Liberating Planet Earth

by Gary DeMar by Gary DeMar


Th Liberation of the Church 97 manner, not top-down. The appeals court, not the bureaucratic command system, is the Biblical model. The appeals court structure increases the degree of self-reliance and independent decision-making by Christians. It increases self-government under God. This increases the division of labor and specialization within the church (1 Corinthians 12), and therefore it increases the extent of the authority of Christians over the creation. Each member can better exercise his specific gifts before God and man. Church Prerogatives The church has a right to speak out on any issue that the Bible deals with. The church is not an agency of civil government, famil y government, or any other human government. It is the judge of all institutions before God, for it is the keeper of the keys of heaven (the sacraments), and it proclaims the word of God from the pulpit. Eventually, Christians will judge the angels (1 Corinthians 6:3). The church should own its own property if it can afford to buy it in open free market competition. If the church is the highest bidder for a piece of property, and the seller wishes to sell to the church, then no other governmental agency should refuse to allow the sale. The church must not be taxed by any agency of civil government. It is an independent legal jurisdiction in the eyes of God. The church is tax-immune in God’s eyes. Any violation of this immunity is comparable to Uzziah’s violation of the temple. The church should pray down God’s wrath on the civil magistrates who made the decision to collect taxes from God’s house. If voluntary charitable donations are considered income tax deductible for donors by any level of civil government, then donors to the church should be entitled to take advantage of this special exemption. The church is a separate legal entity. Its debts (if any) are not the personal debts of its individual members. The civil courts may convict church officers as criminals in their capacity as officers (for example, misappropriation of funds), and assess appropriate pen-

98 Liberating Planet Earth alties against them personally or against the church’s assets if the church’s authority was misused by the officers to commit a crime, but these penalties are not the obligations of the members. If churches setup schools, these schools must be legally independent of all state regulation except normal safety and health regulations that are applied equally to all public buildings, especially buildings owned by the state. There must be no interference with the curriculum materials of the church-run schools. Summary The church is structured along the lines of God’s covenant. It is a separate legal jurisdiction in the eyes of God. It possesses the monopoly of the sacraments. Its authority to excommunicate is its chief power. It speaks the whole counsel of God. Nothing thut the BibZe addresses is outside the preachingjurisdiction of tlw church. Any attempt to limit this preaching function represents an assault by God’s enemies against the Word of God. For society to receive the full blessings of God, individuals and other institutions must respect the lawfid jurisdiction of the church. If the state hampers the church in its preaching, then God will bring judgment against the civil magistrates involved. If the whole population agrees that the state should hamper the church, then this sptiltual sodomy will be punished by God covenantally, meaning collectively. The equivalent of fire and brimstone is imminent (Genesis 19). Individuals who wish to avoid such collective judgment would be wise to take up the church’s cause. In summary: 1. The king in ancient Israel was not allowed to exercise the priest’s prerogative of making sacrifice to God. 2. The ministry of the sword is different from the ministry of the sacraments. 3. The church’s covenantal structure parallels the general covenant structure. 4. Satan establishes a rival ecclesiastical structure through the state.

98 <strong>Liberating</strong> <strong>Planet</strong> <strong>Earth</strong><br />

alties against them personally or against the church’s assets if the<br />

church’s authority was misused by the officers to commit a crime,<br />

but these penalties are not the obligations of the members.<br />

If churches setup schools, these schools must be legally independent<br />

of all state regulation except normal safety and health<br />

regulations that are applied equally to all public buildings, especially<br />

buildings owned by the state. There must be no interference<br />

with the curriculum materials of the church-run schools.<br />

Summary<br />

The church is structured along the lines of God’s covenant. It<br />

is a separate legal jurisdiction in the eyes of God. It possesses the<br />

monopoly of the sacraments. Its authority to excommunicate is its<br />

chief power.<br />

It speaks the whole counsel of God. Nothing thut the BibZe addresses<br />

is outside the preachingjurisdiction of tlw church. Any attempt to<br />

limit this preaching function represents an assault by God’s enemies<br />

against the Word of God.<br />

For society to receive the full blessings of God, individuals and<br />

other institutions must respect the lawfid jurisdiction of the<br />

church. If the state hampers the church in its preaching, then God<br />

will bring judgment against the civil magistrates involved. If the<br />

whole population agrees that the state should hamper the church,<br />

then this sptiltual sodomy will be punished by God covenantally,<br />

meaning collectively. The equivalent of fire and brimstone is imminent<br />

(Genesis 19). Individuals who wish to avoid such collective<br />

judgment would be wise to take up the church’s cause.<br />

In summary:<br />

1. The king in ancient Israel was not allowed to exercise the<br />

priest’s prerogative of making sacrifice to God.<br />

2. The ministry of the sword is different from the ministry of<br />

the sacraments.<br />

3. The church’s covenantal structure parallels the general covenant<br />

structure.<br />

4. Satan establishes a rival ecclesiastical structure through the<br />


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