143-156 - International Glaciological Society

143-156 - International Glaciological Society

143-156 - International Glaciological Society


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In our case, h = 0.12 m and wh = 1.4. Finally,<br />

u = [U+ Uaw2z exp (-wz) cos wx] + Uaw(0.727 cosh wz-o.716wz sinh wz) cos wX }<br />

W = [- Uaw( 1+ wz) exp ( - wz) sin wx] + Uaw( 1.443 sinh wz-o. 716wz cosh wz) sin wx,<br />

the terms in square brackets are the solution for h = 00. With a uniform velocity at a finite distance the modification<br />

is not negligible, in particular, against the "bedrock" the forward velocity u increases over the bump. The<br />

normal stress at is calculated as<br />

aUt ( a'u a2U)<br />

Tz = -1/ 3 aX2 + aZ2 .<br />

(A-3)<br />

It yields<br />

at = [-Pi + 2TJUaw2( 1+ wz) exp (- wz) sin wx] +<br />

+ 2TJUaw'(1.443 cosh wz-o.716wz sinh wz) sin wz,<br />

o 0<br />

au dx<br />

·<br />

[ 8<br />

] ·<br />

= az U = -0.471 aw Sin wz ->/, = -0.080,<br />

-T/2 -AI.<br />

J au d<br />

t<br />

az I<br />

o<br />

aw<br />

J<br />

[WJ"<br />

ax dt = 7J -,,,<br />

- Tt2<br />

= [ -0.378 65aw sin wx]w = -0.054.<br />


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(A-2)<br />


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