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It is sufficient that my judgement is not dismayed or<br />

distracted, whereof these be the <strong>Essa</strong>ies.<br />

Nasutus sis usque licet, sis denique nasus<br />

Quantum noluerxt fen e logatus Atlas;<br />

Et possis ipsum tu deridere Latinum,<br />

Non potes, in nugas diceicplura meas,<br />

Ipse ego quam dixi • quid dentem dentejuvabit<br />

lioaere ? carne opus est, si satur esse velis*<br />

Ne pe<strong>rd</strong>as operant, qui se mnantur, in illos<br />

Virus haoe, nos hcec novimus esse nihil, 1<br />

Suppose you were lonj?-nos'd, suppose such nose you weare<br />

As Atlas, if you should intrent him, would not beare,<br />

That you in flouting old Latmus can be fine.<br />

Yet can you say no more about these toyes of mine,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I have said ; what boote tooth with a tooth to whet ?<br />

You must have fleshe, if you to glut your selfc be set.<br />

Loose not your paines; 'gainst them who on themselves are<br />

doting<br />

Keepe you your sting: we know these things of ours are<br />

nothing.<br />

I am not bound to utter no follies, so I be not deceived<br />

to know them: and wittingly to erre is so o<strong>rd</strong>inarie in<br />

me that I erre not much otherwise; and seldome erre<br />

casually. It is a small matter to yeeld the fond actions<br />

unto the rashnesse of my humors, since I cannot warrant<br />

my selfe o<strong>rd</strong>inarily to yeeld them the vicious. Being<br />

at Barleduc I saw for the commendation of ltenate the<br />

King of Sicilies memory a picture which with his owne<br />

hands he had made of himselfe, presented unto our<br />

King Francis the second : why is it not as lawfull for<br />

evejry man else to pourtray himself with his pen, as it<br />

was for him to do it with a pensell ? I will not then<br />

forget this blemish, unfit to be seene of all. That is<br />

irresolution, a most incommodious defect in the negotiation<br />

of worldly affaires: I cannot resolve in matters<br />

admitting doubtfulnesse:<br />

Ne si, ne no, nel cuor mi suona intiero,²<br />

Nor yea, nor nay, sounds clearely in my heart.<br />

1 MART. 1. xiii. Epig. ii. 1.<br />

² PETR. Pa, i. Son. cxxxviii. 8.

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