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Jtina lucernarum florentia lumina flammis,<br />

Et duplices hominum fades, et corpora bina. 1<br />

<strong>The</strong> lights of candels double darning then;<br />

And faces twame, and bodies twaine of men<br />

If our eares chance to he hindred hy any thing, or<br />

that the passage of our hearing hee stopt, we receive<br />

the sound otherwise then we were o<strong>rd</strong>inarily wont<br />

Such beasts as have hairie eares, or that in lieu of an<br />

eare have but a little hole, doe not hy consequence<br />

heare that we heare, and receive the sound other then<br />

it is. We see at solemn shewes or in theatres that,<br />

opposing any collou<strong>rd</strong> glasse hetweene our eyes and<br />

the torches light, whatsoever is in the roome seemes or<br />

greene, or yellow, or red unto us, acco<strong>rd</strong>ing to the<br />

collour of the glasse.<br />

Et vulgd faciunt id lutea russaque vela,<br />

Etfei ruginea, cum magnis intenta theatris<br />

Per malos volgata trabesque trementia pendent:<br />

Namque ibi consessum caveat subter, et omnem<br />

Scenai speciem, patrum matrumque deorumque<br />

Inficiunt coguntque mofluxtare colore, 2<br />

And yellow, russet, rustic curtaines worke this feate<br />

in common sights abroade, where over skaftold's great<br />

Stretched on masts, spred over beames, they hang still waving.<br />

All the seates circuit there, and all the stages braving,<br />

<strong>Of</strong> fathers, mothers, Gods, and all the circled showe<br />

<strong>The</strong>y double-dye and in their colours make to flowe.<br />

It is likely that those beasts eyes which we see to he of<br />

divers collours, produce the apparances of those bodies<br />

they looke upon to be like their eyes. To judge the<br />

senses operation, it were then necessary we were first<br />

agreed with beasts, and then betweene our selves;<br />

which we are not, but ever-and-anon disputing about<br />

that one seeth, heareth, or tasteth something to be<br />

other then indeed it is; and contend as much as about<br />

any thing else, of the diversity of those images our<br />

senses report unto us. A yong child heareth, seeth,<br />

¹ LUCR. 1. iv. 452, 454. ² lb. 73.

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