Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


T4e Liberation of th Economy 127 chosen to ignore His commandment against theft. Modern man has adopted a new theology, the ownership of property by the state. The state, as the sovereign owner, delegates to its servants the right to administer its property, but the state then insists on its share, its tithe. The tithe principle is built into the creation; the only question is this: Who gets the tithe? The state is collecting its tithe. As one economist has summarized it: win, and the state wins with you; lose, and you lose alone.” That is the rule for the rich and the middle class, in any case. The modem state L a thief. When Samuel warned the nation of Israel against selecting a king to rule over them, he tried to scare them by telling them that the king would extract a tithe of 10% (1 Samuel 8:15-17). The greatest bureaucratic dynasty of the ancient world, Egypt, took 2070 as its tithe (Genesis 47:26). There is not a Western industrial state that extracts as little as Egypt took. In fact, in most instances, a tax rate of one-fifth of a nation’s productivity would constitute a tax reduction of at least 50%. Private property reduces uncertainty. It gives men an incentive to produce. It expands men’s time horizons to unborn generations. It encourages economic growth by enabling innovators and workers to capture the value of @eir increased productivity. It encourages thrift. Being familistic in nature, it promotes the central institution of dominion. It allows the transfer of information, the transfer of risk, and the transfer of capital to those who are willing and able to bear the economic responsibilities of ownership. The protection of private property is one of the cornerstones of civilization. The civil government is to protect private property, not steal it. The rise of the messianic state has threatened civilization. It is the greatest single danger today to the preservation and expansion of familistic capital. The envy-dominated ideologies of wealthdistribution through coercion – Marxism, socialism, Keynesianism, and the “social gospel”— have captured the minds of the intellectuals and political leaders. Unless this process is reversed, these anti-Biblical doctrines will recapitalize the modern world.

128 Lib~ating Planet Earth In summary: 1. The economy is not a covenant institution: no self-maledictory oath. 2. Marxist liberation theologians have made an attack on the free market central to their case. 3. The eighth commandment prohibits theft. 4. Private property rights (rights of people to own property) are basic to dominion. 5. Christian economics begins with this presupposition: God owns the world. 6. AU human ownership is stewardship before God and other men. 7. Economic institutions are hierarchical. 8. The equality of wealth is a satanic goal. 9. The Bible teaches that there is a close relationship between poverty and laziness. 10. Long-term poverty is a specific curse of God on a rebellious society. 11. Wealth flows to those who work hard and honestly. 12. The free market provides the greatest upward social and economic mobility. 13. The politics of the welfare state teaches class conflict. 14. It is immoral to teach people that freedom is rigged against honesty and hard work. 15. Socialism is a conscious philosophy of destruction. 16. When propertyless people can vote away other men’s property, society has in principle become socialist (Karl Mare). 17. The civil government is supposed to be a protector, including a protector of people’s property. 18. This involves defining property rights. 19. The goal is social cooperation. 20. The modern humanist state seeks to become mankind’s savior (and final judge). 21. Modern socialism threatens to recapitalize the world.

T4e Liberation of th Economy 127<br />

chosen to ignore His commandment against theft. Modern man<br />

has adopted a new theology, the ownership of property by the<br />

state. The state, as the sovereign owner, delegates to its servants<br />

the right to administer its property, but the state then insists on its<br />

share, its tithe. The tithe principle is built into the creation; the<br />

only question is this: Who gets the tithe? The state is collecting its<br />

tithe. As one economist has summarized it: win, and the state<br />

wins with you; lose, and you lose alone.” That is the rule for the<br />

rich and the middle class, in any case.<br />

The modem state L a thief. When Samuel warned the nation of<br />

Israel against selecting a king to rule over them, he tried to scare<br />

them by telling them that the king would extract a tithe of 10%<br />

(1 Samuel 8:15-17). The greatest bureaucratic dynasty of the ancient<br />

world, Egypt, took 2070 as its tithe (Genesis 47:26). There is<br />

not a Western industrial state that extracts as little as Egypt took.<br />

In fact, in most instances, a tax rate of one-fifth of a nation’s productivity<br />

would constitute a tax reduction of at least 50%.<br />

Private property reduces uncertainty. It gives men an incentive<br />

to produce. It expands men’s time horizons to unborn generations.<br />

It encourages economic growth by enabling innovators and<br />

workers to capture the value of @eir increased productivity. It<br />

encourages thrift. Being familistic in nature, it promotes the central<br />

institution of dominion. It allows the transfer of information,<br />

the transfer of risk, and the transfer of capital to those who are<br />

willing and able to bear the economic responsibilities of ownership.<br />

The protection of private property is one of the cornerstones<br />

of civilization. The civil government is to protect private property,<br />

not steal it.<br />

The rise of the messianic state has threatened civilization. It is<br />

the greatest single danger today to the preservation and expansion<br />

of familistic capital. The envy-dominated ideologies of wealthdistribution<br />

through coercion – Marxism, socialism, Keynesianism,<br />

and the “social gospel”— have captured the minds of the<br />

intellectuals and political leaders. Unless this process is reversed,<br />

these anti-Biblical doctrines will recapitalize the modern world.

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