Rapture Fever

by Gary North by Gary North


A Commitment to Cultural Irrelevance 97 Fundamentalists believe that the individual Christian must live in both realms during his stay on earth, but he is not supposed to take the first realm very seriously - the realm of a person’s job. This is why fundamentalists have invented the phrase, “full-time Christian service”: it contrasts the world of fiith where ministers and missionaries work vs. the world where the rest of us work. This distinction is very similar to the monastic outlook of Roman Catholicism, which distinguishes between the “secular clergy” - parish priests who work with common people in their common affairs - and the “regular clergy,” meaning the monks who have retreated from the normal hustle and bustle of life (the “rat race”). Yet your average fundamentalist would be shocked to learn that he is thinking as a Roman Catholic thinks. He would probably deny it. But he has to think this way, for he has adopted the Roman Catholic (scholastic) doctrine of law: “natural law” for the lower storey, and God’s revelation for the upper storey. A Culturally Impotent Gospel Fundamentalists believe that Christians are not supposed to devote very much time, money and effort to transforming the “secular” world. We are assured that it cannot be transformed, according to Bible prophecy, until Jesus comes physically seven years after the Rapture to set up His One World State with headquarters in Jerusalem. Anything that Christians do today to build a better world will be destroyed during the seven-year tribulation period.G John Walvoord, former president of Dallas 6. In 1962, I was told by a dispensational college’s president that the Stewart brothers, who financed the creation of formerly dispensationalist Biola College (then called rhe Bible Institute of Los hgeles), and who also financed the publication and distribution of the tracts that became known as The hw!umsnkis, shipped crates of Bibles to Israel to be hidden in caves there, so that Jews could find them during the Great Tribulation. I was told years later by an amillennial pastor that Arabs later used pages in these Bibles for cigarette pape~ which may just be a “sour grapes” amillennial apocryphal legend. The point is this: Why waste money on Bibles to be hidden in caves? hswen because of a specific eschatology.

98 FWPTURE FEVER Theological Seminary, insists: “Well, I personally object to the idea that premillennialism is pessimistic. We are simply realistic in believing that man cannot change the world. Only God can.“7 “Realism” sounds a lot better than “pessimism,” but the psychological results are the same: retreat fkom cultural involvement. As Christians, we must be content with whatever the humanists who control the “lower realm” are willing to dish out to us, just so long as they leave us alone on Sunday. The first president of Grace Theological Seminary, Alva J. McClain, wrote a five-and-a-half-page essay on “A Premillennial Philosophy of History” for Dallas Seminary’s Biblwtheca Sacra in 1956. This essay should be read by every dispensationalist, not to learn what this view of history is, which the essay never says, but to learn that a major theologian of the movement did not bother to describe it. McClain rejected postmillennialism, although he did admit that “Classical postmillennialism had plenty of defects, but it did make a serious attempt to deal with human history.”8 He then dismissed - in one paragraph per error - modern liberalism, neo-orthodoxy, amillennialism (Louis Berkhof), and all those who think “there will never be such a ‘Golden Age’ upon earth in history. . . .“9 (The “golden age” was a pagan Greek concept.) This left exactly half a page for a thorough discussion of the premillennial view of history. He never said what this is. He simply concluded, “The premillennial philosophy of history makes sense. It lays a Biblical and rational basis for a truly optimistic view of human history.”lo McClain refused even to mention the key historical issue for those living prior to the Rapture: What is the basis of our optimism regarding the long-term future of our earthly efforts? Clearly, dispensationalists have none. The results of our efforts, 7. Christzizni~ Today (Feb. 6, 1987), p. 1 l-I. 8. McClain, Bibliotheca Sacra, op. cit., p. 112. 9. Ibid., p. 115. 10. Ibid., p. 116.


Theological Seminary, insists: “Well, I personally object to the<br />

idea that premillennialism is pessimistic. We are simply realistic<br />

in believing that man cannot change the world. Only God<br />

can.“7 “Realism” sounds a lot better than “pessimism,” but the<br />

psychological results are the same: retreat fkom cultural involvement.<br />

As Christians, we must be content with whatever the<br />

humanists who control the “lower realm” are willing to dish out<br />

to us, just so long as they leave us alone on Sunday.<br />

The first president of Grace Theological Seminary, Alva J.<br />

McClain, wrote a five-and-a-half-page essay on “A Premillennial<br />

Philosophy of History” for Dallas Seminary’s Biblwtheca Sacra in<br />

1956. This essay should be read by every dispensationalist, not<br />

to learn what this view of history is, which the essay never says,<br />

but to learn that a major theologian of the movement did not<br />

bother to describe it. McClain rejected postmillennialism, although<br />

he did admit that “Classical postmillennialism had<br />

plenty of defects, but it did make a serious attempt to deal with<br />

human history.”8 He then dismissed - in one paragraph per<br />

error - modern liberalism, neo-orthodoxy, amillennialism (Louis<br />

Berkhof), and all those who think “there will never be such<br />

a ‘Golden Age’ upon earth in history. . . .“9 (The “golden age”<br />

was a pagan Greek concept.) This left exactly half a page for a<br />

thorough discussion of the premillennial view of history. He<br />

never said what this is. He simply concluded, “The premillennial<br />

philosophy of history makes sense. It lays a Biblical and<br />

rational basis for a truly optimistic view of human history.”lo<br />

McClain refused even to mention the key historical issue for<br />

those living prior to the <strong>Rapture</strong>: What is the basis of our optimism<br />

regarding the long-term future of our earthly efforts?<br />

Clearly, dispensationalists have none. The results of our efforts,<br />

7. Christzizni~ Today (Feb. 6, 1987), p. 1 l-I.<br />

8. McClain, Bibliotheca Sacra, op. cit., p. 112.<br />

9. Ibid., p. 115.<br />

10. Ibid., p. 116.

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