Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar

by Gary DeMar


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Chrzkt and Liberation 23<br />

Adam was a man. This means that he was made in God’s image<br />

(Genesis 1:26). So was Eve. This means that Adarn was God’s<br />

first-born earthly son, the Iawfil heir to the whole world. God<br />

made it for man, and then He placed man over it (Genesis 1:28).<br />

All of it. It was man’s lawful possession, so long as man remained<br />

faithful to God.<br />

But Adam sold his birthright to Satan – not for a mess of pottage<br />

(a bowl of stew), the way that Esau sold his birthright to<br />

Jacob (Genesis 25:29-34). No, Adam sold it for a lie, or at least a<br />

half-truth: “You will be like God” (Genesis 3:5). Eve was deceived<br />

in this transaction, though disobedient; Adam knew exactly what<br />

he was doing (1 Timothy 2:14).<br />

This same lie is the central religious commitment of all forms<br />

of humanism, the gospel’s ancient rival.<br />

What was God’s response? To disinherit Adam. He threw<br />

Adam and Eve out of the garden. But in grace, He clothed them<br />

in animal skins (meaning that some animal was first slain by<br />

God). He also gave them extra years of temporal life. But from<br />

that day forth, they were legally dzkinherited children. So is every<br />

human being at physical birth. Made in God’s image, we are born<br />

as disinherited children.<br />

Satan has run many things on earth ever since the Fall of<br />

man, because Adam defaulted on his assignment. But exactly how<br />

does Satan run things? Through hfi humanfollowers. Mankind is still<br />

mankind, made in God’s image. Dominion is still God’s assignment<br />

to man, not to Satan. God’s assignment to man to exercise<br />

dominion across the face of the earth is still in force. So Satan has<br />

to exercise power through his men. He and his fallen angelic host<br />

can scare men, tempt men, confuse men, and even disrupt the decisions<br />

of God-hating men, but thgy cannot run socz”ety direct~. God is<br />

in charge, waiting for His people to challenge the rulers of the earth and take<br />

the steera”ng wheel fiorn them.<br />

God wants Christians to control the earth on His behalfi Jesus<br />

could not have made it more plain than He did when He said:<br />

,.<br />

All authority has been given to Me m heaven and on earth; go<br />

therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in

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