Rapture Fever

by Gary North

by Gary North


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table, eating the crumbs that may occasionally fdl from that<br />

table. This view of the relationship between the saved and the<br />

lost in history is the reverse of what the Bible teaches: “Then<br />

came she and worshiped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he<br />

answered and said, It is not meet to take the children’s bread,<br />

and to cast it to dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs<br />

eat of the crumbs which fhll from their masters’ table. Then<br />

Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy fhith:<br />

be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made<br />

whole from that very hour” (Matt. 15:25-28). Because modern<br />

fundamentalism has reversed the biblical worldview in this<br />

regard, it promotes a despair similar to that which is promoted<br />

by the humanists’ view of the Iower-storey world of science and<br />

technology. It destroys freedom under God.<br />

The Upper Storey<br />

To escape this inherent despair, fundamentalists have turned<br />

to their own version of the humanists’ escape hatch: an upperstorey<br />

universe. This upper storey is the world of faith, expectation,<br />

and hope: the heavenly realm. It is a hope in heaven - a<br />

world above and beyond this world of Christian powerlessness<br />

and defeat. With respect to this world, there is a preliminary<br />

way of escape: the Christian family and the local church. In<br />

other words, Christians find solace in the time that remains<br />

after the work day is over and on weekends. This world of<br />

tempora~ rest and recreation - a realm of exclusively individual<br />

healing - does not and cannot heal the State or society in general.<br />

God’s healing is limited to individual souls, families, and<br />

churches. Why? We are never told precisely; it just is. 5<br />

5. A growing number of Christians now contend that God’s healing can work in<br />

education, too. This has split churches all over the nation. The idea that Christians<br />

need to start their own private schools, pulling their children out of the humanistic,<br />

tax-supported, officially “neutral” public schools, is regarded as a heresy by most<br />

Christians, who continue to tithe their children to the Moloch State.

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