Rapture Fever

by Gary North

by Gary North


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Revising Dis@nsationalism to Death 159<br />

Reconstruction in print before the end of the year. When House<br />

and Ice’s Dominion Theology: Blessing or Curse? was published in<br />

the fall of 1988, I had Bahnsen and Gentry’s House Divided in<br />

print within eight months. Anything less constitutes surrender.<br />

When Hal Lindsey had his scurrilous book, The 120ad to<br />

Holocaust, published by Bantam Books (hardly a Christian publisher!)<br />

in June of 1988, I had DeMar and Leithart’s reply in<br />

print within 30 days: The Legacy of Hatred Continues: A Response<br />

to Hal Lind.se~’s The Road to Holocaust. This appeared in time<br />

for the Christian Booksellers’ Association annual meeting in<br />

July. I had my representative hand out free copies of this book<br />

to dozens of booths, nipping Lindsey’s attack in the bud. I<br />

caught Lindsey flat-footed; he had egg all over his mustache.<br />

He had refused to allow DeMar and me to see his manuscript<br />

in advance, and had repeatedly refused to meet with DeMar<br />

and me in advance, although we put our requests in writing.<br />

He paid no more attention to Matthew 18:15-17 than he has<br />

paid to Matthew 5:32. He has never responded or apologized.<br />

In 1990, he allowed an uncorrected paperback reprint, with<br />

every factual error left intact, including the incorrect names of<br />

the men and institutions he was attacking. I regard Lindsey as<br />

an intellectual fraud who is more interested in collecting new<br />

wives than in correcting past injustices. I am aware of no scholar<br />

who takes him seriously. Dallas Seminary has never invited<br />

him to lecture on prophecy or eschatology. Nevertheless, we<br />

replied to his false accusations to prove they were fidse.<br />

The point is, when you are being paid to defend a position,<br />

you must be ready to reply point by point, to major published<br />

critics. Otherwise, your followers will conclude that you are<br />

incapable of replying, either because you are not intellectually<br />

competent or else your position cannot be defended. When<br />

Westminster Seminary published Theonomy: A Reformed Critique<br />

in October of 1990, I had my response in print by the following<br />

April: Westminster’s Concession. I followed this with Bahnsen’s<br />

reply, No Other Standard, that summer. Then came the book I

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