Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


The Inevitability of Liberation 133 working out of the implications of thn”r own consisten~. Believers in randomness, chaos, and meaningless, the power-seekers nevertheless choose structure, discipline, and the rhetoric of ultimate victory. If a modern investigator would like to see as fully consistent a pagan culture as one might imagine, he could visit the African tribe, the Ik (“eek”). Colin Turnbull did, and his book, The Mountain People (1973), is a classic. He found almost total rebellion against law– family law, civic law, all law. Yet he also found a totally impotent, beaten tribal people who were rapidly becoming extinct. They were harmless to the West because they were more self-consistent that the West’s Satanists. The difference between the humanist power-seekers and the more fully consistent but suicidal tribal pagans is the difference between the Communists and the Ik. It is the difference between power religion and escape religion. Some Eastern mystic who seeks escape through ascetic techniques of withdrawal, or some Western imitator with an alpha-wave machine and earphones (“Become an instant electronic yogi!”), is acting far more consistently with the anti-Christian philosophy of ultimate meaninglessness than a Communist revolutionary is. The yogi is not fully consistent: he still needs discipline techniques, and discipline implies an orderly universe. But he is more consistent than the Communist. He is not seeking the salvation of a world of complete illusion (maya) through the exercise of power. Satan5 Incon.sisteny Satan needs a chain of command in order to exercise power. Thus, in order to create the greatest havoc for the church, Satan and his followers need to imitate the church. Like the child who needs to sit on his father’s lap in order to slap him, so does the God-hating rebel need a crude imitation of Gocl’s dominion theology in order to exercise power. A child who rejects the idea of his father’s lap cannot seriously hope to slap him. The anti-Christian has officially adopted an “anti-lap” theory of existence. He admits no cause-and-effect relationship between lap and slap. To the extent that he acts consistently with this view, he becomes impotent to attack God’s people.

134 Liberating Planet Earth This means that with an increase in consistent living, the ethical aspects of the separation between the saved and the lost become more and more fundamental. Unbelievers recognize more and more how much they hate God and how different they are from Christians, but the increasing self-understanding on the part of the power-seeking unbeliever does not lead him to a/@y Satan’s philosophy of ultimate meaninglessness and chaos; it leads him instead to apply Satan’s counterfeit of dominion religion, the religion of power. The unbeliever can achieve power only by refusing to become fully consistent with Satan’s religion of chaos. He needs organization and capital — God’s gifts of life, knowledge, law, and time— in order to produce maximum destruction. Like the Soviet Union, which has always had to import or steal the bulk of its technology from the West in order to build up an arsenal to destroy the West,q so does the Satanist have to import Christian intellectual and moral capital in order to wage an effective campaign against the church. First, the Christian exercises dominion by becoming more consistent with the Christian faith that he holds, meaning morally and logically consistent with the new man within him, and therefore by adhering ever more closely to God’s law. Biblical law is the covenant-keeper’s ful~ se~-consistent tool of dominion. Second, the covenant-breaker exercises power by becoming inconsistent with his ultimate philosophy of randomness. He can commit effective crimes only by stealing t~ worldview of Christian-s. The bigger the crimes he wishes to commit (the ethical impulse of evil), the more carefully he must plan (the moral impulse of righteousness: counting the costs [Luke 14:28-30]). The Christian can work to fulfill the ‘dominion covenant through a life of consistent 5. Antony Sutton, Tb Best Enemy Mong Can Buy (Billings, Montana Liberty House, 1986). On the technological dependence of the Soviet Union on commercial Western imports, see also Sutton, Western ZMTWlo~ and Soviet Ecomnsu, 3 Volumes (Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1968-73); Charles Levinson, VMku Cola (London: Gordon & Cremonesi, 1978); Joseph Finder, R$d Car/set (New York: Holt, Rinehart& Winston, 1983).

The Inevitability of Liberation 133<br />

working out of the implications of thn”r own consisten~. Believers in randomness,<br />

chaos, and meaningless, the power-seekers nevertheless<br />

choose structure, discipline, and the rhetoric of ultimate victory.<br />

If a modern investigator would like to see as fully consistent a<br />

pagan culture as one might imagine, he could visit the African<br />

tribe, the Ik (“eek”). Colin Turnbull did, and his book, The Mountain<br />

People (1973), is a classic. He found almost total rebellion<br />

against law– family law, civic law, all law. Yet he also found a<br />

totally impotent, beaten tribal people who were rapidly becoming<br />

extinct. They were harmless to the West because they were more<br />

self-consistent that the West’s Satanists.<br />

The difference between the humanist power-seekers and the<br />

more fully consistent but suicidal tribal pagans is the difference<br />

between the Communists and the Ik. It is the difference between<br />

power religion and escape religion. Some Eastern mystic who<br />

seeks escape through ascetic techniques of withdrawal, or some<br />

Western imitator with an alpha-wave machine and earphones<br />

(“Become an instant electronic yogi!”), is acting far more consistently<br />

with the anti-Christian philosophy of ultimate meaninglessness<br />

than a Communist revolutionary is. The yogi is not fully<br />

consistent: he still needs discipline techniques, and discipline implies<br />

an orderly universe. But he is more consistent than the Communist.<br />

He is not seeking the salvation of a world of complete illusion<br />

(maya) through the exercise of power.<br />

Satan5 Incon.sisteny<br />

Satan needs a chain of command in order to exercise power.<br />

Thus, in order to create the greatest havoc for the church, Satan<br />

and his followers need to imitate the church. Like the child who<br />

needs to sit on his father’s lap in order to slap him, so does the<br />

God-hating rebel need a crude imitation of Gocl’s dominion theology<br />

in order to exercise power. A child who rejects the idea of his<br />

father’s lap cannot seriously hope to slap him. The anti-Christian<br />

has officially adopted an “anti-lap” theory of existence. He admits<br />

no cause-and-effect relationship between lap and slap. To the extent<br />

that he acts consistently with this view, he becomes impotent<br />

to attack God’s people.

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