atlantic guardian

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so CHRISTMAS GIFT INSPIRATION! Give Atlantic Guardian ta yaur friends at home and abroad. They will thank you for your thoughtfulness every month of the year. Include "The Magazine of Newfoundland" in your Gift list this year! II I • Newfoundland's most progressive department store • DEPARTMENT STORES • EXPORT DEPARTMENT limited • WHOLESALE DIVISION • SHIPPING DEPARTMENT • INSURANCE St. John's, Newfoundland. ATLANTIC GUARDIAN

"MOTOR TOURS IN NEWFOUNDLAND" Harvey & Co. Ltd., pioneer Travel Agents with offices in the Newfoundland Hotel, St. John's, have recently issued a distinctive travel folder which marks a new step in the development of the tourist business in Newfoundland. The folder advertises four motor tours, taking in the Marine Drive, Conception Bay, the City of St. John's, and the Cabot Highway, which are arranged by Harvey & Co. Ltd. to suit the convenience of tourists in St. John's or anyone wishing to enjoy a pleasure drive through scenic and historic areas. Trans-Canada Airlines and Furness Withy Co. have co-operated with Harvey & Co. Ltd. in getting out these attractive folders and special information is supplied by each of the travel companies showing how to reach Newfoundland from various mainland points. Distribution of Harvey's "Motor Tours in Newfoundland" folder has been on a wide scale both locally and abroad and the progressive step taken by this firm lends greater emphasis to both the potential and the actual tourist possibilities of Newfoundland. The folder is well illustrated and tastefully produced. It compares favourably with the best travel literature put out by travel promoters in Canada and the United States. SEPTEMBER. \948 R.J. HARRIS Agent for Forestville Clocks 176 Water St., 51. John's P.O. Box 5336 Phone 4022 $ 50 will be paid for the best • fiction story published in Atlantic Guardian in 194B ! Wonted: Short stories of abo.... 3,000 words. set in Newfoundland. Preference given Newfoundland writers in considering stories. Payment: $10 per story, on pub· Iicalian, plus a grand prize of SSO for the best story of the yeor. Manuscript should be accompanied by return postage and should be addressed to: The Editor, Atlantic Guardian, 1541 Mackay Street, Montreal, Canada. THE OCEAN AT MY DOOR and other Newfoundland outport stories By Ron Pollett Price 25¢ Order direct from the Publishers GUARDIAN ASSOCIATES LTD. 1541 Mackay Street Montreal, P. Q. Board of Trode Building, St. John's, Nftd. Add 5c. for postage on mail orders 5\

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Give Atlantic Guardian ta yaur friends at home and<br />

abroad. They will thank you for your thoughtfulness<br />

every month of the year. Include "The Magazine of<br />

Newfoundland" in your Gift list this year!<br />

II I<br />

• Newfoundland's most progressive department store<br />



limited<br />




St. John's, Newfoundland.<br />


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