Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


For political religions, for humanism, evil is in the environment, and the state’s power to change that environment is its saving grace. The state must remake man’s physical and spiritual environment in order to change and save man. Social change in terms of the state’s plan is statist grace in operation. The bad environment must be destroyed in order to free man. This evil environment sometimes involves persons and institutions, such as the bourgeoisie, capitalists, the clergy, Christians, churches, private organizations, private enterprise, and so on. All these may have to be, and frequently are, “liquidated” or destroyed as part of the process of salvation. Those persons remaining must be “reeducated” in terms of the new creed and out of Christianity. For Biblical Christianity, the answer to the problem of evil is God’s grace, the grace of God through Jesus Christ and the restitution of all things. Man’s problem is not his environment but sin, man’s desire to be his own god, his own law and principle of ultimacy. Man cannot save himself, either by politics, works of law or morality, or by any other means. Jesus Christ is man’s only savior. Man must live under God’s law order in order to live freely and happily, but the law order cannot save man, nor will that law order long survive, if there be not a sizable body of believers whose life is the law of God. Basic to true order therefore is grace. Without grace, man lacks the character to develop his potentialities, capitalize his activities, and order his life. R. J. Rushdoony* * Rushdoony, The Founaidiom of Social” OrG%Y (Fairfax, VA: Thoburn Press [1968] 1978), pp. 222-23.

INTRODUCTION Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed on Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). I originally wrote this book as an evangelical tool to be used primarily by Spanish-speaking Christians in their struggles against atheism, Communism, and the popular socialist religion known as liberation theology. Nevertheless, this book is more than an anti-Communist tract. We must be more than anti- Communists. We must be able to offer a comprehensive, workable alternative to Communism. Nothing less than this will be successful. Marxism is the most consistent and powerful secular religion of all time; it can only be successfully challenged by an even more consistent and more powerful Biblical religion. I realized that the book could also serve English-speaking people as an introduction to Christianity – not the traditional “one hour and three prayers per week” sort of Christianity, but the Christianity of the Bible. This Christianity presents a comprehensive challenge to the modern world, and it also offers comprehensive solutions to the complex problems of our day. Christianity has not survived for almost two thousand years because it is culturally irrelevant. It captured and then transformed the dying Roman Empire in the fourth century. It laid the foundations of modern science during the late medieval period (1000-1500), and developed it in the early modern period (1500-1700). Kings governed in the name of Christianity, and others were overthrown in the name of Christianity. It is proper to speak of Christian civilization, but for well over a century, such language has seemed 1


Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed on Him, “If you<br />

abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall<br />

know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32).<br />

I originally wrote this book as an evangelical tool to be used<br />

primarily by Spanish-speaking Christians in their struggles<br />

against atheism, Communism, and the popular socialist religion<br />

known as liberation theology. Nevertheless, this book is more<br />

than an anti-Communist tract. We must be more than anti-<br />

Communists. We must be able to offer a comprehensive, workable<br />

alternative to Communism. Nothing less than this will be<br />

successful. Marxism is the most consistent and powerful secular<br />

religion of all time; it can only be successfully challenged by an<br />

even more consistent and more powerful Biblical religion.<br />

I realized that the book could also serve English-speaking people<br />

as an introduction to Christianity – not the traditional “one<br />

hour and three prayers per week” sort of Christianity, but the<br />

Christianity of the Bible. This Christianity presents a comprehensive<br />

challenge to the modern world, and it also offers comprehensive solutions<br />

to the complex problems of our day.<br />

Christianity has not survived for almost two thousand years because<br />

it is culturally irrelevant. It captured and then transformed the<br />

dying Roman Empire in the fourth century. It laid the foundations<br />

of modern science during the late medieval period (1000-1500),<br />

and developed it in the early modern period (1500-1700). Kings<br />

governed in the name of Christianity, and others were overthrown<br />

in the name of Christianity. It is proper to speak of Christian civilization,<br />

but for well over a century, such language has seemed<br />


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