Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


The Liberation of the Fami~ 85 By abandoning the principle of family responsibility, the modern messianic state wastes a culture’s capital, destroys inheritance, and makes more acceptable both euthanasia (which reduces the expense of caring for the unproductive elderly) and abortion (which reduces the expense of training and caring for the unproductive young). Lawless men, in their productive years, refuse to share their wealth with dying parents and squalling children. They look only at present costs, neglecting future benefits, such as the care which the unborn might provide them in their old age. Thg hauefaith in the compassionate and productive state, the great social myth of the twentieth century. They want its benefits, but they never ask themselves the key question: Who will pay for their retirement years? The shrinking number of children, who are even more present-oriented, even more conditioned by the statist educational system, even more unwilling to share their wealth with the now-unproductive aged of the land? With the dissipation of capital, the productive voters will resist the demands of the elderly. Tb generations go to war against one anothez the war of politics. The Coming Bankrupt~ The pseudo-family state is an agent of social, political, and economic bankruptcy. It still has its intellectual defenders, even within the Christian community, although its defenders tend to be products of the state-supported, state-certified, and state-aggrandizing universities. This pseudo-jamily is suicidal. It destroys the foundations of productivity, and productivity is the source of all voluntary charity. It is a suicidal family which will pay off its debts with inflated fiat currency. Its compassion will be limited to paper and ink. The impersonalism of the modern pseudo-family, along with its present-orientation — a vision no longer than the next election — will produce massive, universal failure. It has already done so. The great economic experiment of the twentieth century is almost over, and all the college-level textbooks in economics, political science, and sociology will not be able to justify the system once it erodes the productivity which every parasitic structure requires

86 Liberating Planet Earth for its own survival. Like the Canaanitic cultures ofJoshua’s day, the end is in sight for the modern, messianic, welfiwe state economies. They have recapitalized their envy-driven, guilt-ridden citizens. Summary We see in the fmily a war between Satan and God, between the rival forms of the covenant. It is imperative for Christians to abandon the religion of humanism. It is imperative that they fulfill their responsibilities as members of a covenantal community. It is imperative that they see to it that their old people, as well as their young people, are not in any way dependent upon the services of a declining welfare state. To become dependent on such an institution is to become a slave. Worse than that: it is to become dependent on a master whose resources are almost spent. When men and women honor their fathers and mothers – financially, spiritually, and institutionally — they will have begun the painful but mandatory journey out of slavery. They will have begun to amass family capital for yet unborn generations. We must recapitalize the state. The alternative is for the state to recapitalize us. If we are dependent on the state for its support, we are necessarily fostering the decapitalization of the family. The jirst and wial step in &capitalizing the state k to cease calling forfavors from the state. It is to create alternative, voluntary, Biblical institutions that will replace the pseudo-compassion of the messianic state. If the covenant communities refise to accept this challenge, then they will see their capital dissipated by the spendthrift managers of the humanistic state. In summary: 1. The covenantal promises of God are collective, not always personal. 2. Honoring parents produces longer Iifespans for most people in a society. 3. Longer lifespans can produce a growing population. 4. A growing population is a tool of dominion: “Be fruitful and multiply.” 5. Parents possess a God-given, limited, but institutionally

86 <strong>Liberating</strong> <strong>Planet</strong> <strong>Earth</strong><br />

for its own survival. Like the Canaanitic cultures ofJoshua’s day, the<br />

end is in sight for the modern, messianic, welfiwe state economies.<br />

They have recapitalized their envy-driven, guilt-ridden citizens.<br />

Summary<br />

We see in the fmily a war between Satan and God, between<br />

the rival forms of the covenant. It is imperative for Christians to<br />

abandon the religion of humanism. It is imperative that they fulfill<br />

their responsibilities as members of a covenantal community.<br />

It is imperative that they see to it that their old people, as well as<br />

their young people, are not in any way dependent upon the services<br />

of a declining welfare state. To become dependent on such<br />

an institution is to become a slave. Worse than that: it is to become<br />

dependent on a master whose resources are almost spent.<br />

When men and women honor their fathers and mothers – financially,<br />

spiritually, and institutionally — they will have begun the<br />

painful but mandatory journey out of slavery. They will have<br />

begun to amass family capital for yet unborn generations.<br />

We must recapitalize the state. The alternative is for the state to<br />

recapitalize us. If we are dependent on the state for its support,<br />

we are necessarily fostering the decapitalization of the family. The<br />

jirst and wial step in &capitalizing the state k to cease calling forfavors<br />

from the state. It is to create alternative, voluntary, Biblical institutions<br />

that will replace the pseudo-compassion of the messianic<br />

state. If the covenant communities refise to accept this challenge,<br />

then they will see their capital dissipated by the spendthrift managers<br />

of the humanistic state.<br />

In summary:<br />

1. The covenantal promises of God are collective, not always<br />

personal.<br />

2. Honoring parents produces longer Iifespans for most people<br />

in a society.<br />

3. Longer lifespans can produce a growing population.<br />

4. A growing population is a tool of dominion: “Be fruitful and<br />

multiply.”<br />

5. Parents possess a God-given, limited, but institutionally

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