Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


The Zci2n.ti~ of t/w Sixth King 163 in sublime control, Almighty God (Rev. 4). As a matter of fact, the seven churches in Revelation were historical churches in historical Asia. As a matter of historical fact, Rome was the persecutor of the Church, and it was located on sewn hills. Is it not quite remarkable that Nero was, in reality, the sixth emperor and he was, in reality, followed by a seventh who reigned only a “short time”? If the Neronic date be accepted, the enumeration of the “kings” covers all of imperial history up until John’s tirru and the events “shortly” to follow. Surely the large, rounded numbers of Revelation – e.g., 1000, 144,000, and 200,000,000 – should be understood as symbols, but it is not at all clear that the smaller numbers or shorter time-frames must be so understood (especially in light of the previous considerations). Furthermore, it could well be that John did mean “to represent the Roman power as a historic whole.” But this is the very point: if John wrote before A.D. 68 he was writing about the whole of the Roman power! For then it would be the case that in John’s day only six emperors had ascended the imperial throne. But why only seven kings? First because the number seven is the reigning symbolic number of the book; then, secondly, because this covers the ground which the writer means specially to occupy, viz., it goes down to the period when the persecution then raging would cease.66 Finally, despite the symbolic nature of apocalyptic non-biblical literature in general – often an extravagant and excessive symbolism — apocalyptic political referents were almost invariably of a chronological-historical nature. In the Sibylline Oracles and 2 Esdras this is undeniably the case. Why should it not be so here? The “Kings” as Kingdoms Other commentators object that the proper interpretation of the matter would involve not a series of seven kings, but of seven kingdoms. One commentator interprets the symbol as indicating: “seven different manifestations of the world-power in history. As we have remarked, the picture of the beast in our text places before us the historic development of the world-power, as well as its final formation. And the former is symbolized in the heads. That this is the case 66. Stuart, Apoca@e 2:32.5, 326. *

164 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL is plain from the language of the angels. He tells us about these heads that one is, that five have fallen, and that one is not yet, evidently pointing to succession.”G7 Another argues similarly: “The seven heads are best explained as referring to seven kings who represent seven successive forms of the kingdom. “w Various problems beset the view that the “kings” represent “kingdoms,” rendering it unfit as an adequate interpretive option. First, the word given to help John understand the vision is “kings” (J3cmz- ~Efg). This word never means “kingdom.” Second, as noted above, the obvious allusion to Rome via the “seven hills” cannot be mistaken. To allow it to refer to something other than Rome would be a cruel taunting of the original audience. Especially would this be so since the angel declared that he was assisting in the interpretation! Third, as noted in a earlier section of the present study, the expectation of the book is that of the events being “at hand” and “near” (Rev. 1:1,3, 19; 3:10; 6:10; 22:6, 10,12, 20). Conclusion Revelation 17 points specifically to the present rule of a sixth “king” in a succession of seven that rule from seven hills. In light of the various considerations outlined above, it is obvious that a convincing case can be made for a date sometime during the reign of Nero, particularly in the latter years of his reign. Although this does not speci~ the exact year of dating, it does clearly obviate a late date for Revelation. And when this extremely strong piece of evidence is combined with all that given heretofore and with the yet-to-come internal evidence, the early date position approaches certainty. 67. Hoeksema, Behald, He Ccmuth, pp. .572, 573. 68. Walvoord, Reuelatiotq p. 250. See also Ladd, Rer.wktion, p. 229. It is a frequent source of frustration that despite loud calls for a hermeneutic of “consistent liberalism” by dispensational premillennialist, such a denial of this historically verifiable referent is urged by them. For calls to liberalism in Revelation, see Walvoord, Revelation, p. 21; and Charles C. Ryrie, ?% Living End (Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1976), p. 37.


is plain from the language of the angels. He tells us about these heads<br />

that one is, that five have fallen, and that one is not yet, evidently<br />

pointing to succession.”G7 Another argues similarly: “The seven heads<br />

are best explained as referring to seven kings who represent seven<br />

successive forms of the kingdom. “w<br />

Various problems beset the view that the “kings” represent “kingdoms,”<br />

rendering it unfit as an adequate interpretive option. First,<br />

the word given to help John understand the vision is “kings” (J3cmz-<br />

~Efg). This word never means “kingdom.” Second, as noted above,<br />

the obvious allusion to Rome via the “seven hills” cannot be mistaken.<br />

To allow it to refer to something other than Rome would be a<br />

cruel taunting of the original audience. Especially would this be so<br />

since the angel declared that he was assisting in the interpretation!<br />

Third, as noted in a earlier section of the present study, the expectation<br />

of the book is that of the events being “at hand” and “near”<br />

(Rev. 1:1,3, 19; 3:10; 6:10; 22:6, 10,12, 20).<br />

Conclusion<br />

Revelation 17 points specifically to the present rule of a sixth<br />

“king” in a succession of seven that rule from seven hills. In light of<br />

the various considerations outlined above, it is obvious that a convincing<br />

case can be made for a date sometime during the reign of<br />

Nero, particularly in the latter years of his reign. Although this does<br />

not speci~ the exact year of dating, it does clearly obviate a late date<br />

for Revelation. And when this extremely strong piece of evidence is<br />

combined with all that given heretofore and with the yet-to-come<br />

internal evidence, the early date position approaches certainty.<br />

67. Hoeksema, Behald, He Ccmuth, pp. .572, 573.<br />

68. Walvoord, Reuelatiotq p. 250. See also Ladd, Rer.wktion, p. 229. It is a frequent<br />

source of frustration that despite loud calls for a hermeneutic of “consistent liberalism”<br />

by dispensational premillennialist, such a denial of this historically verifiable referent is<br />

urged by them. For calls to liberalism in Revelation, see Walvoord, Revelation, p. 21; and<br />

Charles C. Ryrie, ?% Living End (Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1976), p. 37.

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