Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


The Inevitability of .Lib~ation 135 thought and action; the anti-Christian can achieve an offensive, destructive campaign against the Christians – as contrasted with a consistently satanic self-destructive life of drugs and debauchery — only by stealing the Biblical worldview and twisting it to evil purposes. In short, to become real~ evilyou need to become pretty good. The Bible says that all those who hate God love death (Proverbs 8:36b). Therefore, for God-haters to live consistently, they would have to commit suicide. It is not surprising that the French existentialist philosopher Albert Camus was fascinated with the possibility of suicide. It was consistent with his philosophy of meaninglessness. To become a h~toric threat to Christians, unbelievers must restrain their own ultimate impulse, namely, the quest for death. Thus, their increase in self-consistency over time is incomplete, until the final rebellion, when their very act of rebellion brings on the final judgment. This will be the final culmination in history of Satan’s earlier act of envious defiance in luring the mobs to crucifi Christ: an act of violence that insured his total judgment and defeat. Yet he did it anyway, out of spite. When God finally removes His restraint on their suicidal impulse, they will launch their suicidal rebellion. The removal of God’s restraint is always a prelude to judgment. So the ethical war will escalate. Whom should we expect God to bless in t.lis escalating ethical war? The Christian whose worldview is consistent and God-honoring, or the God-hater whose worldview is inconsistent and God-de&ing? Who will be burdened by greater moral and intellectual schizophrenia as time goes on and self-understanding increases? Whose plans of conquest will be inconsistent with his philosophy of existence, the Christian or the anti-Christian? Who is truly growing in selfunderstanding, the Christian or the anti-Christian? The answers should be obvious. Unfortunately for Christian preaching in the twentieth century, pessimistic theologies make the obvious obscure, and they have been dominant since the 1930’s.’

136 Liberating Planet Earth Pessimism Has Things BackwariA It should be clear by now that the pessimistic Christians’ version of the relationship between Biblical law and the creation is completely backwards. No doubt Satan wishes it were a true version. No doubt he wants his followers to believe that by progressively adhering to Biblical law, Christians will fall into increasing cultural impotence. No doubt he wants his followers to believe this preposterous error. But how can a consistent Chrktian believe it? How can a Christian believe that adherence to Biblical law produces cultural impotence, while commitment to philosophical chaos — the religion of satanic revolution — leads to cultural victory? There is no doubt in my mind that the pessimists do not want to teach such a doctrine, yet that is where their pessimism inevitably leads. They refuse to acknowledge the future reality of Christian dominion on earth before the final judgment by means of the positive feedback aspect of covenantal blessings: fmm obedience to blessing to greater obedience. Biblical law is basic to the fulfillment of the cultural mandate, also called the dominion covenant. It is our tool of dominion. There are only four possibilities concerning law: revealed law, natural law, chaos, or a syncretistic combination of the above (e.g., statistical regularity: a little natural law and a little randomness). Christian thinking in this century has outspokenly denied the first possibility: the binding character of Old Testament law in New Testament times. We do not find treatises on the contemporary application of Biblical law written by pessimistic Christian theologians. When Christians once again begin to take God’s revealed law seriously, no humanist movement will be able to roll back the expanding church. Christians will at last have put to use God’s tool of dominion. Empowering by the Spirit The Christian needs to recognize that what distinguishes Biblical law in the New Testament era from the Old Covenant era is the vastly greater empowering of Christians by the Holy Spirit to

The Inevitability of .Lib~ation 135<br />

thought and action; the anti-Christian can achieve an offensive,<br />

destructive campaign against the Christians – as contrasted with a<br />

consistently satanic self-destructive life of drugs and debauchery<br />

— only by stealing the Biblical worldview and twisting it to evil<br />

purposes.<br />

In short, to become real~ evilyou need to become pretty good.<br />

The Bible says that all those who hate God love death (Proverbs<br />

8:36b). Therefore, for God-haters to live consistently, they<br />

would have to commit suicide. It is not surprising that the French<br />

existentialist philosopher Albert Camus was fascinated with the<br />

possibility of suicide. It was consistent with his philosophy of<br />

meaninglessness. To become a h~toric threat to Christians, unbelievers<br />

must restrain their own ultimate impulse, namely, the quest for<br />

death. Thus, their increase in self-consistency over time is incomplete,<br />

until the final rebellion, when their very act of rebellion<br />

brings on the final judgment.<br />

This will be the final culmination in history of Satan’s earlier<br />

act of envious defiance in luring the mobs to crucifi Christ: an act<br />

of violence that insured his total judgment and defeat. Yet he did<br />

it anyway, out of spite. When God finally removes His restraint<br />

on their suicidal impulse, they will launch their suicidal rebellion.<br />

The removal of God’s restraint is always a prelude to judgment.<br />

So the ethical war will escalate. Whom should we expect God<br />

to bless in t.lis escalating ethical war? The Christian whose worldview<br />

is consistent and God-honoring, or the God-hater whose<br />

worldview is inconsistent and God-de&ing? Who will be burdened<br />

by greater moral and intellectual schizophrenia as time<br />

goes on and self-understanding increases? Whose plans of conquest<br />

will be inconsistent with his philosophy of existence, the<br />

Christian or the anti-Christian? Who is truly growing in selfunderstanding,<br />

the Christian or the anti-Christian?<br />

The answers should be obvious. Unfortunately for Christian<br />

preaching in the twentieth century, pessimistic theologies make<br />

the obvious obscure, and they have been dominant since the<br />


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