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sciences were redacted into strict rules and certaine<br />

observations, he had so perfect knowledge of them,<br />

that all those which since his time have lahored to<br />

establish pollicies or common-wealths, to manage<br />

warres, and to write either of religion or philosophy,<br />

in which sect soever or of all artes, have made use of<br />

him as of an absolutely perfect master in the knowledge<br />

of all things; and of his books, as of a seminary,<br />

a spring-ga<strong>rd</strong>en or store-house of all kinds of sufficiency<br />

ana learning.<br />

Qui quid sit pulchi um, quid turpc. quid utile, quid non,<br />

Plentus ac melius Chrysippo, ac Ctantore dicit. 1<br />

What is faire, what is foule, what profit may, what not,<br />

Better than Grantor or Chrysippus, <strong>Home</strong>r wrot.<br />

And as another saith :<br />

a quo ceufonte perrenni<br />

Vatum Pierus labra rigantur aquis.²<br />

By whom, as by an ever-flowing-filling spring,<br />

With Muses liquor poets lippes are bath'de to sing.<br />

And another:<br />

Adde Heliconiadum comitcs, quorum unus Hornet us<br />

Astta potitus. 3 ,<br />

Muses companions adde to these, of all<br />

One onely <strong>Home</strong>r hath in heav'n his stall.<br />

And another:<br />

cujusque ex ore prqfuso<br />

Omnis posteritas latices in caimma duxit,<br />

Amnemque in tenues, ausa est deducere rivos:<br />

Uniusfaecunda bonis, 4<br />

From whose large mouth for verse all that since live<br />

Drew water, and grew bolder to denve<br />

Into thinne shallow rivers his deepe flood;<br />

Richly luxuriant in one man's good.<br />

1 HOR. 1. i. Epist. xxiii.<br />

² OVID. Am, 1. in. Eleg, viii. 25.<br />

³ LUCR, 1. iii, 1081. 4 MANIL. Ast. 1. ii, 8.

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