Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


The Inevitabiiip of Liberation 141 beginning with self-government under Biblical law. They do not believe that Biblical law produces social peace and prosperity. Thus, fearing the responsibilities of dominion because they mistake dominion for tyrannical power, and because they do not want to be labeled Christian tyrants, Christians: (1) seek to become powerful themselves in terms of humanism’s acceptable political strategies; (2) seek an alliance with humanistic power religionists against the dominion religion; or (3) retreat from the public arena in an attempt to escape responsibility. Christians generally do not believe that God in His providence designed the mind of man for the purpose of man’s taking dominion. They do not believe that regenerate minds that necessarily possess the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) are dominically superior to unregenerate minds that have the mind of Satan. Thus, Christians have retreated time and again in the cultural and intellectual battles. They have justified these repeated retreats by devising eschatologies of inevitable, guaranteed defeat for the visible kingdom of God. This makes it easier to run up the white flag. “What else could we expect but defeat? After all, we’re Christians.” Our enemies have stolen the Bible’s vision of victory and its doctrine of providence. They have reworked these doctrines to fit their requirements. Christians are fearfi.d of an enemy army that hus stolen eve~thing positive that it has in its arsenal. Christians do not see that it is our God who makes the rules. In contrast, our enemy knows what wins. Satan cannot win if his followers cling to his own doctrine of chaos. This is why he has stolen our vision and worldview. Who has the right to adopt such a program of victory? Whose Commander gave a death blow to His rival’s head (Genesis 3:15) at Calvary? Admittedly, the church suffers from a limp, just as Jacob did (Genesis 32:25). The church’s heel is injured, just as God promised that Christ’s would be (Genesis 3:15). But the enemy’s head is crushed. When going into battle, which wound would you prefer to march with? A crushed head or an injured heel? Unbelievers appear to be culturally dominant today. Chris-

142 Liberating Pkmet Earth tians have for too long seen themselves as the dogs sitting beneath the humanists’ tables, hoping for an occasional scrap of unenriched white bread to fhll their way. They worry about their own competence. They think of themselves as second-class citizens. And the humanists, having spotted this self-imposed “second-class citizen” mentality, have taken advantage of it. The Five Doctrines for Dominion on Earth Believers have for over a century retreated into antinomian pietism and pessimism. This retreat began in the 1870’s. They have lost the vision of victory which once motivated Christians to evangelize and then take over the Roman Empire. They have abandoned faith in one or more of the five features of Christian social philosophy that make progress possible: (1) the absolute sovereignty of the Creator God; (2) God’s covenant that governs all men; (3) the tool of the covenant, Biblical kzw; (4) Biblical presuppositionalism - the self-attesting truth of an infdible Bible, which is the ultimate judge of everything; and (5) the dynamic of eschatolo@al optimism. We should conclude, then, that either the dissolution of modern humanist culture is at hand, or else the regenerate must regain sight of their lost theological heritage: dominion optimism and Biblical law. The Communists have a perverted version of all five points. This is why they are such powerful rivals to Christians. First, they believe in the sovereignty of man, as manifested in our day by the Communist Party, the “vanguard of the proletariat,” which is infallible. Second, they believe in a covenant: membership in the Communist Party, which is rigorously hierarchical. Third, they believe that socialist law, socialist institutions, and socialist everything are the product of a unique philosophy. They believe in their exclusive way of accomplishing things. Fourth, they believe in the providence of the impersonal forces of dialectical history, which their leaders alone understand perfectly in any historical period. The Party executes infallible judgments because it has access to their “holy writ”: Marxism-Leninism. They do not appeal to any other logic, any other source of authority except their own

The Inevitabiiip of Liberation 141<br />

beginning with self-government under Biblical law. They do not<br />

believe that Biblical law produces social peace and prosperity.<br />

Thus, fearing the responsibilities of dominion because they mistake<br />

dominion for tyrannical power, and because they do not want<br />

to be labeled Christian tyrants, Christians: (1) seek to become powerful<br />

themselves in terms of humanism’s acceptable political strategies;<br />

(2) seek an alliance with humanistic power religionists<br />

against the dominion religion; or (3) retreat from the public arena<br />

in an attempt to escape responsibility.<br />

Christians generally do not believe that God in His providence<br />

designed the mind of man for the purpose of man’s taking<br />

dominion. They do not believe that regenerate minds that necessarily<br />

possess the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) are dominically<br />

superior to unregenerate minds that have the mind of<br />

Satan. Thus, Christians have retreated time and again in the cultural<br />

and intellectual battles. They have justified these repeated<br />

retreats by devising eschatologies of inevitable, guaranteed defeat<br />

for the visible kingdom of God. This makes it easier to run up the<br />

white flag. “What else could we expect but defeat? After all, we’re<br />

Christians.”<br />

Our enemies have stolen the Bible’s vision of victory and its<br />

doctrine of providence. They have reworked these doctrines to fit<br />

their requirements. Christians are fearfi.d of an enemy army that hus<br />

stolen eve~thing positive that it has in its arsenal. Christians do not see<br />

that it is our God who makes the rules. In contrast, our enemy<br />

knows what wins. Satan cannot win if his followers cling to his<br />

own doctrine of chaos. This is why he has stolen our vision and<br />

worldview.<br />

Who has the right to adopt such a program of victory? Whose<br />

Commander gave a death blow to His rival’s head (Genesis 3:15)<br />

at Calvary? Admittedly, the church suffers from a limp, just as<br />

Jacob did (Genesis 32:25). The church’s heel is injured, just as God<br />

promised that Christ’s would be (Genesis 3:15). But the enemy’s<br />

head is crushed. When going into battle, which wound would you<br />

prefer to march with? A crushed head or an injured heel?<br />

Unbelievers appear to be culturally dominant today. Chris-

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