Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


296 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL Hort concurs: “The whole language about Rome and the empire, Babylon and the Beast, fit the last days of Nero and the time immediately following, and does not fit the short local reign of terror under Domitian. Nero affected the imagination of the world as Domitian, as far as we know, never did.”4 8 The gruesome cruelty of Nero’s persecution has already been noted from Tacitus: Christians were “wrapped in the hides of wild beasts, they were torn to pieces by dogs” and were “fastened to crosses to be set on fire.”49 Thus, the sheer magnitude and the extreme cruelty of Nero’s persecution of Christianity are most suggestive of its suitability for fulfillment of the role required in Revelation. Athough the debate is involved and inconclusive “there is some reason to believe that there was actual legislation against Christians in Rome under Nero. “W Demonstration of this fact, however, is not necessary to establishing our argument. 48. Hort, Apoca~pse, p. xxvi. 49. Tacitus, ArrnalJ 15:44. 50. C. F. D. Moule, The Birth of the New Tn.krnwnt, 3rd ed. (New York: Harper & Row, 1982), p. 154. Though there has been intense debate as to the question of Nero’s persecution’s basis in legislative action, there is good evidence to suggest it was so: (1) Tertullian speaks of the “Neronian institution,” Apol. 5:3; Sulpicius Severus indicates the same, Chron. 11:29:3. (2) Suetonius strongly implies such, Nero 16. (2) 1 Pet. 415 is more easily understock in such a situation. See especially Jules Lebreton and Jacques Zeiller, Histoy of the l%mtioe Church, trans. Ernest C. Messenger, vol. 1 (New York: Macmillan, 1949), pp. 374-381. See also Moule, Birth of New Testarwnt, pp. 154tl; and John A. T. Robinson, Redating tb New Testament (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), pp. 234ff. Many of the passages that the persecution is declared to exist in probably refer to either the Jewish persecution of Christianity or to the Roman overthrow of Jerusalem, according to a number of early date advocates, including the present writer. Others who argued that the legal proscription of Christianity was as early as under Nero’s latter reign include: S. Angus, “Roman Empire,” Integration Standard Bible Em#opedia [ISBE] (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1915) 4:2607. Angus cites Mommsen and Sanday as adherents. E. G. Hardy, Christiati~ and Rormm Governmmt (New York Burt Franklin, [1971] 1894), p. 77. J. L. Ratton, The Apoca~pse ~St. John (London: R. & T. Washbourne, 1912), p. 14. J. Stevenson, cd., A New Eusebius: Documents Illustrative of the Histo~ qfthe Church to AD. 337 (New York: Macmillan, 1957), p. 3. Edmundson, Church in Ronw, pp. 125K. Peake, Revelation, p. 111. Workman, Persecution, pp. 20tI Henderson held this view and cited the following authors: B. Aub6, Gaston Boissier, Theodor Keim, J. B. Bury, Charles Menvale, F. W. Farrar, Henry Fumeaux, A. H. Raabe, Ernest Renan, and Pie,p-e Batiffol; Hendemon, N2m, p. 435.

The Persecution of Christianip 297 Third, although the matter is still subject to debate, there is reason to believe that the Neronic persecution extended beyond Rome and into the provinces. At least there is more suggestive evidence for this being the case under Nero than under Domitian. Since Christianity had become a religio illicita and the emperor himself had taken severe measures to suppress it, almost certainly we can expect that at least by imitation provincial magistrates would engage themselves in the matter. As late date advocate William Ramsay suggests: “we conclude that if Tacitus has correctly represented his authorities, the persecution of Nero, begun for the sake of diverting popular attention, was continued as a permanent police measure under the form of a general prosecution of Christians as a sect dangerous to the public stiety. . . . When Nero had once established the principle in Rome, his action served as a precedent in every province. There is no need to suppose a general edict or formal law. The precedent would be quoted in every case where a Christian was accused.”51 Surely it would be the case that “the example set by the emperor in the capital could hardly be without influence in the provinces, and would justi$ the outbreak of popular hatred.”52 Other competent scholars concur. 53 Evidently Pliny’s famous correspondence with Trajan (c. A.D. 113) implies a long-standing imperial proscription of Christianity, a proscription surely earlier and certainly more severe than Domitian’s. 54 Although it once was held by many that Pliny’s correspondence was evidence that the policy of proscribing Christianity was a new policy of Trajan, this view is “now almost universally abandoned.”5 5 In Pliny’s inquiry to Trajan as to how to treat the Christians brought before him, he is concerned with a standing legal proscription. 51. Ramsay, Church in Roman Empire, pp. 241, 245. 52. Schafi Hzstory 1:384. 53. F. J. A. Hort, Th First Epistle of St Petir (London: Macmillan, 1898), p. 2; Henderson, Church in Rome, p. 137; Angus, “Roman Empire,” ISBE 42607; John Laurence von Mosheim, History of Chrirtiani& in ttk First Thee Centuries (New York. Converse, 1854) 1: 141K; Moses Stuart, CommentaU on the Apoca@pse, 2 VOIS. (Andover: Allen, Merrill, and Wardwell, 1845) 1 :222ff. Schatf cites Ewald, Renan, C. L. Roth, and Weiseler as assuming “that Nero condemned and prohibited Christianity as dangerous to the state” (Histo~ 1:384, n. 1). 54. Hort, 1 Peter, p. 2. 55. S. Angus, “Roman Empire” in ISBE 42607.

The Persecution of Christianip 297<br />

Third, although the matter is still subject to debate, there is<br />

reason to believe that the Neronic persecution extended beyond<br />

Rome and into the provinces. At least there is more suggestive<br />

evidence for this being the case under Nero than under Domitian.<br />

Since Christianity had become a religio illicita and the emperor himself<br />

had taken severe measures to suppress it, almost certainly we can<br />

expect that at least by imitation provincial magistrates would engage<br />

themselves in the matter. As late date advocate William Ramsay<br />

suggests: “we conclude that if Tacitus has correctly represented his<br />

authorities, the persecution of Nero, begun for the sake of diverting<br />

popular attention, was continued as a permanent police measure<br />

under the form of a general prosecution of Christians as a sect<br />

dangerous to the public stiety. . . . When Nero had once established<br />

the principle in Rome, his action served as a precedent in every<br />

province. There is no need to suppose a general edict or formal law.<br />

The precedent would be quoted in every case where a Christian was<br />

accused.”51 Surely it would be the case that “the example set by the<br />

emperor in the capital could hardly be without influence in the<br />

provinces, and would justi$ the outbreak of popular hatred.”52 Other<br />

competent scholars concur. 53<br />

Evidently Pliny’s famous correspondence with Trajan (c. A.D.<br />

113) implies a long-standing imperial proscription of Christianity, a<br />

proscription surely earlier and certainly more severe than Domitian’s.<br />

54<br />

Although it once was held by many that Pliny’s correspondence<br />

was evidence that the policy of proscribing Christianity was a<br />

new policy of Trajan, this view is “now almost universally abandoned.”5<br />

5<br />

In Pliny’s inquiry to Trajan as to how to treat the Christians<br />

brought before him, he is concerned with a standing legal<br />

proscription.<br />

51. Ramsay, Church in Roman Empire, pp. 241, 245.<br />

52. Schafi Hzstory 1:384.<br />

53. F. J. A. Hort, Th First Epistle of St Petir (London: Macmillan, 1898), p. 2;<br />

Henderson, Church in Rome, p. 137; Angus, “Roman Empire,” ISBE 42607; John Laurence<br />

von Mosheim, History of Chrirtiani& in ttk First Thee Centuries (New York. Converse,<br />

1854) 1: 141K; Moses Stuart, CommentaU on the Apoca@pse, 2 VOIS. (Andover: Allen,<br />

Merrill, and Wardwell, 1845) 1 :222ff. Schatf cites Ewald, Renan, C. L. Roth, and<br />

Weiseler as assuming “that Nero condemned and prohibited Christianity as dangerous<br />

to the state” (Histo~ 1:384, n. 1).<br />

54. Hort, 1 Peter, p. 2.<br />

55. S. Angus, “Roman Empire” in ISBE 42607.

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