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murt han felt f a the love of BuddhaYn<br />

Downplaying the historical of Zm Buddhism. Suruld rtrruu peMlul<br />

erpenaa and Molulity. Thus, Sumki wim:<br />

86<br />

PemmA crpriena, thacforr, is cnrything in Zen. NO ideu nn *tCUipibk to<br />

** h a w m b ~ o f ~ .... - TogeUlecI~nndmortdfleicnt<br />

undsrtnding of a thing, therefore, it mwt be aprimd prraully. Espcially<br />

when the thing is macmed with life itself, pMnal upriena is an abmlolure<br />

necessity. Withaut this exprience nothing dative to its profound working will<br />

be 2am-aMy and More efkimtly grsrpsd. lk foundation of dl -apt.<br />

s rlmplc, unrophtrucatd elpnase Zm plam the utmost cmphuu upn, thmr<br />

famdaaoncipnence, and 11 tr amund th13 that 2.m conrrmcu dl the verbal and<br />

-ml calfo old vhxh a found m IU Lleranrc Lmow ar (anncs' , --- Ieomh I ~ .-yu-lu:<br />

ch.). nough the &old sffords a man useful mao to mch inmoa<br />

dity, it is still an elaboration and artificiality. We lose is whole Ilgnifimce<br />

when it iri lab for a final reality. Tho naruh of the human understanding complr<br />

us not to plt too much mnfidena m the rupcnrmcNre. Mystification is far from<br />

being the obja of Zcn iuelf, but to #how rho have not mushed the cenml fact<br />

of life Zen inevrtzbly ap- as mystifying. Pen- thmugh Be conceptu.l<br />

ruperrrmcOlR and what is imagined ~o be a mystification will at once d i m ,<br />

and at the m e time there will be an enlightenment know a~ rm~. Zcn,<br />

therefom, mon rlmngly and persistently intiru on an inner Epirirual exprimer<br />

It dar na atech any inuininric impornee to be wxd sum or to their exesbv<br />

UX wi+e and Iramed. Pemnal cxoeriena a ~8omelv set aeainst ruthorih and<br />

u, v , -<br />

obasbve melatlan and u the most omcud methcd of attauune murrual<br />

D. T. Swul, An lmmdvcdoz m Zcn Buddhism Wa and Cornpmy. 1940:<br />

reprim Im&m Anow Bmlo, 1959). p.40. Swh neglst of the imparance of hirtory cm<br />

be rren in the Wditianal view of the Bvddha in the writings of the early Cyan md Zen<br />

Buddhist -tar. Ch'm (Z7x Chinere Tmq6mim qfBuddhin, p. I I: wiru:<br />

the Ch'an masters shwfEd to their followem that if they shovld w u n a the<br />

Buddhaandbodhisamnr,they~d!dthm, forthcBuddhwarrsidtobcjurt<br />

a barbarian devil and the Mhistfvar just n, many dung-herp molier.<br />

lbid., pp. 33-34.

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