Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


The Liberation of the Church 89 the Bible. First, transcen&nce/immanence (presence). The minister and elders represent God to the people and the people to God. God is present with His people in the church worship meetings, especially during the serving of the Lord’s Supper (communion). Second, there is hierarchy. Elders rule over deacons, and both rule through service over the members. The elders serve as an appeals court in church disputes (1 Corinthians 3). Third, there is ethics. The church preaches the gospel, declaring God’s law for every area of life. The church is a counselor, as the Levites were, to other institutions. Fourth, there is judgmnt. The church excommunicates – cuts off from communion — as a prelude to the final judgment of God (1 Corinthians 5). Fifth, there is continuity. The church is a continuing institution over time, the place where parents and children gather. It provides continuity for families through the sacrament of baptism. Naturally, we see a rival church in satanic cults, but more importantly, in humanism’s self-proclaimed agency of salvation, the messianic state. The state seeks to serve as the voice of God, or what is the same today, the voice of man in a world where no God is said to exist. This is why tyrannies insist on elections, and require all citizens to vote in these meaningless elections. “VOX populi, vox dei”: the voice of the people is the voice of god — the god of humanism. Second, the state establishes a bureaucratic hierarchy. This hierarchy tells people how they must live. It is a top-down hierarchy. ‘ Third, the state announces laws – an endless stream of laws. In the United States, every day, the national government’s bureaucracy prints the Federal Register, which is over 200 pages long, in three columns of small print, which announces the new rules and regulations for the day. Over 54,000 pages appear each year. Hardly anyone except specialized lawyers can even read these laws. (Most of God’s laws for the civil government appear in Exodus 20-23 and Deuteronomy). Fourth, the state asserts itself to be judge over every aspect of life, invading the church and the family with barely a thought of

90 Liberating Planet Earth the consequences. In Mexico, for instance, the state owns every church building and its land, and any “house church” is illegal, Neighbors can report worship activities to the police, and if the house is not previously registered as a church, the state can legally cordiscate it. Fifth, the state seeks to control the future by controlling capital. It taxes inheritances. It establishes long-term debts, thereby destroying the independent futures of taxpayers. It recapitalizes Christians. Silencing the Whole Counsel of God That Marxism should be promoted in the name of Christianity is the supreme irony of the twentieth century. The church has had no greater enemy in its history. Yet we have seen this pattern before. The false prophets of ancient Israel frequently spoke in the name of the God of Israel. These were the prophets that the evil kings wanted to hear. Even when King Ahab knew that his court prophets were telling him what he wanted to hear, not what was really the word of God, he preferred them. When he was asked by King Jehoshaphat ofJudah to calJ in a true priest, Micaiahj Ahab knew he would prophesy bad news. When Micaiah prophesied good news, Ahab rebuked him: “How many times shall I make you swear that you tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the Lord?” (2 Chronicles 18:15). He knew the true from the false prophets. So fierce had Ahab’s hostility been toward the word of God that Ahab’s servant Obadiah had to hide a hundred prophets in caves in order to save their lives (1 Kings 18:13). It was only under extreme pressure – the drought and famine– that Elijah could get Ahab to consent to the showdown on Mount Carrnel between himself and the 850 evil prophets. General apostasy is always accompanied by tyranny. When the people of Israel in the era of the Judges would begin to worship the gods of Canaan or Philistia, God would deliver them into the hands of their enemies. God said, in effect: “So you like the gods of Philistia, do you? Very well, let Me show you what those gods

90 <strong>Liberating</strong> <strong>Planet</strong> <strong>Earth</strong><br />

the consequences. In Mexico, for instance, the state owns every<br />

church building and its land, and any “house church” is illegal,<br />

Neighbors can report worship activities to the police, and if the<br />

house is not previously registered as a church, the state can legally<br />

cordiscate it.<br />

Fifth, the state seeks to control the future by controlling capital.<br />

It taxes inheritances. It establishes long-term debts, thereby<br />

destroying the independent futures of taxpayers. It recapitalizes<br />

Christians.<br />

Silencing the Whole Counsel of God<br />

That Marxism should be promoted in the name of Christianity<br />

is the supreme irony of the twentieth century. The church has<br />

had no greater enemy in its history. Yet we have seen this pattern<br />

before. The false prophets of ancient Israel frequently spoke in the<br />

name of the God of Israel. These were the prophets that the evil<br />

kings wanted to hear. Even when King Ahab knew that his court<br />

prophets were telling him what he wanted to hear, not what was<br />

really the word of God, he preferred them. When he was asked by<br />

King Jehoshaphat ofJudah to calJ in a true priest, Micaiahj Ahab<br />

knew he would prophesy bad news. When Micaiah prophesied<br />

good news, Ahab rebuked him: “How many times shall I make<br />

you swear that you tell me nothing but the truth in the name of<br />

the Lord?” (2 Chronicles 18:15). He knew the true from the false<br />

prophets.<br />

So fierce had Ahab’s hostility been toward the word of God<br />

that Ahab’s servant Obadiah had to hide a hundred prophets in<br />

caves in order to save their lives (1 Kings 18:13). It was only under<br />

extreme pressure – the drought and famine– that Elijah could get<br />

Ahab to consent to the showdown on Mount Carrnel between<br />

himself and the 850 evil prophets.<br />

General apostasy is always accompanied by tyranny. When<br />

the people of Israel in the era of the Judges would begin to worship<br />

the gods of Canaan or Philistia, God would deliver them into the<br />

hands of their enemies. God said, in effect: “So you like the gods<br />

of Philistia, do you? Very well, let Me show you what those gods

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