Rapture Fever

by Gary North by Gary North


The Strange Disappearance of D&pensational Institutwns 199 I predict that Jesus will not return by the year 2000, but it is highly likely that by that year Dallas Seminary will also have experienced a Talbot-like, Grace-like restructuring. Then where will all those faithful dispensational laymen recruit their pastors? If the pastors don’t share the theology of the people in the pews, it’s only a matter of time before the children of the people in the pews abandon Scofield and his revisors. O Debt, Here Is Thy Sting! Meanwhile, according to an Associated Press story (December 14), Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University is $73 million in debt. I know from having spoken to one faculty member (who will leave soon) that the enrollment figures are no longer issued even to faculty members. They all can see what is coming: pink slips. Rev. Falwell has already told those faithful Christian people who bought Liberty University’s bonds: no mow interest payments. He has promised that someday the principal will be repaid. He has not said when. The campus of Liberty University was valued at $55 million in 1990. That was when Rev. Falwell tried to sell governmentsubsidized development bonds to refinance the existing debt. The courts said no deal: separation of church and state. Today, Liberty University is valued at $5.2 million, the Associated Press report said. Why the decline? Because the estimated value of a school is based on the estimated value of its net income. The bricks and mortar of a college are white elephants: almost worthless except as a college. If a college declines in enrollment, the expected net income disappears. Hence, the 9070 drop in the estimated value of the Liberty University campus in just two years. Let’s see: a $73 million debt with assets of $5.2 million. You know what that says to me? Payday isn’t coming. Judgment day is. No, not the Rapture: the rupture. As in bankrupt. Meanwhile, his Old Time Gospel Hour is $16 million in debt. From 19’79 to 1989, said the AP story, the Moral Majority

200 RAPTURE FEVER absorbed a fantastic $69 million in donations from six million people. The Moral Majority was shut down in 1989, the year of George Bush’s inauguration. (Rev. Falwell had publicly supported the idea of a Bush Presidency since 1984.) The AP story commented: In the blink of an eye, Mr. Falwell went from a central figure in the nation’s stage to a bit player, burdened by enormous problems. How would you feel at age 59 to have your life’s visible legacy $90 million in debt, having defaulted on the interest payments, and with no visible means of your ministries’ avoiding bankruptcy before you die? What kind of Christian testimony would you imagine that this presents? He has only two hopes: an early death or the Rapture. So, what do we find? He has been struck down once again with Rapture fever. In his broadcast of December 27, he said that the Rapture will probably take place by the year 1999. But then he added that he also expects to live as long as W. A. Criswell, the legendary 83-year-old pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas. Mixed chronological signals! Meanwhile, First Baptist Church of Dallas, the nation’s largest Southern Baptist church (28,000 on the rolls), is now $8 million in debt. It has had to cut back its television ministry. The story has recently been on the front page of the DalZas Morning News. It has once again lost a promising assistant pastor because Rev. Criswell has once again refused to give up preaching at the 11 a.m. service. The church keeps hiring the best replacement pastors it can find, promising them that they will soon lead the church. Fat chance. Then they quit. And the debt builds up. In ministry after ministry the story is the same. Debt. Enormous debt. Debt for Jesus’ sake. From red letter edition Bibles (no creed but Christ, no law but love) to red ink: the story is

The Strange Disappearance of D&pensational Institutwns 199<br />

I predict that Jesus will not return by the year 2000, but it is<br />

highly likely that by that year Dallas Seminary will also have<br />

experienced a Talbot-like, Grace-like restructuring. Then where<br />

will all those faithful dispensational laymen recruit their pastors?<br />

If the pastors don’t share the theology of the people in<br />

the pews, it’s only a matter of time before the children of the<br />

people in the pews abandon Scofield and his revisors.<br />

O Debt, Here Is Thy Sting!<br />

Meanwhile, according to an Associated Press story (December<br />

14), Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University is $73 million in debt.<br />

I know from having spoken to one faculty member (who will<br />

leave soon) that the enrollment figures are no longer issued<br />

even to faculty members. They all can see what is coming: pink<br />

slips. Rev. Falwell has already told those faithful Christian people<br />

who bought Liberty University’s bonds: no mow interest<br />

payments. He has promised that someday the principal will be<br />

repaid. He has not said when.<br />

The campus of Liberty University was valued at $55 million<br />

in 1990. That was when Rev. Falwell tried to sell governmentsubsidized<br />

development bonds to refinance the existing debt.<br />

The courts said no deal: separation of church and state. Today,<br />

Liberty University is valued at $5.2 million, the Associated Press<br />

report said. Why the decline? Because the estimated value of a<br />

school is based on the estimated value of its net income. The<br />

bricks and mortar of a college are white elephants: almost<br />

worthless except as a college. If a college declines in enrollment,<br />

the expected net income disappears. Hence, the 9070<br />

drop in the estimated value of the Liberty University campus in<br />

just two years.<br />

Let’s see: a $73 million debt with assets of $5.2 million. You<br />

know what that says to me? Payday isn’t coming. Judgment day<br />

is. No, not the <strong>Rapture</strong>: the rupture. As in bankrupt.<br />

Meanwhile, his Old Time Gospel Hour is $16 million in<br />

debt. From 19’79 to 1989, said the AP story, the Moral Majority

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