Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


Th Looming Jewi.rh War 253 Now from the time of this official imperial engagement in the Jewish War (early Spring, A.D. 67) until the time of the Temple’s destruction and Jerusalem’s fall (early September, A.D. 70) is a period right at the symbolic figure of 1260 days (or 42 months or 31/2 years). Indeed, counting backward from early September, A.D. 70, we arrive 42 months earlier at early March — in the Spring of 67! Surely this figure cannot be dismissed as sheer historical accident. Though the time-frame undoubtedly carries with it the foreboding spiritual connotation associated with a broken seven (31/2 is one-half of the perfect number 7), nevertheless, we are also driven to recognize the providence of God in these historical afEairs. In keeping with divinely ordained symbol, in fulfillment of divinely inspired prophecy, it did, as a matter of fact, take Rome 3’ /2 years to trample Israel and the city of Jerusalem totally. Under the providence of God the symbolic “broken seven” became the literal time-frame ofJerusalem’s doom. Stuart surmises: “After all the investigation which I have been able to make, I feel compelled to believe that the writer refers to a literal and definite period, although not so exact that a single day, or even a few days, of variation from it would intet+ere with the object he has in view. It is certain that the invasion of the Romans lasted just about the length of the period named, until Jerusalem was taken. ”68 Thus, again, we have a time-frame that is wholly consistent with historical circumstances associated with the Jewish War – a timeframe that lends further strength to the pre-A.D. 70 argument for Revelation. Revelation 13:5-7 In Revelation 13:5-7 the events are separated in time and geography from the events of the Jewish War, but, as we will see, the circumstances well fit the pre-A.D. 70 era. The passage before us reads: Rome when the capital of the nation and the strongest point of resistance fell. Titus returned to Rome by 71 to celebrate a joint victory celebration with his father, Vespasian, now the new emperor. See also Reicke, New 2%tanwnt Era, pp. 266ff. Walker, Histoty, p. 30. C. F. D. Motde, The Birth of New Tmtanwnt, 3rd ed. (New York: Harper & Row, 1982), pp. 172tI Masterman,ZSBE41619. 68. Stuart, Apoca~@e 2:218.

254 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL And there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies; and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven. And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. Many commentators recognize the reference to the Beast spoken of here (see Rev. 13:1, 2, 4) as a reference to imperial Rome. We demonstrated previously, that the Beast’s seven heads represent both the seven hills of Rome and the succession of seven emperors from the time of Julius (cE Rev. 17:9, 10). We also saw that the number of the Beast (considered specifically, rather than generically) is a cryptogram expressive of the name “Nero Caesar. ” We need not re-argue these identifications here, although they should be kept in mind. Clearly this is first century Rome in view, and specifically the most beastly of its emperors, Nero. But where does the time-frame fit in? In light of the evidence above, the “war” of the Beast against “the saints” undoubtedly refers to the Neronic persecution of Christianity, the first imperial persecution of the faith. This is not Nero’s war against the Jews, for these persecuted people are designated by John as “saints” (Rev. 13:7). These are those whose names have “been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain” (Rev. 13:8). His assault upon them is tantamount to “blasphemies against God” (Rev. 13:6). The express delimitation of the Beast’s persecution of the saints is a period of 42 months. Interestingly, the Neronic persecution lasted just about that very length of time: The persecution of Nero began about the middle or latter part of Nov. A.D. 64, at Rome. It ended with the death of Nero, which was on the ninth of June, A.D. 68, for on that day Galba entered Rome and was proclaimed emperor. Here again is 3 + years or 1260 days with sufficient exactness; for the precise time of forty-two months expires about the middle or end of May, and Nero died in the first part ofJune. . . .69 69. Stuart, Apoca~pse 2:469. See also J. C. 1. Gieseler, Textbook of Ecclesiostid Hi.rtog+ trans. by Francis Cunningham, vol. 1 (Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, and Blanchard, 1836),

Th Looming Jewi.rh War 253<br />

Now from the time of this official imperial engagement in the<br />

Jewish War (early Spring, A.D. 67) until the time of the Temple’s<br />

destruction and <strong>Jerusalem</strong>’s fall (early September, A.D. 70) is a<br />

period right at the symbolic figure of 1260 days (or 42 months or 31/2<br />

years). Indeed, counting backward from early September, A.D. 70,<br />

we arrive 42 months earlier at early March — in the Spring of 67!<br />

Surely this figure cannot be dismissed as sheer historical accident.<br />

Though the time-frame undoubtedly carries with it the foreboding<br />

spiritual connotation associated with a broken seven (31/2 is one-half<br />

of the perfect number 7), nevertheless, we are also driven to recognize<br />

the providence of God in these historical afEairs. In keeping with<br />

divinely ordained symbol, in fulfillment of divinely inspired prophecy,<br />

it did, as a matter of fact, take Rome 3’ /2 years to trample Israel and<br />

the city of <strong>Jerusalem</strong> totally. Under the providence of God the<br />

symbolic “broken seven” became the literal time-frame of<strong>Jerusalem</strong>’s<br />

doom. Stuart surmises: “After all the investigation which I have been<br />

able to make, I feel compelled to believe that the writer refers to a<br />

literal and definite period, although not so exact that a single day,<br />

or even a few days, of variation from it would intet+ere with the object<br />

he has in view. It is certain that the invasion of the Romans lasted<br />

just about the length of the period named, until <strong>Jerusalem</strong> was<br />

taken. ”68<br />

Thus, again, we have a time-frame that is wholly consistent with<br />

historical circumstances associated with the Jewish War – a timeframe<br />

that lends further strength to the pre-A.D. 70 argument for<br />

Revelation.<br />

Revelation 13:5-7<br />

In Revelation 13:5-7 the events are separated in time and geography<br />

from the events of the Jewish War, but, as we will see, the<br />

circumstances well fit the pre-A.D. 70 era. The passage before us<br />

reads:<br />

Rome when the capital of the nation and the strongest point of resistance fell. Titus<br />

returned to Rome by 71 to celebrate a joint victory celebration with his father, Vespasian,<br />

now the new emperor. See also Reicke, New 2%tanwnt Era, pp. 266ff. Walker, Histoty, p.<br />

30. C. F. D. Motde, The Birth of New Tmtanwnt, 3rd ed. (New York: Harper & Row,<br />

1982), pp. 172tI Masterman,ZSBE41619.<br />

68. Stuart, Apoca~@e 2:218.

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