Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


T&Liberation of the Church 91 are really like. I will deliver you into their jurisdiction for a few years.” There are those today within the church who tell us that Old Testament laws are inherently tyrannical. They tell us that the church can live under any system of political law in the world, and still survive. But one system of law is supposedly forever forbidden: Biblical law. That would be intolerable. That would mean that Christians were exercising dominion. The power religionists do not want to hear that; neither do the escape religionists. What we learn in the Old Testament is just the opposite: tyranny was the product of every rival law system in the ancient world except Old Testament law. The God of the Bible is the God of liberation. His law therefore produces liberation. Yet the critics of the Old Testament law system claim that civil rule in terms of Old Testament law would produce tyranny. We can see just how effective the humanists have been in’persuading Christians to give up their heritage of liberty for a mess of bureaucratic pottage. So whenever the church begins to declare God’s holy standards of civil rule, the state is outraged. “How dare you! It is your job to keep the people quiet,” says the present ruler. “It is not your job to speak out on political questions. They are of no concern to the church.” The revolutionaries are equally outraged. “It is your job to preach revolution, not reform; says the Mamist liberation theologian. “It is not your job to preach peacefid change, the reconstruction of society by the preaching of the gospel, and the decapi- , talization of the state. No, the goal is to capture the state, strengthen it, and make it even more powerful.” The escapists are also outraged. “Look, we come to church to have our spirits soothed. You keep bringing up unpleasant topics. There is nothing we can do about any of the world’s problems outside the four walls of the sanctuary. Preach Jesus, and Him crucified — and be sure to leave Him hanging on the cross, where He belongs.” The preaching of the fill-scale gospel scares those who believe

92 Liberating Planet Earth in political salvation, as well as those who believe in irresponsible, world-denying salvation. The message of the Bible is simple in principle: comprehensive redemption. Everything is to be brought under the dominion of Jesus, through His people; who represent Him as ambassadors and judges on earth. Everything. This means that Christ redeemed (bought back) the whole world. It means that there is no neutrality between Christ and Satan. Christ’s rule must be established over everything before He delivers the kingdom up to His Father (1 Corinthians 15:24). Avoiding Pastoral Responsibilities Christian rule means rule in terms of Biblical law by every Christian in his God-given area of responsibility: family, business, education, or wherever. To preach such a gospel, the pastors must possess a vision of dominion. They must understand the Bible so well that they can see how it applies in many different “secular” fields. This is why pastors as a group need to be involved in specialized study, so that they can preach and write with authority. Each pastor needs to know one or two “seculad’ fields to which the Bible speaks. He should be in contact with other Christians who understand their fields. Then he can bring this comprehensive understanding of the Bible into the pulpit. He can begin to motivate Christians to become dominion-oriented. This is a large responsibility. Few pastors know where to begin. They fear making mistakes, speaking out where they have no competence.. Very well; their job is to begin studying until they have more competence. But it is so easy to agree with the state – “Keep the church out of politics (and everything else)”– and to avoid viewing the Bible as the source of blueprints for many areas of life, that few pastors ever begin. They avoid preaching the whole counsel of God. Humanism teaches that the God of the Bible and His Word are not relevant to anything outside of (maybe) family life. The pietists (escape religionists) agree with the humanists. The only way to answer their criticisms is to show that the Bible is relevant to every area of life. This takes hard work, careful study, and risk.

T&Liberation of the Church 91<br />

are really like. I will deliver you into their jurisdiction for a few<br />

years.”<br />

There are those today within the church who tell us that Old<br />

Testament laws are inherently tyrannical. They tell us that the<br />

church can live under any system of political law in the world,<br />

and still survive. But one system of law is supposedly forever forbidden:<br />

Biblical law. That would be intolerable. That would<br />

mean that Christians were exercising dominion. The power religionists<br />

do not want to hear that; neither do the escape religionists.<br />

What we learn in the Old Testament is just the opposite:<br />

tyranny was the product of every rival law system in the ancient<br />

world except Old Testament law. The God of the Bible is the God<br />

of liberation. His law therefore produces liberation. Yet the critics<br />

of the Old Testament law system claim that civil rule in terms of<br />

Old Testament law would produce tyranny.<br />

We can see just how effective the humanists have been in’persuading<br />

Christians to give up their heritage of liberty for a mess of<br />

bureaucratic pottage.<br />

So whenever the church begins to declare God’s holy standards<br />

of civil rule, the state is outraged. “How dare you! It is your<br />

job to keep the people quiet,” says the present ruler. “It is not your<br />

job to speak out on political questions. They are of no concern to<br />

the church.”<br />

The revolutionaries are equally outraged. “It is your job to<br />

preach revolution, not reform; says the Mamist liberation theologian.<br />

“It is not your job to preach peacefid change, the reconstruction<br />

of society by the preaching of the gospel, and the decapi- ,<br />

talization of the state. No, the goal is to capture the state,<br />

strengthen it, and make it even more powerful.”<br />

The escapists are also outraged. “Look, we come to church to<br />

have our spirits soothed. You keep bringing up unpleasant topics.<br />

There is nothing we can do about any of the world’s problems outside<br />

the four walls of the sanctuary. Preach Jesus, and Him<br />

crucified — and be sure to leave Him hanging on the cross, where<br />

He belongs.”<br />

The preaching of the fill-scale gospel scares those who believe

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