Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar

by Gary DeMar


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For political religions, for humanism, evil is in the environment,<br />

and the state’s power to change that environment is its saving<br />

grace. The state must remake man’s physical and spiritual environment<br />

in order to change and save man. Social change in terms<br />

of the state’s plan is statist grace in operation. The bad environment<br />

must be destroyed in order to free man. This evil environment<br />

sometimes involves persons and institutions, such as the<br />

bourgeoisie, capitalists, the clergy, Christians, churches, private<br />

organizations, private enterprise, and so on. All these may have<br />

to be, and frequently are, “liquidated” or destroyed as part of the<br />

process of salvation. Those persons remaining must be “reeducated”<br />

in terms of the new creed and out of Christianity.<br />

For Biblical Christianity, the answer to the problem of evil is<br />

God’s grace, the grace of God through Jesus Christ and the restitution<br />

of all things. Man’s problem is not his environment but sin,<br />

man’s desire to be his own god, his own law and principle of ultimacy.<br />

Man cannot save himself, either by politics, works of law or<br />

morality, or by any other means. Jesus Christ is man’s only savior.<br />

Man must live under God’s law order in order to live freely and<br />

happily, but the law order cannot save man, nor will that law<br />

order long survive, if there be not a sizable body of believers<br />

whose life is the law of God. Basic to true order therefore is grace.<br />

Without grace, man lacks the character to develop his potentialities,<br />

capitalize his activities, and order his life.<br />

R. J. Rushdoony*<br />

* Rushdoony, The Founaidiom of Social” OrG%Y (Fairfax, VA: Thoburn Press<br />

[1968] 1978), pp. 222-23.

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