Rapture Fever

by Gary North by Gary North


Endless Unfulfilled Prophecies Produce Paralysis 33 tains of Israel.” This was followed in 1991 by Mr. Jeffries’ iMessiah: War in the Middle East &’ the Road to Armageddon. It included such “hot off the press” chapters as these: “Russia’s Appointment With Destin y“ and “The Rise of Bab ylon, The War in the Gulf.” He warned his readers: “Watch for Iraq to recover and return to the project of rebuilding mighty Babylon” (p. 109). This is the dispensationalist’s equivalent of a never-ending, thrill-packed serial called, “The Perils of Paulene Eschatology,” which always ends: “Continued Next Book!” Fundamentalists just cannot seem to get enough of these books: the literary equivalents to romance novels. The addiction never ends. Failed visions require extensive revisions. Let me list a few of what I call the “harvest” of soon-to-be-revised books: Dave Hunt, Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist (Harvest House, 1990) E. Davidson, Islum Israel and the Last Days (Harvest House, 1991) Jerry Johnson, The Last Days on P.hnet Earth (Harvest House, 1991) Peter Lalonde, One WorU Under Anti-Christ (Harvest House, 1991) Chuck Smith, The Final Curi’uin (Harvest House, 1991) To this list we can add: Thomas S. McCall and Zola Levitt, The Coming Russian Invasion of Israel, Updated (Moody Press, 1987) Robert W. Faid, Gorbachev! Has the Real Antichtit Come ? (Victory House, 1988) Erwin W. Lutzer, Coming to Grips with the Role of Europe in Prophecy (Moody Press, 1990) Gary D. Blevins, The Final Warning! (Vision of the End Ministries, 1990) Paul McGuire, Who Will Rule the Future? A Resistance to the New WorZd Order (Huntington House, 1991)

34 RAPTURE FEVER Edgar C. James, Armageddon and the New World Order @loody Press, 1991) Ed Hindson, End Times, the Middle East and the New World Order (Victor Books, 1991) Who are these people? Have they devoted their lives to careful biblical scholarship? Where are the scholars of dispensationalism in this discussion of Bible prophecy? Where is the head of the department of Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, for example? Or the department of New Testament at Tdbot Theological Seminary? Or any department at Grace Theological Seminary? The trained Bible scholars of dispensationalism are all conspicuously silent. They do not comment on these paperback potboilers, either pro or con. But they refuse to provide scholarly support. This is the significant fact. The only academic figures among the camp of the dispensensationalists are John Walvoord, who abandoned all pretence of scholarship when he wrote his potboiler and then gave his interview to USA Today, and his Dallas colleague Charles Dyer. Dyer’s book, The Rise of Babylon: Sign of the End Time (1991), offered the thesis that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was literally rebuilding the prophesied Babylon. The book appeared in January 1991, a few days before its tenuous thesis was blown to bits during the 30-day air war against Iraq that began on the night of January 16. That war left unmarked graves in Dallas, not just Kuwait. This spirit of eschatological immediacy has deeply damaged the Anerican evangelical Church, especially the premillennial, fundamentalist wing, which has been swept again and again by waves of expectations regarding Christ’s imminent return to “rapture” His people to heaven. What happened after August 2, 1990, with the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, is simply the latest example of this phenomenon. The Christian bookstores of America were filled with books on prophecy including the reprint of John Walvoord’s. Decades of false predictions about the imminent return of Christ to “rapture” His saints have

Endless Unfulfilled Prophecies Produce Paralysis 33<br />

tains of Israel.” This was followed in 1991 by Mr. Jeffries’ iMessiah:<br />

War in the Middle East &’ the Road to Armageddon. It included<br />

such “hot off the press” chapters as these: “Russia’s Appointment<br />

With Destin y“ and “The Rise of Bab ylon, The War in the<br />

Gulf.” He warned his readers: “Watch for Iraq to recover and<br />

return to the project of rebuilding mighty Babylon” (p. 109).<br />

This is the dispensationalist’s equivalent of a never-ending,<br />

thrill-packed serial called, “The Perils of Paulene Eschatology,”<br />

which always ends: “Continued Next Book!” Fundamentalists<br />

just cannot seem to get enough of these books: the literary<br />

equivalents to romance novels. The addiction never ends.<br />

Failed visions require extensive revisions. Let me list a few of<br />

what I call the “harvest” of soon-to-be-revised books:<br />

Dave Hunt, Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist (Harvest<br />

House, 1990)<br />

E. Davidson, Islum Israel and the Last Days (Harvest House,<br />

1991)<br />

Jerry Johnson, The Last Days on P.hnet Earth (Harvest House,<br />

1991)<br />

Peter Lalonde, One WorU Under Anti-Christ (Harvest House,<br />

1991)<br />

Chuck Smith, The Final Curi’uin (Harvest House, 1991)<br />

To this list we can add:<br />

Thomas S. McCall and Zola Levitt, The Coming Russian Invasion<br />

of Israel, Updated (Moody Press, 1987)<br />

Robert W. Faid, Gorbachev! Has the Real Antichtit Come ? (Victory<br />

House, 1988)<br />

Erwin W. Lutzer, Coming to Grips with the Role of Europe in<br />

Prophecy (Moody Press, 1990)<br />

Gary D. Blevins, The Final Warning! (Vision of the End Ministries,<br />

1990)<br />

Paul McGuire, Who Will Rule the Future? A Resistance to the New<br />

WorZd Order (Huntington House, 1991)

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