Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry

by Kenneth L. Gentry


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was written nearer A.D. 180. 37<br />

Others believe Caius, Presbyter of<br />

Rome, wrote it about the year A.D. 200. 38<br />

If written by Caius, it<br />

should be noted that he may well have been a student of Irenaeus.3g<br />

But even if Caius did not compose it, it most certainly was drawn<br />

up by a writer from the latter half of the second century, the very era<br />

of Irenaeus.a As Schaff observes, it is “the oldest Latin church<br />

document of Rome, and of very great importance for the history of<br />

the canon. “4 1<br />

The witness of this manuscript virtually demands the early date<br />

for Revelation. The relevant portion of the document states that “the<br />

blessed Apostle Paul, following the rule of his predecessor John,<br />

writes to no more than seven churches by name. ” Later we read:<br />

c~ohn too, indeed, in the Apocalypse, although he writes to only<br />

seven churches, yet addresses all. “4 2<br />

This ancient writer clearly teaches<br />

that John Precedd Paul in writing letters to seven churches. And it is<br />

universally agreed among historians and theologians that Paul died<br />

before A.D. 70, either in A.D. 67 or 68. 43<br />

This is a most important<br />

piece of early evidence with which to reckon.<br />

If the common late date interpretation of Irenaeus is accepted,<br />

the Muratorian Canon records a contemporary tradition contrary to<br />

and despite Irenaeus. If we adopt the most reasonable reconstruction<br />

of Irenaeus and accept the clari@ing of the ambiguity in Clement,<br />

as presented heretofore, then we have a trio of harmonious evidences,<br />

all from the same era.<br />

Tertullian<br />

Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian (c. A.D. 160-220), the first<br />

major theologian to write in Latin, lived in Carthage and began<br />

writing around A.D. 196. He is most famous for his ApologJJ, but is<br />

37. Lightfoot and Harmer, Apostolic Fathem, p. 293.<br />

38. Tim Dowley, Esrdrnax.r Handbook to the HistoU of ChristiuniU (Herts, England: Lion,<br />

1977), p. 105. See also next note.<br />

39. AiVF 5:599,603.<br />

40. F. F. Bruce, New 7Zstan-wat HistoU (Garden City, NY Doubleday, 1969), p. 366.<br />

41. Schaff, Histoy 1:776.<br />

42. ANF 5:603. The seven churches addressed by Paul would be Rome, Corinth,<br />

Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae, and Thessalonica.<br />

43. A. T. Robertson, “Paul” in International Stxmdard Bibk Encyclopedia, 1st ed. (Grand<br />

Rapids: Eerdmans, 1915) 3:2287; Richard Longenecker, Th Msmstry and Message of Paul<br />

(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1971), p. 86.

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