Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


The Liberation of the Economy 125 words in any society. Biblical preaching has, over centuries, enabled men to appreciate the importance of these two words. When the differences between the two are honored in law, word, and deed, society benefits. Men can better cooperate with each other in peaceful transactions precisely because of the predictabz’li~ provided by a social order which recognizes “mine” and “yours. n This facilitates the division of labor. We need people to cooperate rather than wage war against each other. This requires that we allow other men to do what they want with whatever they own, so long as they do not violate God’s civil laws. We must not forget the words of the owner of the vineyard in the parable of the vineyard: Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good? (Matthew 20:15). Economist Harold Demsetz has seen the importance of property rights from the perspective of social cooperation. Property rights are an instrument of society and derive their significance from the fact that they help a man form those expectations which he can reasonably hold in his dealings with others. These expectations find expression in the laws, customs, and mores of a society. An owner of property rights possesses the consent of fellow men to allow him to act in particular ways.’ Men can make contracts with each other, and enjoy the fruits of their decisions concerning the stewardship of God’s resources. To return to a now-familiar theme; prop@ rights reduce the zones of uncertainty in I$e. The State as Savior The state is a messianic institution in the modern world, and it is a destroyer of capital. The Moloch state consumes the economic future of its worshipers, and the economic future of its 7. Demsetz, “Toward a Theory of Property Rights” (1967), in E. G. Furubotn and S. Pejovich (eds. ), The Econonzics of Pro@y Rights (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger, 1974), p. 31.

126 Liberating Planet Earth worshipers’ heirs. The Moloch state, like the polluting factory, is a coercive, capital-destroying agent in the economy. But the polluting factory may provide productive employment for local residents, and it provides the consumers with lower-priced goods (lower priced than if the factory had to pay for pollution-control equipment). The state, in contrast, employs only bureaucrats, and uses its finds generally to subsidize the improvident members of society (some of whom may be quite rich), capturing them in a web of promised benefits, and destroying their incentive to work for the benefit of consumers. But how can rich people be improvident? By “improvident; I mean “one who wastes his capital, or the capital entrusted to him by others.” This certainly applies to senior executives of major industrial companies that apply to the Federal government for financial aid, tariffs, and other stolen economic goods. The very poor also suffer a reduction of their opportunities to obtain the work skills they need to advance themselves in modern economic society. The confiscatory state is a far greater threat to property and freedom than some local factory which pollutes the air or water. The modern state is a threat to human rights, for it is a threat to property rights. The modern state is a destroyer of human rights, for it is a destroyer of property rights. Guilt-ridden intellectuals, politicians, and sons of the rich have promoted an ideology of wealth-redistribution that destroys capital, and therefore destroys human aspirations. They have used the misleading slogan, %uman rights above property rights,” to destroy both human rights and property rights. They have adopted as their commandment, “Thou shalt not steal, except by majority vote.” The result, increasingly, is the decapitdzation of the formerly Christian West. Never forget: a state that claims to be a savior of mankhd necessarily becomes the final judge of mankind. Summary The Biblical doctrine of ownership is a doctrine of stewardship. God’s property is to be carefhlly developed by His servants. The servants have chosen to ignore God, and they have also

126 <strong>Liberating</strong> <strong>Planet</strong> <strong>Earth</strong><br />

worshipers’ heirs. The Moloch state, like the polluting factory, is<br />

a coercive, capital-destroying agent in the economy. But the<br />

polluting factory may provide productive employment for local<br />

residents, and it provides the consumers with lower-priced goods<br />

(lower priced than if the factory had to pay for pollution-control<br />

equipment). The state, in contrast, employs only bureaucrats,<br />

and uses its finds generally to subsidize the improvident<br />

members of society (some of whom may be quite rich), capturing<br />

them in a web of promised benefits, and destroying their incentive<br />

to work for the benefit of consumers.<br />

But how can rich people be improvident? By “improvident; I<br />

mean “one who wastes his capital, or the capital entrusted to him<br />

by others.” This certainly applies to senior executives of major industrial<br />

companies that apply to the Federal government for financial<br />

aid, tariffs, and other stolen economic goods.<br />

The very poor also suffer a reduction of their opportunities to<br />

obtain the work skills they need to advance themselves in modern<br />

economic society. The confiscatory state is a far greater threat to<br />

property and freedom than some local factory which pollutes the<br />

air or water.<br />

The modern state is a threat to human rights, for it is a threat to<br />

property rights. The modern state is a destroyer of human rights,<br />

for it is a destroyer of property rights. Guilt-ridden intellectuals,<br />

politicians, and sons of the rich have promoted an ideology of<br />

wealth-redistribution that destroys capital, and therefore destroys<br />

human aspirations. They have used the misleading slogan, %uman<br />

rights above property rights,” to destroy both human rights and<br />

property rights. They have adopted as their commandment, “Thou<br />

shalt not steal, except by majority vote.” The result, increasingly, is<br />

the decapitdzation of the formerly Christian West.<br />

Never forget: a state that claims to be a savior of mankhd necessarily<br />

becomes the final judge of mankind.<br />

Summary<br />

The Biblical doctrine of ownership is a doctrine of stewardship.<br />

God’s property is to be carefhlly developed by His servants.<br />

The servants have chosen to ignore God, and they have also

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