Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry

by Kenneth L. Gentry


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Ifwedonot understand the historical context (“withtext”), we will<br />

have trouble understanding the text itself. If we fail to understand<br />

both text and context, we risk misapplying the text’s message in our<br />

lives. In the case of no other book of the New Testament has an error<br />

in dating led to more misinterpretations and misapplications than the<br />

Book of Revelation.<br />

Third, there is no doubt that the intellectual attack on the<br />

integrity of the Bible’s manuscripts has been the most important<br />

single strategy of covenant-breaking modern Bible scholars.2 I refer<br />

here to the academic specialty known as higher criticism of the<br />

Bible.3 A large part of this attack involves the dating of the Bible’s<br />

original texts. The presupposition of all higher critics of the Bible is<br />

that the biblical texts, especially the prophetic texts, could not possibly<br />

have been written at the time that the texts insist that they were<br />

written. To admit that they were written when the texts say that they<br />

were written would be to admit that -<br />

mortals, under the inspiration<br />

of the Holy Spirit, can accurately predict the iiture. This would<br />

destroy the most cherished assumption of the humanist: the sovereignty<br />

of man. If this ability to forecast the future actually exists, the<br />

future is not only known to the revealer, it is foreordained by something<br />

beyond man’s power to alter. This points clearly to the absolute<br />

sovereignty of God, and the humanist rejects this doctrine with all<br />

his heart. 4<br />

Prophecy Fulfilled<br />

In 1987, my publishing company, Dominion Press, published<br />

David Chilton’s book, Th Days of V2ngeance: An Exposition of the Book<br />

2. Writes Old Testament theologian Walter Kaise~ “For many it is too much to<br />

assume that there is consistency within one book or even a series of books alleged to<br />

have been written by the same author, for many contend that various forms of literary<br />

criticism have suggested composite documents often traditionally posing under one single<br />

author. This argument, more than any other argument in the last two hundred years,<br />

has been responsible for cutting the main nerve of the case for the unity and authority<br />

of the biblical message.” Walter Kaiser, Jr., 7bwurd Old Testarnmd Ethics (Grand Rapids,<br />

Michigan: Zondervan Academie, 1983), p. 26.<br />

3. See Oswald T. Allis, The Fiw lloob of Mows (2nd cd.; Phillipsburg, New Jersey:<br />

presbyterian & Reformed, [1949]); Allis, Thz Old Testanwzt: Zt.s Claim.r and Its CritiJs<br />

(Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1972).<br />

4. Very few Arminians (“free-will Christians”) discuss the topic of biblical prophecy<br />

in terms of God’s absolute sovereignty. They may enjoy discussing Bible prophecy; they<br />

do not enjoy discussing the predestinarian implications of Bible prophecy.

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