Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


The Liberation of the Farni~ 81 God also offers the covenantal society truly vast increases in per family wealth, if the terms of the covenant are maintained. The covenant community increases its control of capital, generation by generation, piling up ever-greater quantities of capital, until the growth becomes exponential, meaning astronomical, meaning impossible. Compound growth therefore points to the fulfillment of the dominion covenant, the subduing of the earth. It points to the end of cursed time. (It might be appropriate at this point to clarify what I mean when I speak about a covenant society amassing huge numbers of monetary units called talents. If we are speaking of a whole society, and not just a single family, then for all of them to amass 6,747 talents per family in 250 years, there would have to be mass inflation, the printing of billions of “talent notes.” I am speaking not of physical slips of paper called talents; I am speaking of goods and services of value. The 100 talents per family, multiplied by all the families in the society, would not be allowed to increase; prices would fall in response to increased production of 3% per annum. Eventually, if the whole society experiences 3?Z0 per annum economic growth, given a fixed money supply, prices would begin to approach zero. But prices in a cursed world will never reach zero; there will always be economic scarcity [Genesis 3:17-19]. In fact, scarcity is defined as a universe in which total demand is greater than supply at zero price. So the assumption of permanent compound economic growth is incorrect. Either the growth process stops in the aggregate, or else time ends. That, of course, is precisely the point. Time will end.) A man whose vision is geared to dominion, in time and on earth, has to look to the years beyond his lifetime. He cannot hope to buildup his family’s capital base in his own lifetime sufficient to achieve conquest. (Yes, a few men do achieve this, but not many; we are talking about dominion by the Christian community, not the dominion of a few families.) If he looks two or more centuries into the future, it becomes a conceivable task. If a man’s time perspective is limited to his own lifetime, then he must either give up the idea of family dominion, or else he

82 Liberating P/imt Earth must adopt the mentality of the gambler. He has to “go for the big pay-off.” He must sacrifice everything for capital expansion, risking everything he has, plus vast quantities of borrowed money, on untried, high-risk, high-return ventures. He must abandon everything conventional, for an investor earns only conventional returns (prevailing interest rate) from conventional ventures. The man’s world becomes an endless series of all-or-nothing decisions. Trusteeship: Which Family? The continuity of capital is obviously threatened by the rise of the familistic state. It establishes itself as the trustee for all men, from womb to tomb. It is therefore entitled to support by those who receive its protection. Like a father, or better yet, like a distant uncle who guides the fortunes of an orphaned nephew, the state must administer the funds, always tabg a large portion of those funds as a necessary fee for service performed. As men steadily begin to perceive the implications of the familistic state, they seek to hide their assets from its tax collectors. Men try to find ways to pass along wealth to their heirs, and the state relentlessly searches for ways of closing off escape hatches. The new “parent” must not be deprived of its support from every member of the family. And once the capital is collected, it is dissipated in a wave of corruption, mismanagement, bureaucratic salaries, and politically motivated compulsory charity programs. Men see the erosion of their capital, and they seek to hide it away. They recognize what the pseudo-family of the state will do to the inheritance of their children. Still, because of entrenched envy, they do not turn back. They and their parents and grandparents accepted the philosophical justifications of “soahg the rich” by means of the ballot box, but now that price inflation has pushed everyone into higher tax brackets, they are horrified by what they find. They have now been snared themselves, but they seem unable to turn back, for to turn back would involve an admission of the immorality and inefficiency of the “soak the rich” programs of twentieth-century democratic politics. The modern messianic state would like to make permanent

82 <strong>Liberating</strong> P/imt <strong>Earth</strong><br />

must adopt the mentality of the gambler. He has to “go for the big<br />

pay-off.” He must sacrifice everything for capital expansion, risking<br />

everything he has, plus vast quantities of borrowed money, on<br />

untried, high-risk, high-return ventures. He must abandon<br />

everything conventional, for an investor earns only conventional<br />

returns (prevailing interest rate) from conventional ventures. The<br />

man’s world becomes an endless series of all-or-nothing decisions.<br />

Trusteeship: Which Family?<br />

The continuity of capital is obviously threatened by the rise of<br />

the familistic state. It establishes itself as the trustee for all men,<br />

from womb to tomb. It is therefore entitled to support by those<br />

who receive its protection. Like a father, or better yet, like a distant<br />

uncle who guides the fortunes of an orphaned nephew, the<br />

state must administer the funds, always tabg a large portion of<br />

those funds as a necessary fee for service performed.<br />

As men steadily begin to perceive the implications of the familistic<br />

state, they seek to hide their assets from its tax collectors.<br />

Men try to find ways to pass along wealth to their heirs, and the<br />

state relentlessly searches for ways of closing off escape hatches.<br />

The new “parent” must not be deprived of its support from every<br />

member of the family. And once the capital is collected, it is dissipated<br />

in a wave of corruption, mismanagement, bureaucratic<br />

salaries, and politically motivated compulsory charity programs.<br />

Men see the erosion of their capital, and they seek to hide it away.<br />

They recognize what the pseudo-family of the state will do to the<br />

inheritance of their children. Still, because of entrenched envy,<br />

they do not turn back. They and their parents and grandparents<br />

accepted the philosophical justifications of “soahg the rich” by<br />

means of the ballot box, but now that price inflation has pushed<br />

everyone into higher tax brackets, they are horrified by what they<br />

find. They have now been snared themselves, but they seem unable<br />

to turn back, for to turn back would involve an admission of<br />

the immorality and inefficiency of the “soak the rich” programs of<br />

twentieth-century democratic politics.<br />

The modern messianic state would like to make permanent

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