Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


Tb Looming Jmish War 255 With frets such as these before us, how can we doubt what interpretation ought to be put upon the times thus designated in these respective passages? 70 There are those who view the Neronic persecution as lasting but a few months in A.D. 64 – 65. The later deaths of Peter and Paul and the evil role of Nero in early Christian literature, however, militate against such a delimitation. A number of scholars have held to the persecution as lasting until Nero’s death.71 Conclusion It is most remarkable that not only in Revelation do we find large patterns of evidences befitting the A.D. 60s era, but also even many smaller details. It surely is no accidental similarity that allows us to p. 56; John Rutherford, “Persecution,“ in ISBE 42325; von Mosheim, History of Chtitiani~ 1:142. 70. Stuart, Apoca~pse 2:469. 71. See for example: T. W. Camon, The Chrirtian Testimony Throughout the Ag~ (London: Pickering & Inglis, n.d.), p. 30. Henry Cowan, Landnurrks of Church History to the ReJn-m.ation, 2nd ed. (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1904), p. 6. Franz Xavier Funk, A Manual of Church HistoU, trans. Luigi Cappadelta, 5th ed. (St. Louis: B. Herder, 1904) 1:40. Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of ChristianiQ, vol. 1: lhr~ Church to the Dawn of the Reformation (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984), p. 36. Samuel G. Green, A Handbook of Church Histoy from the Apostokc Era to the Dawn #tlu Reformation (London: Religious Tract Society, 1904), p. 64. George Gregory, Dr. Grego@ HirtoV ofttu Christian Church jiom thz Earliest Perio& to the Presad Time, ed. Martin Ruter (Cincinnati: Roff and Young, 1832), p. 28. John Fletcher Hurst, Short Hi.rtoy of the Chrirtian Church (New York: Harper, 1892), p. 18. George Johnson, Jerome D. Hannan, and M. Dominica, The Stoty of the Church: Her Foundtig, Miss-ion, and Progress (New York Benziger, 1947), p. 39. Johann Heinrich Kurtz, Church Histoty, 9th cd., trans. John McPherson (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1888), p. 77. William Jones, The History of the Christian Church from thz Birth of Christ to the Eighteenth Ceni%ry, 5th cd., vol. 1 (London: WllliamJones, 1826), p. 163. Joseph McSorely, An Outline of the Histoy of the Chwch ~ Centuries, 9th ed. (St. Louis: B. Herder, 1954), p. 22. MI1O Mahan, A Church Hirtoy of the First Seven Centuries to the Close of the Sixth General Council, 3rd ed. (New York: E. and J. B. Young, 1892), p. 26. Andrew Miller, Church Hirtory j%a ttu First to the Twenttith Cenhty, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids, Zondervan, [1873] 1964), p. 122.

256 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL find not only particular personages (Nero), cultural structures (the Jewish Temple), and historical events (the Neronic Persecution and the Jewish War) that harmonize well with the Neronic era, but even time-frames for these that fill out the picture of the era of which John wrote. It can be no other than in the mid- to late A.D. 60s. W. Simpson, An Epitome of the Hi.stov of the Chri.rtian Church During h First 7?wee Centuries and of th Reformation in England, 3rd ed. (Cambridge Macmillan, 1857), p. 67. David Churchill Somervell, A ShJrt Histoty of our Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1922), p. 129. David D. Van Antwerp, Church Histmy, 5th cd., vol. 1 (New York: James Pott, 1884), pp. 27, 42. B. F. Westcott, i% Two Empirss: Ttu Church and tb World (London: Macmillan, 1909), pp. 32ff. Edward Backhouse, Ear~ Church Hi.stoy to the Death of Con.stuntiw, 3rd ed. (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1892), p. 11. W. D. Killen, The Ancient Chwch: Its Hi.stoiy, Doctrh, Worship, Constitution, Traced for th First Three Hundred Years, ed. John Hall (New York Anson D. F. Randolph, 1883), pp. 147tI

Tb Looming Jmish War 255<br />

With frets such as these before us, how can we doubt what interpretation<br />

ought to be put upon the times thus designated in these respective<br />

passages? 70<br />

There are those who view the Neronic persecution as lasting but a few<br />

months in A.D. 64 – 65. The later deaths of Peter and Paul and the<br />

evil role of Nero in early Christian literature, however, militate<br />

against such a delimitation. A number of scholars have held to the<br />

persecution as lasting until Nero’s death.71<br />

Conclusion<br />

It is most remarkable that not only in Revelation do we find large<br />

patterns of evidences befitting the A.D. 60s era, but also even many<br />

smaller details. It surely is no accidental similarity that allows us to<br />

p. 56; John Rutherford, “Persecution,“ in ISBE 42325; von Mosheim, History of Chtitiani~<br />

1:142.<br />

70. Stuart, Apoca~pse 2:469.<br />

71. See for example:<br />

T. W. Camon, The Chrirtian Testimony Throughout the Ag~ (London: Pickering & Inglis,<br />

n.d.), p. 30.<br />

Henry Cowan, Landnurrks of Church History to the ReJn-m.ation, 2nd ed. (Philadelphia:<br />

Westminster, 1904), p. 6.<br />

Franz Xavier Funk, A Manual of Church HistoU, trans. Luigi Cappadelta, 5th ed. (St.<br />

Louis: B. Herder, 1904) 1:40.<br />

Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of ChristianiQ, vol. 1: lhr~ Church to the Dawn of the<br />

Reformation (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984), p. 36.<br />

Samuel G. Green, A Handbook of Church Histoy from the Apostokc Era to the Dawn #tlu<br />

Reformation (London: Religious Tract Society, 1904), p. 64.<br />

George Gregory, Dr. Grego@ HirtoV ofttu Christian Church jiom thz Earliest Perio& to the<br />

Presad Time, ed. Martin Ruter (Cincinnati: Roff and Young, 1832), p. 28.<br />

John Fletcher Hurst, Short Hi.rtoy of the Chrirtian Church (New York: Harper, 1892), p. 18.<br />

George Johnson, Jerome D. Hannan, and M. Dominica, The Stoty of the Church: Her<br />

Foundtig, Miss-ion, and Progress (New York Benziger, 1947), p. 39.<br />

Johann Heinrich Kurtz, Church Histoty, 9th cd., trans. John McPherson (New York:<br />

Funk and Wagnalls, 1888), p. 77.<br />

William Jones, The History of the Christian Church from thz Birth of Christ to the Eighteenth<br />

Ceni%ry, 5th cd., vol. 1 (London: WllliamJones, 1826), p. 163.<br />

Joseph McSorely, An Outline of the Histoy of the Chwch ~ Centuries, 9th ed. (St. Louis:<br />

B. Herder, 1954), p. 22.<br />

MI1O Mahan, A Church Hirtoy of the First Seven Centuries to the Close of the Sixth General<br />

Council, 3rd ed. (New York: E. and J. B. Young, 1892), p. 26.<br />

Andrew Miller, Church Hirtory j%a ttu First to the Twenttith Cenhty, 2nd ed. (Grand<br />

Rapids, Zondervan, [1873] 1964), p. 122.

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