Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar

by Gary DeMar


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The Liberation of the Individual 65<br />

olution, the surviving leaders imprison or execute their former<br />

“comrades.” The revolution eats its own children. (But not soon<br />

enough! ) This has been a theme in human literature from the beginning.<br />

In Greek mythology, Chronos is the god who ate his children.<br />

One child escaped (Zeus), and later destroyed Chronos.<br />

Chronos was the god of time, known in Roman mythology as<br />

Saturn, the god of revolution. He was the god of the chaos festival:<br />

saturnalia. (We still call the seventh day of the week Saturday.)<br />

What is the heart of the error of all false religions? That man’s<br />

own works can save him. This is the dead end for mankind. Men<br />

are already under judgment in Adam. They need grace, not<br />

works, to deliver them back into the household of God.<br />

Environmental Detmminism<br />

A related error is environmental determinism. Men blame their<br />

environment for their sin. When God came to Adam and asked<br />

him if he had eaten the forbidden fi-uit, what did Adam say? “The<br />

woman whom You gave to me, she gave me of the tree, and I did<br />

eat” (Genesis 3:12). Then God confronted the woman. What did<br />

she say? “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” (v. 13). In short, ‘<br />

“You did it, God. It’s really your fault. You gave us a poor environment.<br />

You kept saying that it was good, but it wasn’t good. It<br />

allowed us to sin.” They blamed God for their sin.<br />

Satan, of course, said nothing, for God asked him nothing.<br />

Satan was cursed. Adam and Eve were punished. The ground<br />

was cursed. God is not an environmental determinist. He blames<br />

sinners for their sin (Remans 9:14-23).<br />

Marxism is perhaps the most successful religion of environmental<br />

determinism in man’s history. The Marxist believes that<br />

positive change in society can come only when key impersonal<br />

forces of history are present. The good intentions of men are<br />

worth nothing. Only historical forces count. Marx was quite clear<br />

about this in his famous Preface to his 1859 book (the year that<br />

Darwin’s Otigin of Species appeared), A Contribution to the Critique of<br />

Political Economy. (This is a lengthy and highly theoretical passage,<br />

but the whole world has been turned upside down by it.)

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