Rapture Fever

by Gary North

by Gary North


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Bibliograph~ 227<br />

Vos, Geerhardus. Redemptive HN09 and Biblical Interpretation.<br />

Edited by Richard Gaffin. Phillipsbuqg, New Jersey Presbyterian<br />

& Reformed, 1980. These shorter essays deal with biblical<br />

theology and eschatology. Chapters 1-7 deal with eschatology.<br />

Postmillennialism and the Jews<br />

De Jong, J. A. As the Waters Cover the Sea: Millennial Expectations<br />

in the Rise of Anglo-American Missions 1640-1810. Kampen:<br />

J. H. Kok, 1970. A general history of millennial views;<br />

throughout the text it mentions the importance of prophecies<br />

concerning the Jews.<br />

DeMar, Gary and Peter Leithart. The Legacy of Hatred Continues:<br />

A Response to Hal Lindse~’s The Road to Holocaust (Tyler,<br />

TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1989. A brief but thorough<br />

refutation to Hal Lindsey’s claim that all nondispensational<br />

eschatologies are anti-Semitic. Lindsey has never replied<br />

in public to this book, published one month after his The Road<br />

to Holocaust. He did not revise any of its numerous factual errors<br />

in the subsequent paperback edition. Prior to the publication<br />

of The Road to Holocaust, he refused repeatedly to meet<br />

individually in private with either Gary North or Gary DeMar,<br />

although both men formally requested such a meeting.<br />

Fairbairn, Patrick. The Prophetic Prospects of the Jews, o~ Fairbairn<br />

vs. Fairbairn. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1930. Nineteenth-century<br />

scholar Fairbairn changed his mind about the<br />

conversion of the Jews. This volume reproduces his early arguments<br />

for the historic postmillennial position, and his later<br />

arguments against it.<br />

Schlissel, Steve and David Brown. Hal Lindsey and the Restoration<br />

of the Jews. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Still Waters Revival<br />

Books, 1990. A Jewish-born Reconstructionist pastor responds<br />

to Hal Lindsey’s claim that Christian Reconstruction is anti-<br />

Semitic. Schlissel’s work is combined with David Brown’s work<br />

which demonstrates that postmillennialism is the “system of prophetic<br />

interpretation that historically furnished the Biblical basis<br />

for the most glorious future imaginable for the Jews!”

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