Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


The Role of Nero Caesar 197 051 all extant minuscule it@g vg syz+h~h Copsa>bo armal, &$za is read by C some manuscripts known to Irenaeus (who, however, says that 666 is found “in all good and ancient copies,” and is “attested by those who had themselves seen John face to face”), and TyconiusPt. According to Tischendorfs 8th cd., the numeral 616 was also read by two minuscule manuscripts which unfortunately are no longer extant (nos. 5 and 11; cf. C. R. Gregory, Prolegomena, p. 676). When Greek letters are used as numerals the difference between 666 and 616 is merely a change fi-om

198 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL reading of Revelation was properly “666,” it is remarkable that “616” appeared in certain ancient manuscripts and traditions dating back to the second century. The significance of this variant in the text tradition will be dealt with shortly. Th Meaning of 666 Perhaps in the inquiry into the significance of the cryptogram it would be best to begin with the position the present writer deems most compatible with the available evidence. After presenting the case for the identification of “666,” then some of the problems with the designation will be dealt with. A compelling case can be made that the referent of 666 is none other than the infamous tyrant Nero Caesar. Now although the entire weight of the argument for the date of the Revelation can not be borne by this identification alone, when the probable identification of “666” as “Nero Caesar” is made, then the complex of evidences considered together is seen to cohere most impressively. As we begin our inquiry we must bear in mind that John clearly says “the number of the beast” is “the number of a man” (Rev. 13: 18). Thus, this beast, despite the apocalyptic imagery used to describe him, is a man (Gk: 6v@pmw) – not an angelic or demonic being, or a non-human creature of some sort, or an idea. 20 The beast imagery describes his cruel character, not his physical form. As a great many scholars have come to conclude with a satisfying degree of confidence, the name which fits the circumstances most admirably is that of the nefarious Nero Caesar. And as noted just above, it would not be the first time Nero was the subject of a cryptogram. Earlier we noted a riddle based on the Greek spelling of his name. Here we must realize that the name “Nero Caesar,” if spelled according to a Hebrew spelling (John and most first century Christians were of Hebrew extraction),21 gives us precisely the value 20. “The number of the beast is the number of a certain man. . . . The reference is undoubtedly to some definite historical person” (Mounce, RtwMims, p. 264). “The man here, i.e. one of the heads of the Beast, is himself the Beast. If we discover the name of the man it is for the time the name of the Beast. This conclusion is of paramount importance in the interpretation of the verse as a whole” (R. H. Charles, 77u Rwslation oJSt. John, 2 VOIS. International Critical Commentary [Edinburgh: T. & T. C1ark, 1920] 1:365). 21. See discussion below of the strong Hebrew element in Revelation.


reading of Revelation was properly “666,” it is remarkable that “616”<br />

appeared in certain ancient manuscripts and traditions dating back<br />

to the second century. The significance of this variant in the text<br />

tradition will be dealt with shortly.<br />

Th Meaning of 666<br />

Perhaps in the inquiry into the significance of the cryptogram it<br />

would be best to begin with the position the present writer deems<br />

most compatible with the available evidence. After presenting the<br />

case for the identification of “666,” then some of the problems with<br />

the designation will be dealt with. A compelling case can be made<br />

that the referent of 666 is none other than the infamous tyrant Nero<br />

Caesar. Now although the entire weight of the argument for the date<br />

of the Revelation can not be borne by this identification alone, when<br />

the probable identification of “666” as “Nero Caesar” is made, then<br />

the complex of evidences considered together is seen to cohere most<br />

impressively.<br />

As we begin our inquiry we must bear in mind that John clearly<br />

says “the number of the beast” is “the number of a man” (Rev.<br />

13: 18). Thus, this beast, despite the apocalyptic imagery used to<br />

describe him, is a man (Gk: 6v@pmw) – not an angelic or demonic<br />

being, or a non-human creature of some sort, or an idea. 20<br />

The beast<br />

imagery describes his cruel character, not his physical form.<br />

As a great many scholars have come to conclude with a satisfying<br />

degree of confidence, the name which fits the circumstances most<br />

admirably is that of the nefarious Nero Caesar. And as noted just<br />

above, it would not be the first time Nero was the subject of a<br />

cryptogram. Earlier we noted a riddle based on the Greek spelling<br />

of his name. Here we must realize that the name “Nero Caesar,” if<br />

spelled according to a Hebrew spelling (John and most first century<br />

Christians were of Hebrew extraction),21 gives us precisely the value<br />

20. “The number of the beast is the number of a certain man. . . . The reference is<br />

undoubtedly to some definite historical person” (Mounce, RtwMims, p. 264). “The man<br />

here, i.e. one of the heads of the Beast, is himself the Beast. If we discover the name of<br />

the man it is for the time the name of the Beast. This conclusion is of paramount<br />

importance in the interpretation of the verse as a whole” (R. H. Charles, 77u Rwslation<br />

oJSt. John, 2 VOIS. International Critical Commentary [Edinburgh: T. & T. C1ark, 1920]<br />

1:365).<br />

21. See discussion below of the strong Hebrew element in Revelation.

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