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CHAPTER XXXV<strong>II</strong><br />



THIS hudling up of so much trash, or packing of so<br />

many severall pieces, is done so strangely, as I never<br />

lay hands on it but when an over lazie idlenesse urgeth<br />

me, and nowhere but in mine owne house. So has it<br />

beene compact at sundry pauses, and contrived at severall<br />

intervalls, as occasions have sometime for many<br />

months together, here and there in other places detained<br />

me. Besides, I never correct my first imaginations<br />

by the second, it may happen I now and then<br />

alter some wo<strong>rd</strong> rather to divcrsifie then take any thing<br />

away. My purpose is to represent the progress of my<br />

humours, that every part be seen or member distinguished<br />

as it was produced. I would to God I had<br />

begunne sooner, and knew the tracke of my changes<br />

and course of my variations. A boy whom I employed<br />

to write for me supposed he had gotten a rich bootie<br />

when he stole some parts which he best liked; but one<br />

thing comforts me, that he shall gaine no more than I<br />

lost by them. I am growne elder by seven or eight<br />

yeares since I beganne them ; nor hath it beene without<br />

some new purchase. I have by the liberality of<br />

years acquainted my selfe with the stone-chollike.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir commerce and long conversation is not easily<br />

past over without some such-like fruite. I would be<br />

glad that of many other presents they have ever in<br />

store, to bestow upon such as waite upon them long,<br />

they had made choice of some one that had beene<br />

more acceptable unto me : for they could never possess<br />

me with any that, even from my infancy, I hated more.

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