmutratiom 8); and Augustine in his 199th epistle. 65. Cypnan, Treatises, 12:1:6, 15. See especially Roberts and Donaldson, Ante-Nicene Fathm, 5:507-511. 66. House and Ice, Dominion T/uolo~, p. 258 (emphasis mine). In the final analysis, however, one must wonder how their argument carries weight in light of the Plymouth Brethren roots of dispensatfonalism. After all, it is the chief proponent of dispensationalism, Charles C. Ryrie, who defends dispensationalism fmm “the charge of recency” by labeling such a charge a “straw man” and arguing from history as a “fallacy.” In addition he writes: “The fact that something was taught in the first century does not make it right (unless taught in the canonical Scriptures), and the fact that something was not taught until the nineteenth century does not make it wrong . . .“ ( Today [Chicago: Moody, 1965], p. 66). 67. Ibid., p. 2.59. 68. See above, chapters 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, and 18.

A Response to House and Ice 353 Conclusion Space fails our responding to other aspects of the argument by House and Ice. Perhaps I will develop them at more length in the book-length response to their Dominion Theolo~. Yet I believe that if anyone were to consider the few problems associated with their Chapter 12, which I have noted above, he would quickly see that as presented,‘g the argument by House and Ice is fraught with misconception and error. Though they disparage employing the “debater’s technique” of casting “doubt upon the reliability of the source,” I must confess that as far as the “Reconstruction debate” goes, I seriously question the reliability of House and Ice. 69. House and Ice note that theirs is but the first of several book-length responses to Reconstructionism in the works (Dominion Tholo,g, p. 9). Perhaps they were a little too hasty jn attempting to beat the others to the punch. It may be that the other responses will be a little more careful in their presentations and will require analysis from a different perspective.


As a matter of fact, several of the early fathers held a distinctly<br />

preteristic interpretation of Daniel 9!W<br />

In Cyprian we have clear reference to Matthew 24 as referring<br />

to <strong>Jerusalem</strong>’s A.D. 70 fall.G5 In the entirety of Treatise 12 he is<br />

dealing with testimonies against the Jews, including Christ’s prophecies.<br />

Surely it may not be stated, as do House and Ice: “Why is it that<br />

all of the early fathers, when referring to Revelation and Matthew<br />

24, see these as future events?”GG<br />

Nero and Revelation<br />

House and Ice write: “If Chilton could show that Nero is the ruler<br />

spoken of in Revelation, then he would have a major victory for his<br />

view. But he cannot. “67 As I have shown in great detail many lines<br />

of evidence converge upon Nero‘8:<br />

(1) His place as the sixth among<br />

the Roman emperors, (2) his being followed by a seventh, brief<br />

reigning emperor (Galba), (3) his name’s numerical value of 666, (4)<br />

his living while the temple still stood, (5) the prominence of his<br />

persecution in first century Christianity, and more. There is an old<br />

adage: If the shoe fits, wear it. Nero’s footprints are all over Revelation.<br />

64. For a discussion of early interpretive approaches to Daniel 9, see Louis E.<br />

Knowles j “The Interpretation of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel in the Early Fathers,”<br />

Westmimter Theologtial JouraQl 7:2 (May, 1945), 137-138. Actual references include: Ttw<br />

Epistle of Barnabas 16:6; Tertullian, AgawA t/u Jews 8 (despite being a Montanist and<br />

therefore premillennial!); Ongen, Matthew 24:15; Julius Africanus, Chronography (relevant<br />

portions preserved in Eusebius, Preparation fw tb Gospel 10:10 and Demonstratwm of the<br />

Gospel 8); Eusebius (Dermmutratiom 8); and Augustine in his 199th epistle.<br />

65. Cypnan, Treatises, 12:1:6, 15. See especially Roberts and Donaldson, Ante-Nicene<br />

Fathm, 5:507-511.<br />

66. House and Ice, Dominion T/uolo~, p. 258 (emphasis mine). In the final analysis,<br />

however, one must wonder how their argument carries weight in light of the Plymouth<br />

Brethren roots of dispensatfonalism. After all, it is the chief proponent of dispensationalism,<br />

Charles C. Ryrie, who defends dispensationalism fmm “the charge of recency” by<br />

labeling such a charge a “straw man” and arguing from history as a “fallacy.” In addition<br />

he writes: “The fact that something was taught in the first century does not make it right<br />

(unless taught in the canonical Scriptures), and the fact that something was not taught<br />

until the nineteenth century does not make it wrong . . .“ ( Today<br />

[Chicago: Moody, 1965], p. 66).<br />

67. Ibid., p. 2.59.<br />

68. See above, chapters 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, and 18.

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