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women, when their naturall teeth faile them, use some<br />

of yuorie, and in stead of a true beautie, or lively colour,<br />

lay on some artificiall hew; and as they make trunk<br />

sleeves of wyre, and whale-bone bodies, backes of<br />

lathes, and stiffe bombasted ve<strong>rd</strong>ugals, and to the openview<br />

of all men paint and embellish themselves with<br />

counterfeit and borrowed beauties ; so doth learning<br />

(and our law hath, as some say, certaine lawfull fictions,<br />

on which it groundeth the truth of justice) which in<br />

liew of currant payment and presupposition, delivereth<br />

us those things, which she her selfe teacheth us to be<br />

meere inventions : for these Epicycles Excentriques, and<br />

Concentriques, which Astrology useth to direct the state<br />

and motions of her starres, she giveth them unto us, as<br />

the best she could ever invent, to fit and sute unto this<br />

subject: as in all things else, Philosophy presenteth<br />

unto us, not that which is or she beleeveth, but what<br />

she inventeth as having most apparence, likelihood, or<br />

comelinesse. Plato upon the discourse of our bodiesestate<br />

and of that of beasts : that what we have said<br />

is true we would be assured of it had we but the confirmation<br />

of some oracle to continue it. This only we<br />

warrant, that it is the likeliest we could say. It is not<br />

to heaven alone that she sendeth her co<strong>rd</strong>ages, her<br />

engines, and her wheeles. Let us but somewhat consider<br />

what she saith of our selves and of our contexture.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no more retrogradation, trepidation, augmentation,<br />

recoyling, and violence in the starres and celestiall<br />

bodies than they have fained and devised in this poor<br />

seeley little body of man. Verily they have thence had<br />

reason to name it Microcosmos, or little world, so many<br />

severall parts and visages have they imploied to fashion<br />

and frame the same. To accommodate the motions<br />

which they see in man, the divers functions and faculties<br />

that we feel in our selves. Into how many severall<br />

parts have they divided our soule? Into how many<br />

seats have they placed her ? Into how many o<strong>rd</strong>ers,<br />

stages, and stations have they divided this wretched<br />

man, beside the naturall and perceptible ? and to how<br />

many distinct offices and vocations? <strong>The</strong>y make a

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