Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


7%e Liberation of th Fami~ 87 primary responsibility over their children. 6. Over the years, because of aging, responsibility shifts from parents to children. 7. Responsibility is therefore reciprocal over time. 8. Parents and children have mutual responsibilities over time. 9. The eldest son receives a double portion: of the inheritance and of responsibilit y for caring for aged parents. 10. The Bible teaches the continuity of capital over generations. 11. Family capital is less likely to be wasted. 12. Wealth flows toward provident and productive people in a free society. 13. Parents must train children in competence and character if family capital is to be increased over generations. 14. Compound economic growth produces huge increases in wealth and productivity if even small increases go on for centuries. 15. Christians should view capital as a trust from God, to be handed down and multiplied over time. 16. There are two rival families today: the state and the Christian family unit. 17. The state is increasingly increasing its power and influence (through tax spending) over matters once directed by families and especially fathers. 18. Citizens are seen by state bureaucrats as perpetual slaves and perpetual children. 19. The state has become a kidnapper. 20. The state is destroying the inheritance of families through taxation and controls. 21. The state is squandering the nation’s capital. 22. Social, political, and economic bankruptcies are coming when the state can no longer pretend to be God. 23. Christians must abandon the religion of humanism. 24. They must abandon their belief in the state as the true family.

7 THE LIBERATION OF THE CHURCH But when he [Uzziah, king of Judah] was strong his heart was lifted up, to his destruction, for he transgressed against the LORD his God by entering the temple of the LORD to burn incense (2 Chronicles 26:16). The story of Uzziah is not well known. He was a good king generally (2 Chronicles 26:4) – one of the few good kings in ancient Israel. But he grew arrogant, as Saul did when he offered a sacrifice to God when Samuel delayed, and lost his kingdom as a result (1 Samuel 13). Uzziah also thought that he was entitled as king to sacriiice to God in the temple. The priests opposed him, warning him that he was acting improperly. Then Uzziah became furious; and he had a tenser in his hand to burn incense. And while he was angry with the priests, leprosy broke out on his forehead, before the priests in the house of the LORD, beside the incense altar (v. 19). The king remained a leper until he died. In accordance with Biblical law (Leviticus 13, 14), he was separated from other people in a lifetime quarantine (v. 21). What is the meaning of this passage? It is reasonably clear: there is a fundamental separation between the ministry of civil justice (sword) and the ministry of the sacraments. The church is a lawfully covenanted institution, a separate jurisdiction from the state. The church’s covenant parallels the basic covenant pattern in 88

7%e Liberation of th Fami~ 87<br />

primary responsibility over their children.<br />

6. Over the years, because of aging, responsibility shifts from<br />

parents to children.<br />

7. Responsibility is therefore reciprocal over time.<br />

8. Parents and children have mutual responsibilities over<br />

time.<br />

9. The eldest son receives a double portion: of the inheritance<br />

and of responsibilit y for caring for aged parents.<br />

10. The Bible teaches the continuity of capital over generations.<br />

11. Family capital is less likely to be wasted.<br />

12. Wealth flows toward provident and productive people in a<br />

free society.<br />

13. Parents must train children in competence and character if<br />

family capital is to be increased over generations.<br />

14. Compound economic growth produces huge increases in<br />

wealth and productivity if even small increases go on for centuries.<br />

15. Christians should view capital as a trust from God, to be<br />

handed down and multiplied over time.<br />

16. There are two rival families today: the state and the Christian<br />

family unit.<br />

17. The state is increasingly increasing its power and influence<br />

(through tax spending) over matters once directed by families and<br />

especially fathers.<br />

18. Citizens are seen by state bureaucrats as perpetual slaves<br />

and perpetual children.<br />

19. The state has become a kidnapper.<br />

20. The state is destroying the inheritance of families through<br />

taxation and controls.<br />

21. The state is squandering the nation’s capital.<br />

22. Social, political, and economic bankruptcies are coming<br />

when the state can no longer pretend to be God.<br />

23. Christians must abandon the religion of humanism.<br />

24. They must abandon their belief in the state as the true family.

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