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Why followes violence the savage Lyons race ?<br />

Why craft the Foxes ? Why to Deere to five apace V<br />

By parents is it given, when parents feare incites,<br />

Unlesse because a certaine force of inwa<strong>rd</strong> spirits<br />

With all the body growes,<br />

As seed and seed-spring goes ?<br />

That divine justice is grounded thereupon, punishing<br />

the fathers offences upon the children; forsomuch as<br />

the contagion of the fathers vices is in some sort<br />

printed in childrens soules, and that the misgovernment<br />

of their will toucheth them. Moreover, that if the<br />

soules came from any other place, then by a naturall<br />

consequence, and that out of the body they should have<br />

heene some other thing, they should have some remembrance<br />

of their first being: considering the naturall<br />

faculties which are proper unto him, to discourse, to<br />

reason, and to remember.<br />

si in corpus nascentibns insinuattir,<br />

Cur super anteactam cptatcm memtnise nequimus,<br />

Nec vestigia testatum rerum ulla tenemus ? ¹<br />

If our soule at our birth be in our body cast,<br />

Why can we not remember ages over-past,<br />

Nor any markes retaine of things done first or last ?<br />

For, to make our soules condition to be of that worth<br />

we would, they must all be presupposed wise, even<br />

when they are in their naturall simplicitie and genuine<br />

puritie. So should they have beene such, being freed<br />

from the corporall prison, as well before they entred<br />

the same, as we hope they shall be when they shall be<br />

out of it. And it were necessarie they should (being<br />

yet in the body) remember the said knowledge (as Plato<br />

said) that what we learnt was but a new remembring of<br />

that which we had knowne before: a thing that any<br />

man may by experience maintaine to be false and erroneous.<br />

First, because we doe not precisely remember<br />

what we are taught, and that if memorie did meerely<br />

execute her function, she would at least suggest us with<br />

something besides our learning. Secondly, what she<br />

¹ LUCR. 1. iii, 692.

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