Rapture Fever

by Gary North

by Gary North


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Conclusion 205<br />

Fourth, because God’s revealed law is annulled in the New<br />

Testament era, so are the sanctions attached to that law, especially<br />

civil sanctions. Because God supposedly refuses to bring<br />

sanctions in history in terms of His law, Christians believe that<br />

they should not seek to bring civil sanctions in terms of God’s<br />

law. After all, if God rewards covenant-breakers with victory in<br />

history and curses covenant-keepers with defeat in history, why<br />

should God’s chosen representatives seek to bring negative civil<br />

sanctions against covenant-breakers in history? If God refuses to<br />

honor the system of historical sanctions in Leviticus 26 and<br />

Deuteronomy 28 in the New Testament era, why should His<br />

people honor Exodus 21-23: the case laws?5<br />

Fifth, Because God supposedly promises to disinherit His<br />

Church in history, why should Christians pay any attention to<br />

the historical long run? After all, Keynes was correct: in the<br />

long run we are all dead. In history’s long run, the Church will<br />

be embarrassed. Why sacrifice oneself for a lifetime to study<br />

what God’s law requires, since all plans to impose God’s law in<br />

history are at best utopian and at worst tyrannical? This is why<br />

social ethics has been the idiosyncratic pastime of a handfid of<br />

Christians who have been taught to impose humanism on the<br />

Bible’s categories, abandoning the Bible whenever it contradicts<br />

the latest humanist intellectual fad. This has been true for<br />

about 1,800 years.G<br />

The Lure of Pretribulational Dispensationalism<br />

Few people can function psychologically under the threat of<br />

inevitable historical defeat. The genius of pretribulation dispensationalism<br />

is its appeal to psychologically defeated people,<br />

whose name is legion in the modern Church because they have<br />

5. Gary North, Tools of Dominion: lle Case Laws of Exodus (Tyler, Texas: Institute<br />

for Christian Economics, 1990).<br />

6. Cornelius Van Til, A Christian T&q of Knowledge (Nutley New Jersey<br />

Presbyterian & Reformed, 1969).

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