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so you chuse. A very foolish answer: to which it<br />

seemeth nevertheless that all Dogmatisme arriveth; by<br />

which it is not lawfull for you to bee ignorant of that<br />

we know not. Take the best and strongest side, it<br />

shall never be so sure but you shall have occasion to<br />

defend the same, to close and combat a hundred and a<br />

hundred sides ? Is it not better to keepe out of this<br />

confusion? You are suffered to embrace as your<br />

honour and life Aristotles opinion upon the eternitie<br />

of the soule, and to belie and contradict whatsoever<br />

Plato saith concerning that; and shall they be inte<strong>rd</strong>icted<br />

to doubt of it ? If it be lawfull for Pansecius to<br />

maintaine his judgement about auspices, dreames,<br />

oracles, and prophecies, whereof the Stoikes make no<br />

doubt at all: wherfore shall not a wise man dare that<br />

in all things which this man dareth in such as he hath<br />

learned of his masters, confirmed and established by<br />

the general consent of the schoole whereof he is a<br />

sectary and a professor ? If it be a childe that judgeth,<br />

he wots not what it is; if a learned man, he is<br />

forestalled. <strong>The</strong>y have reserved a great advantage<br />

for themselves in the combat, having discharged themselves<br />

of the care how to shroud themselves. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

care not to be beaten, so they may strike againe : and<br />

all is fish that comes to net with them. If they<br />

overcome, your proposition halteth; if you, theirs is<br />

lame; if they faile, they verifie ignorance; if you, she<br />

is verified by you; if they prove that nothing is knowen,<br />

it is very well; if they cannot prove it, it is good<br />

alike: Vt quum in eadem re paria contrants in partibua<br />

momenta inveniuntur, facilius ab utraque parte assertio<br />

sustineatur: 1 ' So as when the same matter the like<br />

weight and moment is found on divers parts, we may<br />

the more easily hold with avouching on both parts.'<br />

And they suppose to find out more easily why a thing<br />

is false than true, and that which is not than that<br />

which is: and what they beleeve not, than that what<br />

they beleeve. <strong>The</strong>ir manner of speech is, ' I confirme<br />

nothing.' It is no more so than thus, or neither; I<br />

1 CIC. Acad. Qu. 1. x

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