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We imagine and faine her formes, as our fantasies<br />

lead us.<br />

Turpis Romano Belgicus ore color, 1<br />

A Dutch-froes colour hath no grace,<br />

Seen in a Roman Ladies face.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indians descrihe it blacke and swarthy, with<br />

blabbered-thick lips, with a broad and flat nose, the<br />

inwa<strong>rd</strong> gristle whereof they loade with great gold rings,<br />

hanging downe to their mouth, and their neather lips<br />

with great circlets beset with precious stones, which<br />

cover all their chins, deeming it an especiall grace to<br />

shew their teeth to the roots. In Peru, the greatest<br />

eares are ever esteemed the fairest, which with all art<br />

and industrie they are continually stretching out; and<br />

a man (who yet liveth) sweareth to have seen in a<br />

Province of the East Indias the people so careful 1 to<br />

make them great, and so to load them with heavie<br />

jewels, that with ease he could have thrust his arme<br />

through one of their eare-holes. <strong>The</strong>re are other<br />

Nations who endevour to make their teeth as blacke<br />

as jeat, and skorne to have them white; and in other<br />

places they die them red. Not onely in the province<br />

of Baske, but in other places, women are accounted<br />

fairest when their heads are shaven, and which is<br />

strange, in some of the Northerly frozen-countries, as<br />

Plinie affirmeth. Those of Mexico esteeme the littlenesse<br />

of their foreheads as one of the chiefest beauties,<br />

and whereas they sliave their haire over all their bodie<br />

besides, by artificiall meanes they labour to nourish and<br />

make it grow onely in their foreheads ; and so love to<br />

have great dugs, that they strive to have their children<br />

sucke over their shoulders. So would we set forth<br />

ilfavo<strong>rd</strong>nesse. <strong>The</strong> Italians proportion it big and plum;<br />

the Spania<strong>rd</strong>s spynie and lanke; and amongst us one<br />

would have her white, another browne, and soft and<br />

delicate, another strong and lustie; some desire wautonuesse<br />

and blithnesse, and othersome stu<strong>rd</strong>inesse and<br />

1 PROPERT. 1. ii. Eleg. xviii. 26.

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