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to speak, they are many times forced to forge divers<br />

feeble and fond conjectures: Not that themselves<br />

tooke them for a ground-worke, not to establish a<br />

truth, but for an exercise of their studie. Non tarn<br />

id eensisfie, quod dicerent, quam exercere ingenia materia<br />

difficultate videntur volutsse: ' <strong>The</strong>y seem not so much<br />

to have thought as they said, as rather willing to<br />

exercise their wits in the difficulty of the matter.'<br />

And if ft were not so taken, how should we cloke so<br />

great an inconstancie, varietie and vanity of opinions,<br />

which wee see to have beene produced by these excellent<br />

and admirable spirits ? As for example, What<br />

greater vanitie can there be than to goe about by our<br />

proportions and conjectures to guesse at God? And<br />

to governe both him and the world acco<strong>rd</strong>ing to our<br />

capacitie and lawes ?' And to use this small scantlin<br />

of sufficiencie, which he hath pleased to impart unto<br />

our naturall condition, at the cost and charges of<br />

divinitie? And because we cannot extend our sight<br />

so farre as his glorious throne, to have removed him<br />

downe to our corruption and miseries ? <strong>Of</strong> all humane<br />

and ancient opinions concerning religion, I thinke<br />

that to have had more likelyhood and excuse, which<br />

knowledged and confessed God to be an incomprehensible<br />

power, chiefe beginning and preserver of all<br />

things; all goodness, all perfection; accepting in<br />

good part the honour and reverence which mortall<br />

men did yeeld him, under what usage, name and<br />

manner soever it was.<br />

Jupiter omnipotent rervm, regumque, Deumque,<br />

Progenitor, genitrtxque. 1<br />

Almightie love is parent said to be<br />

<strong>Of</strong> things, of Kings, of Gods, both he and she.<br />

This zeale hath universally beene rega<strong>rd</strong>ed of heaven<br />

with a gentle and gracious eye. All policies have<br />

reaped some fruit by their devotion ; Men and impious<br />

actions have every where had correspondent events,<br />

1 VALERIUS SORANUS, quoted from VARRO by AUGUSTIN,<br />

De CIV. Dei.

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