Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


The Liberation of the State 113 man. There is no means of enforcing any civil law against thoughts, but God’s law applies to men’s thoughts. Since the very concept of covetousness involves the threat of violence and oppression, the outworking of covetou.mess can be controlled by civil law, assuming the civil government has not been corrupted by a philosophy of universal legislated covetousness. The costs of policing the visible manifestations of covetousness are high. By focusing on the hearts of men, the Bible reduces the costs of law enforcement. Men are to be taught from an early age that covetousness is a sin against God. These instruction costs are to be borne initially by the family (Deuteronomy 6:7). By mahg men aware of God’s hostility to covetousness, teachers of the law reduce the need for heavy taxation, either for law enforcement against visible, coercive oppressors, or for programs of legislated covetousness, i.e., “social welfare” programs. By helping to increase the social division of labor, the internalization of the luw against covetousness helps to increase per capita output, also reducing thereby the proportion of income going to support law enforcement. The society is blessed in two ways: reduced crime (including the crime of statist wealth redistribution programs) and increased output per capita. Men wind up with more wealth a~er taxes. Thg increase their opportunities for responsible action b~ore God and men. As always, good government must always begin with self-government under God’s law. Summary Social peace is ttwgoal– the social peace demanded by the prophet Isaiah: “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11: 9). The juidical foundation of such peace is Biblical law. The Ten Commandments serve as the basis of long-term, God-blessed social peace. One important aspect of Biblical social peace is the absence of covetousness — in the hearts of men, in the relationships between neighbors, and in the legislation of civil governments. Where cov-

114 Liberating Plarwt Earth etousness reigns, there can be no social peace. There also cannot be personal freedom. The Marxist theory that all progress comes through class struggle and revolutionary violence is an evil theory. The Bible teaches that progress comes through the extension of God’s laws into every area of life. The war between good and evil is ethical. It is not a class war. Our political goal should be to create a covenantal syst%n of civil law, fmm local government to a highly limited central government. This process of bringing civil government under God’s law must begin with self-government. It must be a bottom-up process. Any attempt to impose a system of Biblical civiJ freedom on a society which is satanic or humanist at its religious core will prove to be unsuccessful. Our goal is revolution, but not violent revolution. Our goal is a revolution in the souls of men, passing from death to life. Our civil institutions should progressively reflect the transition from death to life. In summary: 1. The Bible does not teach that human courts can ever provide perfect justice. 2. Speedy justice is more important than perfect justice, even if perfect justice were available. 3. The Bible recommends an appeals court system. .4. The judges are to be moral men, not necessarily legal technicians. 5. Biblical civil government has the same five-part structure as God’s covenant. 6. Satan’s imitation also has five parts. 7. Endless court cases threaten the productivity of society. 8. Men must be willhg to suffer small injustices for the sake of , getting on with life. 9. The quest for perfect justice is beginning to destroy modem courts. 10. The Bible rejects the pagan idea of salvation by law. 11. The state is not an agency of salvation. 12. Both citizens and civil magistrates must exercise self- -restraint.

The Liberation of the State 113<br />

man. There is no means of enforcing any civil law against<br />

thoughts, but God’s law applies to men’s thoughts. Since the very<br />

concept of covetousness involves the threat of violence and oppression,<br />

the outworking of covetou.mess can be controlled by civil<br />

law, assuming the civil government has not been corrupted by a<br />

philosophy of universal legislated covetousness. The costs of<br />

policing the visible manifestations of covetousness are high. By<br />

focusing on the hearts of men, the Bible reduces the costs of law<br />

enforcement.<br />

Men are to be taught from an early age that covetousness is a<br />

sin against God. These instruction costs are to be borne initially<br />

by the family (Deuteronomy 6:7). By mahg men aware of God’s<br />

hostility to covetousness, teachers of the law reduce the need for<br />

heavy taxation, either for law enforcement against visible, coercive<br />

oppressors, or for programs of legislated covetousness, i.e.,<br />

“social welfare” programs. By helping to increase the social division<br />

of labor, the internalization of the luw against covetousness helps to<br />

increase per capita output, also reducing thereby the proportion<br />

of income going to support law enforcement. The society is<br />

blessed in two ways: reduced crime (including the crime of statist<br />

wealth redistribution programs) and increased output per capita.<br />

Men wind up with more wealth a~er taxes. Thg increase their opportunities<br />

for responsible action b~ore God and men.<br />

As always, good government must always begin with self-government<br />

under God’s law.<br />

Summary<br />

Social peace is ttwgoal– the social peace demanded by the prophet<br />

Isaiah: “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain:<br />

for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the<br />

waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11: 9). The juidical foundation of such<br />

peace is Biblical law. The Ten Commandments serve as the basis of<br />

long-term, God-blessed social peace.<br />

One important aspect of Biblical social peace is the absence of<br />

covetousness — in the hearts of men, in the relationships between<br />

neighbors, and in the legislation of civil governments. Where cov-

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